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Co X, a US company, owned 30% of the equity of a Chinese company, Co A. Co X sold all of t

he equity in Co A at a profit to a UK company, Co Y.

Which of the following statements are correct?

(1) Co X is the taxpayer for China enterprise income tax (EIT)

(2) Co Y is the withholding agent for China EIT

(3) Co A is the withholding agent for China EIT

(4) The EIT should be filed at the place where Co

A.is located A 1 and 2

B.1, 3 and 4

C.1 and 4 only

D.3 and 4 only

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更多“Co X, a US company, owned 30% …”相关的问题
Section A – This ONE question is compulsory and MUST be attemptedCocoa-Mocha-Chai (CMC) Co

Section A – This ONE question is compulsory and MUST be attempted

Cocoa-Mocha-Chai (CMC) Co is a large listed company based in Switzerland and uses Swiss Francs as its currency. It imports tea, coffee and cocoa from countries around the world, and sells its blended products to supermarkets and large retailers worldwide. The company has production facilities located in two European ports where raw materials are brought for processing, and from where finished products are shipped out. All raw material purchases are paid for in US dollars (US$), while all sales are invoiced in Swiss Francs (CHF).

Until recently CMC Co had no intention of hedging its foreign currency exposures, interest rate exposures or commodity price fluctuations, and stated this intent in its annual report. However, after consultations with senior and middle managers, the company’s new Board of Directors (BoD) has been reviewing its risk management and operations strategies.

The following two proposals have been put forward by the BoD for further consideration:

Proposal one

Setting up a treasury function to manage the foreign currency and interest rate exposures (but not commodity price fluctuations) using derivative products. The treasury function would be headed by the finance director. The purchasing director, who initiated the idea of having a treasury function, was of the opinion that this would enable her management team to make better decisions. The finance director also supported the idea as he felt this would increase his influence on the BoD and strengthen his case for an increase in his remuneration.

In order to assist in the further consideration of this proposal, the BoD wants you to use the following upcoming foreign currency and interest rate exposures to demonstrate how they would be managed by the treasury function:

(i) a payment of US$5,060,000 which is due in four months’ time; and

(ii) a four-year CHF60,000,000 loan taken out to part-fund the setting up of four branches (see proposal two below). Interest will be payable on the loan at a fixed annual rate of 2·2% or a floating annual rate based on the yield curve rate plus 0·40%. The loan’s principal amount will be repayable in full at the end of the fourth year.

Proposal two

This proposal suggested setting up four new branches in four different countries. Each branch would have its own production facilities and sales teams. As a consequence of this, one of the two European-based production facilities will be closed. Initial cost-benefit analysis indicated that this would reduce costs related to production, distribution and logistics, as these branches would be closer to the sources of raw materials and also to the customers. The operations and sales directors supported the proposal, as in addition to above, this would enable sales and marketing teams in the branches to respond to any changes in nearby markets more quickly. The branches would be controlled and staffed by the local population in those countries. However, some members of the BoD expressed concern that such a move would create agency issues between CMC Co’s central management and the management controlling the branches. They suggested mitigation strategies would need to be established to minimise these issues.

Response from the non-executive directors

When the proposals were put to the non-executive directors, they indicated that they were broadly supportive of the second proposal if the financial benefits outweigh the costs of setting up and running the four branches. However, they felt that they could not support the first proposal, as this would reduce shareholder value because the costs related to undertaking the proposal are likely to outweigh the benefits.

Additional information relating to proposal one

The current spot rate is US$1·0635 per CHF1. The current annual inflation rate in the USA is three times higher than Switzerland.

The following derivative products are available to CMC Co to manage the exposures of the US$ payment and the interest on the loan:

Exchange-traded currency futures

Contract size CHF125,000 price quotation: US$ per CHF1

Section A – This ONE question is compulsory and MU

It can be assumed that futures and option contracts expire at the end of the month and transaction costs related to these can be ignored.

Over-the-counter products

In addition to the exchange-traded products, Pecunia Bank is willing to offer the following over-the-counter derivative products to CMC Co:

(i) A forward rate between the US$ and the CHF of US$ 1·0677 per CHF1.

(ii) An interest rate swap contract with a counterparty, where the counterparty can borrow at an annual floating rate based on the yield curve rate plus 0·8% or an annual fixed rate of 3·8%. Pecunia Bank would charge a fee of 20 basis points each to act as the intermediary of the swap. Both parties will benefit equally from the swap contract.


(a) Advise CMC Co on an appropriate hedging strategy to manage the foreign exchange exposure of the US$ payment in four months’ time. Show all relevant calculations, including the number of contracts bought or sold in the exchange-traded derivative markets. (15 marks)

(b) Demonstrate how CMC Co could benefit from the swap offered by Pecunia Bank. (6 marks)

(c) As an alternative to paying the principal on the loan as one lump sum at the end of the fourth year, CMC Co could pay off the loan in equal annual amounts over the four years similar to an annuity. In this case, an annual interest rate of 2% would be payable, which is the same as the loan’s gross redemption yield (yield to maturity).

Required: Calculate the modified duration of the loan if it is repaid in equal amounts and explain how duration can be used to measure the sensitivity of the loan to changes in interest rates. (7 marks)

(d) Prepare a memorandum for the Board of Directors (BoD) of CMC Co which:

(i) Discusses proposal one in light of the concerns raised by the non-executive directors; and (9 marks)

(ii) Discusses the agency issues related to proposal two and how these can be mitigated. (9 marks)

Professional marks will be awarded in part (d) for the presentation, structure, logical flow and clarity of the memorandum. (4 marks)

IntroductionThe following is an interview with Mick Kazinski, a senior marketing executive


The following is an interview with Mick Kazinski, a senior marketing executive with Bridge Co, a Deeland-based construction company. It concerns their purchase of Custcare, a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software package written by the Custcare Corporation, a software company based in Solland, a country some 4,000 km away from Deeland. The interview was originally published in the Management Experiences magazine.

Interviewer: Thanks for talking to us today Mick. Can you tell us how Bridge Co came to choose the Custcare software package?

Mick: Well, we didn’t choose it really. Teri Porter had just joined the company as sales and marketing director. She had recently implemented the Custcare package at her previous company and she was very enthusiastic about it. When she found out that we did not have a CRM package at Bridge Co, she suggested that we should also buy the Custcare package as she felt that our requirements were very similar to those of her previous company. We told her that any purchase would have to go through our capex (capital expenditure) system as the package cost over $20,000. Here at Bridge Co, all capex applications have to be accompanied by a formal business case and an Invitation to Tender (ITT) has to be sent out to at least three potential suppliers. However, Teri is a very clever lady. She managed to do a deal with Custcare and they agreed to supply the package at a cost of $19,995, just under the capex threshold. Teri had to cut a few things out. For example, we declined the training courses (Teri said the package was an easy one to use and she would show us how to use it) and also we opted for the lowest level of support, something we later came to regret. Overall, we were happy. We knew that Custcare was a popular and successful CRM package.

Interviewer: So, did you have a demonstration of the software before you bought it?

Mick: Oh yes, and everyone was very impressed. It seemed to do all the things we would ever want it to do and, in fact, it gave us some ideas about possibilities that we would never have thought of. Also, by then, it was clear that our internal IT department could not provide us with a bespoke solution. Teri had spoken to them informally and she was told that they could not even look at our requirements for 18 months. In contrast, we could be up and running with the Custcare package within three months. Also, IT quoted an internal transfer cost of $18,000 for just defining our requirements. This was almost as much as we were paying for the whole software solution!

Interviewer: When did things begin to go wrong?

Mick: Well, the implementation was not straightforward. We needed to migrate some data from our current established systems and we had no-one who could do it. We tried to recruit some local technical experts, but Custcare pointed out that we had signed their standard contract which only permitted Custcare consultants to work on such tasks. We had not realised this, as nobody had read the contract carefully. In the end, we had to give in and it cost us $10,000 in fees to migrate the data from some of our internal systems to the new package. Teri managed to get the money out of the operational budget, but we weren’t happy.

We then tried to share data between the Custcare software and our existing order processing system. We thought this would be easy, but apparently the file formats are incompatible. Thus we have to enter customer information into two systems and we are unable to exploit the customer order analysis facility of the Custcare CRM.

Finally, although we were happy with the functionality and reliability of the Custcare software, it works very slowly. This is really very disappointing. Some reports and queries have to be aborted because the software appears to have hung. The software worked very quickly in the demonstration, but it is painfully slow now that it is installed on our IT platform.

Interviewer: What is the current situation?

Mick: Well, we are all a bit deflated and disappointed in the package. The software seems reasonable enough, but its poor performance and our inability to interface it to the order processing system have reduced users’ confidence in the system. Because users have not been adequately trained, we have had to phone Custcare’s support desk more than we should. However, as I said before, we took the cheapest option. This is for a help line to be available from 8.00 hrs to 17.00 hrs Solland time. As you know, Solland is in a completely different time zone and so we have had to stay behind at work and contact them in the late evening. Again, nobody had closely read the terms of the contract. We have taken legal advice, but we have also found that, for dispute resolution, the contract uses the commercial contract laws of Solland. Nobody in Bridge Co knows what these are! Our solicitor said that we should have asked for this specification to be changed when the contract was drawn up. I just wish we had chosen a product produced by a company here in Deeland. It would have made it much easier to resolve issues and disputes.

Interviewer: What does Teri think?

Mick: Not a lot! She has left us to rejoin her old company in a more senior position. The board did ask her to justify her purchase of the Custcare CRM package, but I don’t think she ever did. I am not sure that she could!


(a) Suggest a process for evaluating, selecting and implementing a software package solution and explain how this process would have prevented the problems experienced at Bridge Co in the Custcare CRM application. (15 marks)

(b) The CEO of Bridge Co now questions whether buying a software package was the wrong approach to meeting the CRM requirements at Bridge Co. He wonders whether they should have commissioned a bespoke software system instead.

Explain, with reference to the CRM project at Bridge Co, the advantages of adopting a software package approach to fulfilling business system requirements compared with a bespoke software solution. (10 marks)

The Telephone Co (T Co) is a company specialising in the provision of telephone systems fo

The Telephone Co (T Co) is a company specialising in the provision of telephone systems for commercial clients. There are two parts to the business:

– installing telephone systems in businesses, either first time installations or replacement installations;

– supporting the telephone systems with annually renewable maintenance contracts.

T Co has been approached by a potential customer, Push Co, who wants to install a telephone system in new offices it is opening. Whilst the job is not a particularly large one, T Co is hopeful of future business in the form. of replacement systems and support contracts for Push Co. T Co is therefore keen to quote a competitive price for the job. The following information should be considered:

1. One of the company’s salesmen has already been to visit Push Co, to give them a demonstration of the new system, together with a complimentary lunch, the costs of which totalled $400.

2. The installation is expected to take one week to complete and would require three engineers, each of whom is paid a monthly salary of $4,000. The engineers have just had their annually renewable contract renewed with T Co. One of the three engineers has spare capacity to complete the work, but the other two would have to be moved from contract X in order to complete this one. Contract X generates a contribution of $5 per engineer hour. There are no other engineers available to continue with Contract X if these two engineers are taken off the job. It would mean that T Co would miss its contractual completion deadline on Contract X by one week. As a result, T Co would have to pay a one-off penalty of $500. Since there is no other work scheduled for their engineers in one week’s time, it will not be a problem for them to complete Contract X at this point.

3. T Co’s technical advisor would also need to dedicate eight hours of his time to the job. He is working at full capacity, so he would have to work overtime in order to do this. He is paid an hourly rate of $40 and is paid for all overtime at a premium of 50% above his usual hourly rate.

4. Two visits would need to be made by the site inspector to approve the completed work. He is an independent contractor who is not employed by T Co, and charges Push Co directly for the work. His cost is $200 for each visit made.

5. T Co’s system trainer would need to spend one day at Push Co delivering training. He is paid a monthly salary of $1,500 but also receives commission of $125 for each day spent delivering training at a client’s site.

6. 120 telephone handsets would need to be supplied to Push Co. The current cost of these is $18·20 each, although T Co already has 80 handsets in inventory. These were bought at a price of $16·80 each. The handsets are the most popular model on the market and frequently requested by T Co’s customers.

7. Push Co would also need a computerised control system called ‘Swipe 2’. The current market price of Swipe 2 is $10,800, although T Co has an older version of the system, ‘Swipe 1’, in inventory, which could be modified at a cost of $4,600. T Co paid $5,400 for Swipe 1 when it ordered it in error two months ago and has no other use for it. The current market price of Swipe 1 is $5,450, although if T Co tried to sell the one they have, it would be deemed to be ‘used’ and therefore only worth $3,000.

8. 1,000 metres of cable would be required to wire up the system. The cable is used frequently by T Co and it has 200 metres in inventory, which cost $1·20 per metre. The current market price for the cable is $1·30 per metre.

9. You should assume that there are four weeks in each month and that the standard working week is 40 hours long.


(a) Prepare a cost statement, using relevant costing principles, showing the minimum cost that T Co should charge for the contract. Make DETAILED notes showing how each cost has been arrived at and EXPLAINING why each of the costs above has been included or excluded from your cost statement. (14 marks)

(b) Explain the relevant costing principles used in part (a) and explain the implications of the minimum price that has been calculated in relation to the final price agreed with Push Co. (6 marks)

The manager of the company sent me a fax saying that he would visit us ______ next spring.

A.some time



D.some times

Andrew Co is a large listed company financed by both equity and debt.In which of the follo

Andrew Co is a large listed company financed by both equity and debt.

In which of the following areas of financial management will the impact of working capital management be smallest?

A.Liquidity management

B.Interest rate management

C.Management of relationship with the bank

D.Dividend policy

__________ ,I should ask them some questions.A.Should they come to usB.If they co

__________ ,I should ask them some questions.

A.Should they come to us

B.If they come to as

C.Were they come to us

D.Had they come to us

Dano Stock Co, a listed company listing in the securities market with total assets of RMB
600 million yuan, intended to merge with a limited liability company (LLC) in the form. of merger by absorption. LLC had total assets of RMB 250 million yuan and debts of RMB 50 million yuan, owed to a local electricity plant.


In accordance with the relevant provisions of the Company Law:

(a) Describe the relevant voting requirement by the general shareholders’ meeting of Dano Stock Co to approve the merger. (2 marks)

(b) Explain why such a voting requirement by the general shareholders’ meeting is needed to pass a resolution. (2 marks)

(c) State what right the creditors of the LLC should have once they receive notice of the company merger. (2 marks)

A computer trading company took ten computers from its warehouse.Which of the following us

A computer trading company took ten computers from its warehouse.

Which of the following uses of the computers will be classed as a deemed sale for BOTH value added tax (VAT) and enterprise income tax (EIT)?

A.To be used in the company’s offices as fixed assets

B.To be given as souvenirs to the company’s customers

C.To be sent to the company’s branch office for sale

D.To be scrapped as they were no longer saleable

Bluebird Enterprises Co (Bluebird) is a retail company planning to list on a stock exchang

Bluebird Enterprises Co (Bluebird) is a retail company planning to list on a stock exchange within the next six months, and management has been advised by the company’s auditors about the need for compliance with corporate governance provisions. In particular, the finance director is looking to recruit non-executive directors as he understands that Bluebird will need to establish an audit committee.

The finance director has two potential non-executive directors whom he is considering approaching to join the board of Bluebird. Antony Goldfinch is currently an executive sales director of a listed multi-national banking company; he sits on an audit committee of another company as a non-executive director and is agreeable to being paid a fixed fee which is not related to profits. Jacob Mallard is currently a finance director of a small retail company, which does not compete with Bluebird; he has expressed an interest in a fixed seven year contract and he is the brother of Bluebird’s chief executive.


(a) Explain the benefits to Bluebird Enterprises Co of establishing an audit committee. (4 marks)

(b) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of appointing:

(i) Anthony Goldfinch; and

(ii) Jacob Mallard

as non-executive directors of Bluebird Enterprises Co.

Note: The total marks will be split equally between each part. (6 marks)

Dalie Limited Liability Co (Dalie Co) applied to the people’s court for bankruptcy due to

Dalie Limited Liability Co (Dalie Co) applied to the people’s court for bankruptcy due to its poor business operations. On 30 April 2012, the people’s court rendered an order to accept the bankruptcy application and designated a bankruptcy administrator. At this moment, Dalie Co faced the following key financial matters:

(i) Construction Company had brought a lawsuit against Dalie Co for its delay to pay the construction price due, but the case was still pending for trial;

(ii) Dalie Co owed a loan totalling RMB 20 million yuan to Industry Bank, of which RMB 12 million yuan was secured by a guarantee agreement on the buildings of Dalie Co;

(iii) Dalie Co had provided a guarantee to Merchant Bank for a loan of RMB 10 million yuan borrowed by Jiqing Company. The loan has matured but Jiqing Company failed to repay the principal and interest.


Answer the following questions in accordance with the Enterprise Bankruptcy Law of China, and give your reasons for your answers:

(a) state how to deal with the pending disputes between Construction Company and Dalie Co; (3 marks)

(b) state how to deal with the loan of RMB 20 million yuan owed to Industry Bank; (3 marks)

(c) state whether Merchant Bank was entitled to declare the credit and join the bankruptcy procedure. (4 marks)

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