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A: What a lovely coat you are wearing! B:______.A.Of course. It's excellent. You should bu

A: What a lovely coat you are wearing! B:______.

A.Of course. It's excellent. You should buy one.

B.No. It's not very expensive, you see.

C.Thank you. My husband gave it to me for my thirtieth birthday.

D.Yes. I don't like it very muck

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更多“A: What a lovely coat you are …”相关的问题
What a lovely day, __.?

A.doesn't it

B.isn't it

C.hasn't it

D.won't it

What a lovely party! It's worth ______ all my life.A.rememberingB.to rememberC.to be remem

What a lovely party! It's worth ______ all my life.


B.to remember

C.to be remembered

D.being remembered

What kind of girl is Dora ___

A、pretty and clever

B、pretty and empty-headed

C、plain-looking and understading

D、lovely and clever

–Thomas: Hey, you look concerned.()

–Jack: The final exam.I’m not fully prepared yet.

A.What a lovely day!

B.What has attracted you?

C.What’s on your mind?

D.What about seeing the doctor?

Thomas: Hey, you look concerned.______Jack: The final exam. I'm not fully prepared y

Thomas: Hey, you look concerned.______

Jack: The final exam. I'm not fully prepared yet.

A、What a lovely day!

B、What has attracted you?

C、What's on your mind?

D、What about seeing the doctor?

A:Hello,George. What a lovely home you have! B: A. Yeah,this garden is beautiful. B.

A:Hello,George. What a lovely home you have!


A. Yeah,this garden is beautiful.

B. Nice to have you drop by.

C. Why,thank you. I’m glad you could come.

D. Let’s sit here so we can admire the view.

Hi, Joe, How are you? I'm sitting on the balcony of my hotel. I am looking at Hyde Park in London and I am thinking about my life here. I am having a wonderful time. I like my job-it is very interest

Hi, Joe,

How are you? I'm sitting on the balcony of my hotel. I am looking at Hyde Park in London and I am thinking about my life here. I am having a wonderful time. I like my job-it is very interesting, and my colleagues are great. I love London it's busy, noisy, crowded and exciting. The cinemas, theatres, pubs and restaurants are really nice, but they're too expensive! I think the people in London are very friendly (surprise!) and I've got some new friends.

What the weather like in Shanghai? Is it raining? Here it's lovely! It isn't foggy! The sun is shining and the birds are singing. It's very warm.

And it is my birthday today.

But I am missing you all in Shanghai. COME AND VISIT!



26. What does Xiaoyan stay in London for?

A. She is having a holiday.

B. She is working.

C. She is visiting some of her colleagues.

27. What are Xiaoyan's London colleagues like?

A. They are very important.

B. They are very serious.

C. They are very nice.

28. What does Xiaoyan think of London?

A. She thinks it is relaxed.

B. She thinks it is cheap.C. She thinks it is exciting.

29. What does Xiaoyan think of people in London?

A. She thinks they are interesting.

B. She thinks they are friendly.

C. She thinks they are surprising.

30. What's the weather like in London when Xiaoyan is writing this letter?

A. It is warm.

B. It is foggy.

C. It is cloudy.

Ironically, a study finds that we’re awful gift-givers precisely because we spend too much
time trying to be considerate.We imagine our friends (1) a gift that is impressive,expensive,and sentimental. We imagine the look of happinessand surprise on their faces and the warmth we feel. (2) .But there’s something thatthe most sentimental-gift-givers tend not to think too much about: (3) the gift is practical in the first place.

(4) , practicality seems like an enemy of great gift giving. Beautiful jewelry, lovely watches, perfect rugs, finely crafted kitchen hardware: These things(5) great gifts because they communicate something beyond practicality. Theycommunicate that the giver cares.

But do the receivers care? Often,no. "Gift receivers would be (6) ifgivers gave them exactly what they requested (7) . attemptingto be&39;thoughtful and considerate&39; by buying gifts they did not explicitly request" to surprisethem, the researchers write. Their clever paper asks givers and receivers to (8) gifts from two perspectives: desirability (e.g. the cost of a coffee maker) and feasibility(e.g. the (9) of the coffee maker).Across several experiments, theyfind that givers consistently give gifts based on desirability and receivers (10) favor gifts based on feasibility .

A.to open


C.have opened


Two men, John and Tom, both seriously ill, shared a hospital room. John was allowed to sit
up in his bed for an hour each afternoon. His bed was next to the room ’s only window. But Tomhad to spend all his time flat on his back.

Every afternoon when John could sit up, he would describe to Tom all the things he couldsee outside the window. Tom was so attracted by the description that he could not wait for thoseone-hour periods. The window faced a park with a lovely lake. Ducks and birds played on thewater while children sailed their model boats. Young lovers walked arm in arm and a fine view ofthe city could be seen in the distance. As John described all this in detail, Tom would close hiseyes and imagine the beautiful scenes.

Days and weeks passed. One morning, the nurse found that John had passed awaypeacefully in his sleep. The next day, Tom asked if he could be moved to the bed next to thewindow. The nurse was happy to do this, and after making sure he was comfortable, she left himalone.

Slowly, painfully, Tom supported himself up with one arm to take his first look at the realworld outside, but only faced a blank wall. When the nurse came back, Tom asked her what hadmade John describe such wonderful things outside this window. She said that John was blind andcould not even see the wall. “Perhaps he just wanted to encourage you,” she added.

We can learn from Paragraph 1 that_______________ .

A.Tom was allowed to sit up

B.John and Tom were old friends

C.Tom could look out of the window

D.John and Tom were roommates in a hospital

Why did Tom expect that one-hour period every day?A.Because he could listen to what John described.

B.Because he could change the bed with John.

C.Because he could see the park by himself.

D.Because he could have a rest then.

What happened to John according to Paragraph 3?A.He went blind.

B.He fell asleep.

C.He was dead.

D.He became weaker.

What did Tom ask the nurse to do?A.To move him to another room.

B.To move him to the other bed.

C.To get him a new nurse.

D.To get him a new doctor.

How would Tom feel when he heard what the nurse said?A.Upset.





听力原文: Good evening, welcome to the first meeting of our spring cycling season. It's a
pleasure to see so many new faces here. I certainly hope that most of you will soon feel right at home with our group and bicycling will be a regular hobby for you and a part of your physical routine. Some of you may not realize that the State of New Jersey offers ample opportunities for bicyclists of all abilities. We've rolling countryside, miles of beaches, lovely hills and mountains and valleys and thousands of miles of roads. Beginners will find the shore suitable for their needs while expert riders will find that the steep trails of the region offer a challenge to their skill. In addition, New Jersey is rich in historical interest. The state abounds in colonial architecture, battlefields of the revolution and other historic sites important in the early history of the country, most are carefully preserved and restored. We organize tours to a variety of places nearly every weekend. Next Saturday's tour will relatively be a easy one. Interested cyclists will meet at 8 a. m. in the parking lot at the corner of Hamilton Street and College Avenue. The minimum time of this tour is about six hours. Each new rider must team up with an experienced rider. You can pick up a map of Saturday's tour at the information table before you leave this evening.

What is the purpose of the talk?

A.To encourage people to participate in a club activity.

B.To introduce a new kind of bicycle.

C.To inform. the beginning cyclists about New Jersey's traffic law.

D.To warn tourists about bicycling on the roadways.

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