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“Culture is a system of shared beliefs, values, customs, behaviors, and artifacts that t

he members of a society use to cope with their world and with one another, and that are transmitted from generation to generation through learning.” It defines culture from ________ perspective.





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更多““Culture is a system of shared…”相关的问题
In the seventeenth century, European soldiers who came across some Indian groups in the we
stern Great Lakes found that several native tribes were living in the area without a formal leadership system. They appeared to be "quite friendly with each other without a formal authority!"

Not only did the Indians appear to lack a formal system of authority, but they also deeply hated any efforts to control their actions. All members of the tribes knew what was required of them by lifelong familiarity with the tasks of the area. These tasks tended to be simple, since the Indian's rate of social change was slow. Thus, although subgroups such as soldiers had recognized leaders, no real authority was required. Rather than giving direct orders (which were considered rough), members of the tribes would arouse others to action by examples.

It would be difficult, if not impossible, to carry out such a system in our own society. Most of us have grown up under one authority or another for as long as we can remember. Our parents, our teachers, our bosses, our government all have the recognized right under certain conditions to tell us what to do. The authority is so much a part of our culture that it is hard for us to imagine a workable society without it. We have been used to relying on authority to get things done and would probably be uncomfortable with the Indian methods of examples on a large scale.

Of course, the major reason why the Indian system would not be suitable for us is that our society is too large. The number of tasks that various members of our society have to perform. often under tight time and resource limitations could not be treated by the Indian system. In modern societies, the formal authority system is necessary to achieve any social objectives.

Which of the following statements is correct according to the passage?

A.From 1710 to 1780, European soldiers came across some Indian groups in the western Great Lakes.

B.European soldiers were quite friendly to the Indian groups.

C.The Indian groups had no leaders.

D.The Indian groups were friendly to each other without a formal leadership system.

We develop our impressions of other countries and their people through books, movies, tele
vision, magazines, fellow students, and friends. But is there really any substitute for first-hand experience?

Come, spend a summer studying in the USA, and get to know people and a land which are incredibly rich in their variety. You may end up on an urban campus or a rural one, at a small school or a large one, in a cool climate or a warm one, in San Francisco or St. Louis. But whatever your experience, it will be first-hand, personal, alive, and unforgettable!

If you spend a summer studying in the USA, you'll have advantages which the tourist never will. Not only will you learn the subject matter of your choice, but you’ll gain an understanding of the American educational system as well. You'll experience the culture of the people and the dynamics of your physical environment. But above all, as a student you'll have a chance to meet Americans. Get to know them, communicate, exchange ideas and opinions, and hopefully form. friendships which will endure beyond the length of your stay in the USA.

The following articles will help you in deciding which summer program to choose, what to bring, and how to adjust to the life in the USA. But the first and most important decision is one which you can make right now. Why not say, "This summer, I'll be studying in the USA!"

According to the passage, our impressions of other countries and their people are usually developed ______.

A.through first-hand experience

B.in the very countries

C.through friendships with people

D.through various sources of experience

Television has changed the lifestyle. of people in every industrialized country in the wor
ld. In the United States, where sociologists have studied the effects, some interesting observations have been made.

Television, although not essential, has become an important part of most people’s lives. It alters people's ways of seeing the world; in many ways, it supports and sustains (维持) modern life. Television has become a baby-sitter, an introducer of conversations, the major transmitter of culture, a keeper of tradition. Yet when what can be seen on TV in one day is critically analyzed, it becomes evident that television is not a teacher but a sustainer; the poor quality of programming does not elevate (提高)people into greater understanding, but rather maintains and encourages the life as it exists.

The primary reason for the lack of quality in American television is related to both the history of TV programming development and the economics of TV. Television in America began with the radio. Radio companies and their sponsors first experimented with television. Therefore, the close relationship which the advertisers had with radio programs became the system for American TV. Sponsors not only paid money for time within programs, but many actually produced the programs. Thus, in American society, television is primarily concerned with reflecting and attracting society rather than experimenting with new ideas. Advertisers want to attract the largest viewing audience possible. To do so requires that the programs be entertaining rather than educational, attractive rather than challenging.

Television in America today remains, to a large extent, with the same organization and standards as it had thirty years ago. The hope for further development and true achievement toward improving society will require a change in the entire system.

According to the author American television is poor in quality because ______.

A.advertisers are interested in experimenting with new ideas

B.it is still at an early stage of development, compared with the radio

C.the programs have to be developed in the interests of the sponsors for economic reasons

D.it is controlled by radio companies

A century ago, the immigrants from across the Atlantic inclued settlers and sojourners. Along with the many folks looking to make a permanent home in the United States came those who had no intention

Today, we are much more rigid about immigrants. We divide nemcomers into two categories: legal or illegal, good or bad. We hail them as Americans in the making, or our broken immigrantion system and the long political paralysis over how to fix it. We don’t need more categories, but we need to change the way we think about categories. We need to look beyond strick definitions of legal and illegal. To start, we can recognize the new birds of passage, those living and thriving in the gray areas. We might then begin to solve our immigration challenges.

Crop pickers, violinists, construction workers, entrepreneurs, engineers, home health-care aides and physicists are among today’s birds of passage. They are energetic participants in a global economy driven by the flow of work, money and ideas .They prefer to come and go as opportunity calls them , They can manage to have a job in one place and a family in another.

With or without permission, they straddle laws, jurisdictions and identities with ease. We need them to imagine the United States as a place where they can be productive for a while without committing themselves to staying forever. We need them to feel that home can be both here and there and that they can belong to two nations honorably.

Accommodating this new world of people in motion will require new attitudes on both sides of the immigration battle .Looking beyond the culture war logic of right or wrong means opening up the middle ground and understanding that managing immigration today requires multiple paths and multiple outcomes. Including some that are not easy to accomplish legally in the existing system.

“Birds of passage” refers to those who____ .

A.immigrate across the Atlantic.

B.leave their home countries for good.

C.stay in a foreign temporialy.

D.find permanent jobs overseas.

It is implied in paragraph 2 that the current immigration system in the US____ .A.needs new immigrant categories.

B.has loosened control over immigrants.

C.should be adopted to meet challenges.

D.has been fixed via political means.

According to the author, today’s birds of passage want___ .A.financial incentives.

B.a global recognition.

C.opportunities to get regular jobs.

D.the freedom to stay and leave.

The author suggests that the birds of passage today should be treated ____ .A.as faithful partners.

B.with economic favors.

C.with regal tolerance.

D.as mighty rivals.

Select the title that is most suitable for the articleA.come and go: big mistake.

B.living and thriving : great risk.

C.with or without : great risk.

D.legal or illegal: big mistake.

Tench Cars (Tench) is large national car manufacturing business. It is based in Essland, a

Tench Cars (Tench) is large national car manufacturing business. It is based in Essland, a country that has recently turned from state communism to democratic capitalism. The car industry had been heavily supported and controlled by the bureaucracy of the old regime. The government had stipulated production and employment targets for the business but had ignored profit as a performance measure. Tench is now run by a new generation of capitalist business people intent on rejuvenating the company’s fortunes.

The company has a strong position within Essland, which has a population of 200 million and forms the majority of Tench’s market. However, the company has also traditionally achieved a good market share in six neighbouring countries due to historic links and shared culture between them and Essland. All of these markets are experiencing growing car ownership as political and market reforms lead to greater wealth in a large proportion of the population. Additionally, the new government in Essland is deregulating markets and opening the country to imports of foreign vehicles.

Tench’s management recognises that it needs to make fundamental changes to its production approach in order to combat increased competition from foreign manufacturers. Tench’s cars are now being seen as ugly, pollutive and with poor safety features in comparison to the foreign competition. Management plans to address this by improving the quality of its cars through the use of quality management techniques. It plans to improve financial performance through the use of Kaizen costing and just-in-time purchasing and production. Tench’s existing performance reporting system uses standard costing and budgetary variance analysis in order to monitor and control production activities.

The Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of Tench has commented that he is confused by the terminology associated with quality management and needs a clearer understanding of the different costs associated with quality management. The CFO also wants to know the impact of including quality costs and using the Kaizen costing approach on the traditional standard costing approach at Tench.


Write to the CFO to:

(a) Discuss the impact of collection and use of quality costs on the current costing systems at Tench. (6 marks)

(b) Discuss and evaluate the impact of the Kaizen costing approach on the costing systems and employee management at Tench. (8 marks)

(c) Briefly evaluate the effect of moving to just-in-time purchasing and production, noting the impact on performance measures at Tench. (6 marks)

It is said that by tradition the Chinese culture is a().

A.shame culture

B.guilt culture

C.industrial culture

D.nomadic culture






Gestures, a body language of human beings,_________widely from culture to culture

Gestures, a body language of human beings, _________widely from culture to culture.

A. change

B. vary

C. differ

D. alternate

How might an organization s culture influence the way in which managers make decisions?
How might an organization s culture influence the way in which managers make decisions?

Which one of the following may not be a symptom of culture shock?A.You don't know how to e

Which one of the following may not be a symptom of culture shock?

A.You don't know how to express your gratitude.

B.You don't know how to greet other people.

C.You suddenly forget what a word means.

D.You don't understand why a foreigner shrugs.

Discuss the impact of a strong culture on organization and managers.

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