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When he applied for a ______ in the office of the local newspaper,he was told to see the m






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Why does the Foundation concentrate its support on basic rather than applied research? Bas
ic research is the very heart of science, and its cumulative product is the capital of scientific progress, a capital that must be constantly increased as the demands upon it rise. The goal of basic research is understanding, for its own sake. Understanding of the structure of the atom or the nerve ceil, the explosion of a spiral nebula or the distribution of cosmic dust, the causes of earthquakes and droughts, or of man as a behaving creature and of the social forces that are created whenever two or more human beings come into contact with one another--the scope is staggering, but the commitment to truth is the same. If the commitment were to a particular result, conflicting evidence might be Overlooked or, with the best will in the world, simply not appreciated. Moreover, the practical applications of basic research frequently cannot be anticipated. When Roentgen, the physicist, discovered X-rays, he had no idea of their usefulness to medicine.

Applied research, undertaken to solve specific practical problems, has an immediate attractiveness because the results can be seen and enjoyed. For practical reasons, the sums spent on applied research in any country always far exceed those for basic research, and the proportions are more unequal in the less developed countries. Leaving aside the funds devoted to research by industry--which is naturally far more concerned with applied aspects because these increase profits quickly--the funds the U.S. Government allots to basic research currently amount to about 7 percent of its overall research and development funds. Unless adequate safeguards are provided, applied research invariably tends to drive out basic. Then, as Dr. Waterman has pointed out, "Developments will inevitably be undertaken prematurely, career incentives will gravitate strongly toward applied science, and the opportunities for making major scientific discoveries will be lost. Unfortunately, pressures to emphasize new developments, without corresponding emphasis upon pure science tend to degrade the quality of the nation% technology in the long run, rather than to improve it."

The title below that best expresses the ideas of this passage is ______.

A.Roentgen's Ignorance of X-rays

B.The Attractiveness of Applied Research

C.The Importance of Basic Research

D.Basic Research vs. Applied Research

Astronaut Jim Voss has enjoyed many memorable moments in his career, including three space
flights and one space walk. But he recalls with special fondness a decidedly earthbound experience in the summer of 1980, when he participated in the NASA-AS-EE Summer Faculty Fellowship Program. Voss, then a science teacher at West Point, was assigned to the Marshall Space Flight Center's propulsion lab in Alabama to analyze why a hydraulic fuel pump seal on the space shuttle was working so well when previous seals had failed. It was a seemingly tiny problem among the vast complexities of running the space program. Yet it was important to NASA because any crack in the seals could have led to destructive results for the astronauts who relied on them.

"I worked a bit with NASA engineers," says Voss, "but I did it mostly by analysis. I used a handheld calculator, not a computer, to do a thermodynamic analysis. "At the end of the summer, he, like the other NASA-ASEE fellows working at Marshall, summarized his findings in a formal presentation and detailed paper. It was a valuable moment for Voss because the ASEE program gave him added understanding of NASA, deepened his desire to fly in space, and intensified his application for astronaut status.

It was not an easy process. Voss was actually passed over when he first applied for the astronaut program in 1978. Over the next nine years he reapplied repeatedly, and was finally accepted in 1987. Since then he has participated in three space missions. The 50-year-old Army officer, who lives in Houston, is now in training for a four-month mission as a crew member on the International Space Station starting in July 2000.

Voss says the ASEE program is wonderful for all involved. "It brings in people from the academic world and gives NASA a special property for a particular period of time. It brings some fresh eyes and fresh ideas to NASA, and establishes link with our colleges and universities," Voss explains. "There's an exchange of information and an exchange of perspectives that is very important."

For the academic side, Voss says, the ASEE program also "brings institutions of higher learning more insight into new technology. We give them an opportunity to work on real-world problems and take it back to the classroom. "

Why was the hydraulic fuel pump seal important for the space shuttle?

A.Because previous seals all failed.

B.Because it was very complex in running the space program.

C.Because great care has to be taken of the hydraulic fuel pump sealing.

D.Because any crack in the seals would cause disastrous results for the astronauts.

The boy who applied to join the army was ______ because he was under age.A.turned awayB.tu

The boy who applied to join the army was ______ because he was under age.

A.turned away

B.turned down

C.turned over

D.turned up

Amitai Etzioni is not surprised by the latest headings about scheming corporate crooks(骗

Amitai Etzioni is not surprised by the latest headings about scheming corporate crooks(骗子). As a visiting professor at the Harvard Business School in 1989 ,he ended his work there disgusted with his students' overwhelming lust for money. "They're taught that profit is all that matters," he says. "Many schools don't even offer ethics (伦理学) courses at all."

Etzioni expressed his frustration about the interests of his graduate students. "By and large. I clearly had not found a way to help classes full of MBAS see that there is more to life than money, power, fame and self-interest," he wrote at the time. Today he still takes the blame for not educating these "business-leaders-to-he". "I really feel like I failed them, "he says. "If I was a better teacher maybe I could have reached them."

Etzioni was a respected ethics expert when he arrived at Harvard. He hoped his work at the university would give him insight into how questions of morality could he applied to places where serf-interest flourished. What he found wash't encouraging. Those would-be executives had, says Etzioni, little interest in concepts of ethics and morality in the boardroom--and their professor was met with blank stares when he urged his students to see business in new and different ways.

Etzioni sees the experience at Harvard as an eye-opening one and says there's much about business schools that he'd like to change. "A lot of the faculty teaching business tire bad news themselves. "Etzioni says. From offering classes that teach students how to legally manipulate contracts, to reinforcing the notion of profit over community interests, Etzioni has seen a lot that's left him shaking his head. And because of what he's seen taught in business schools, he's not surprised by the latest rash of corporate scandals. "In many ways things have got a lot worse at business schools. I suspect. "says Etzioni.

Etzioni is still teaching the sociology of right and wrong and still calling for ethical business leadership. "People with poor motives will always exist," he says. "Sometimes environments constrain those people and sometimes environments give those people opportunity. "Etzioni says the booming economy of the last decade enabled those individuals with poor motives to get rich before getting in trouble. His hope now: that the cries for reform. will provide more fertile soil for his longstanding messages about business ethics.

What impressed Amitai Etzioni most about Harvard MBA students?

A.Their keen interest in business courses.

B.Their intense desire for money.

C.Their tactics for making profits.

D.Their potential to become business leaders.

2 The risk committee at Southern Continents Company (SCC) met to discuss a report by its r

2 The risk committee at Southern Continents Company (SCC) met to discuss a report by its risk manager, Stephanie

Field. The report focused on a number of risks that applied to a chemicals factory recently acquired by SCC in another

country, Southland. She explained that the new risks related to the security of the factory in Southland in respect of

burglary, to the supply of one of the key raw materials that experienced fluctuations in world supply and also an

environmental risk. The environmental risk, Stephanie explained, was to do with the possibility of poisonous

emissions from the Southland factory.

The SCC chief executive, Choo Wang, who chaired the risk committee, said that the Southland factory was important

to him for two reasons. First, he said it was strategically important to the company. Second, it was important because

his own bonuses depended upon it. He said that because he had personally negotiated the purchase of the Southland

factory, the remunerations committee had included a performance bonus on his salary based on the success of the

Southland investment. He told Stephanie that a performance-related bonus was payable when and if the factory

achieved a certain level of output that Choo considered to be ambitious. ‘I don’t get any bonus at all until we reach

a high level of output from the factory,’ he said. ‘So I don’t care what the risks are, we will have to manage them.’

Stephanie explained that one of her main concerns arose because the employees at the factory in Southland were not

aware of the importance of risk management to SCC. She said that the former owner of the factory paid less attention

to risk issues and so the staff were not as aware of risk as Stephanie would like them to be. ‘I would like to get risk

awareness embedded in the culture at the Southland factory,’ she said.

Choo Wang said that he knew from Stephanie’s report what the risks were, but that he wanted somebody to explain

to him what strategies SCC could use to manage the risks.


(a) Describe four strategies that can be used to manage risk and identify, with reasons, an appropriate strategy

for each of the three risks mentioned in the case. (12 marks)

Rat race rebels

Most of us are trapped in a nine-to-five office routine and many of us would like to escape. We interviewed three people who have said “No!” to this rat race…


After university, I was on the dole for a few months. I didn’t have any money, so I was really pleased to get an office job… but it was very boring! I gave it up and went to do voluntary work for the VSO – Voluntary Service Overseas – in Rwanda. I teach old people and children to read and write. It’s not the most comfortable of jobs but it’s great to be doing something of real use for once.


I used to be a freelance news journalist. It was very stressful and I had to travel a lot. I applied for loads of other jobs with no success, so I started to think about my real interest – football! Now, I work from home and write football articles for press agencies around the world. It’s a full-time job but I have much more free time. I’m my own boss and I can get up when I want!


I used to be a teacher and I worked 40 hours a week. Then, I saw the movie American Beauty and thought I could change my life too! I did a course in acupuncture and shiatsu massage. I took four years to get qualified but now I have set up my own business. Shiatsu is very popular these days because people are so stressed and you can earn quite good money.

1 Fiona didn’t have a job for a while.

2 Andy has turned an interest into a profession.

3 Fiona has her own company.

4 Fiona feels she is doing something useful.

5 Andy was influenced by a film that he saw.

The Stranger Who Changed My Life It was a sunny morning in the spring of 1966. I was drivi
ng a taxi, looking for a customer. While passing New York Hospital, I found a man running down the hospital steps, waving at me. I stopped. The man reached the taxi and jumped in. "The Airport,please," he said. As always, I wondered about my passenger. Was this man a talker? After a few moments, he started saying, "How do you like driving a taxi?" "It's OK," I said. "I make a living and meet interesting people sometimes." "What do you do?" I asked. "I am a doctor at New York Hospital." Many times during long rides, I'd developed a good relationship with my passengers and received very good advice from them. This time I decided to ask for his help. "Could I ask a favor of you?" He didn't answer. "I have a son, 15, a good kid. He wants a job this summer. Is it possible that you get one for him?" He still wasn't talking, and I was starting to feel foolish. Finally, he said, "Well, my students have a summer research project. Maybe he could join in. Have him send me his school record." He left his address and paid me. It was the last time I ever saw him. Robbie sent off his grades the next morning. And gradually this incident was forgotten. Two weeks later, when I arrived home from work, Robbie handed me a letter. He was informed to call Dr. Plum for an interview. Robbie got the job. The following summer, Robbie worked at the hospital again, but this time, he was given more responsibility. Then, he worked at the hospital for a third summer and gradually developed a love of medical profession. Near graduating from college, Robbie applied to and was admitted to New York Medical College. After getting his medical degree, Robbie, the son of a taxi driver, became a doctor at Columbia Medical Center. The doctor shouted at the taxi driver for a rideA.True


C.Not Given

The doctor wanted to go to the railway station by taxiA.True


C.Not Given

Robbie joined in a summer research project.A.True


C.Not Given

Robbie gradually got interested in medicineA.True


C.Not Given

Big opportunities can come out of ordinary meetings.A.True


C.Not Given

The taxi driver liked talking with his customers.A.True


C.Not Given

Robbie finally became a doctor at New York Hospital.A.True


C.Not Given

The taxi driver had two children.A.True


C.Not Given

The doctor wrote a recommendation letter for RobbieA.True


C.Not Given

The taxi driver became Dr. Plum’s friendA.True


C.Not Given


Mrs. Wilson, a Cree Indian in her sixties, was looking for a home to rent. She heard
that one was available in an ideal location, close to the Calgary core.

Mrs. Wilson and her daughters went to look at the house. Sure enough, there was a For Rent sign in the window. A woman next door told them that the owner was Antonio Pompei, who owned a bakery farther up the street.

Mrs. Wilson has great difficulty walking for she is almost blind, so she waited in the car while her daughters went along to the bakery. The daughters met Mr. Pompei, who agreed to rent the house. However, the daughters wanted to see the inside of the house before they agreed to rent it. One of the bakery employees went with them to the house, where he met Mrs. Wilson.

All three women liked the house and returned to the bakery to tell Mr. Pompei that they would rent it.

When Mr. Pompei saw Mrs. Wilson, he quickly walked out of the bakery. He had not realized Mrs. Wilson was Indian. Her daughters look more like their father, who is of a different ethnic(种族) origin. The next day, Mrs. Wilson and her daughters returned to the bakery in an attempt to rent the house. Because of her blindness, Mr. Wilson was helped out of the car and guided into the bakery by one of her daughters. Mr. Pompei told the women that the house was already rented.

The Wilsons suspected discrimination. As soon as they got home, Mrs. Wilson phoned Mr. Pompei, without identifying herself, Mr. Pompei lost his temper.

Mrs. Wilson complained to the Human Rights Commission. Their examination discovered that the tenants who did rent the house had not even seen it at the time when Mrs. Wilson visited it. They applied to rent it a full week after Mrs. Wilson had applied.

(1)According to the passage, Mrs. Wilson was _____________.

A、to rent the house for her daughters

B、to rent the house for someone else

C、to rent the house for her family

D、to sublet (转租) the house

(2)According to the passage, we are certain that Mr. Wilson was _____________.

A、an Indian

B、not an Indian

C、an Asian

D、from India

(3)Mrs. Wilson found Mr. Pompei’s discrimination by _____________.

A、complaining to the Human Rights Commission

B、making the bakery owner angry

C、making an unidentifiable phone call

D、pretending to be a woman of wealth

(4)In the end Mrs. Wilson couldn’t rent the house simply because _____________.

A、she was of Indian origin

B、she needed assistance while walking

C、the owner of the house asked for more money

D、she was almost blind

(5)Which of the following statement is NOT TRUE?

A、Mr. Wilson had at least two daughters.

B、The house had been rented to someone else a week before.

C、Mrs. Wilson was almost blind.

D、Mr. Pompei was practicing racial discrimination.

Section BDirections: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by som

Section B

Directions: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice.

Boys and girls, never forget that you educate yourselves. Schools, books and teachers are helps, but you have to do the work. Only by persevering, industrious efforts can you become well educated.

There are two objects in education: first, to develop yourself; second, to gain knowledge. To develop yourself is to strengthen and cultivate your whole being; to improve your memory and reasoning powers; to learn to think and judge correctly; in short, to have your mind grow, so that you will be better able to do your work in life.

You develop yourself by acquiring an education, thinking about, and using it; for education is the food to make your mind grow. To gain knowledge is to learn tacts and methods which will be of use to you in life.

There are four sources from which to derive education; from your own observation, from your experience, from the conversation of others, and from study. You can learn much without books and teachers.

When you visit a manufactory, examine the machinery; try to learn how the power applied at one point moves levers and wheels until it reaches the part that does the work. Wherever work is going on, be sure to learn how it is done. Study into causes and results. The steam engine came from the boy Watt's watching a boiling teakettle, and thinking about it.

Listen to conversation, you can learn something useful from every one. Every one can teach the best-educated man something. Ask people to tell you of what they have seen and known. Never be ashamed to ask about what you do not understand. A learned man was asked how he had acquired such a vast amount of knowledge. "By asking information of every one," he answered.

To educate yourself, you must read, study, observe, reflect, reason, and think. Keep your eyes open, and your mind at work.

The most appropriate title for this passage would be ______.


B.Objects in Education

C.Ways of Developing Oneself

D.Sources of Receiving Education

Jackdaw Motor Cars Co (Jackdaw) manufactures a range of motor cars and its year end is 31

Jackdaw Motor Cars Co (Jackdaw) manufactures a range of motor cars and its year end is 31 January 2015. You are the audit supervisor of Puffin & Co and are currently preparing the audit programmes for the year-end audit of Jackdaw. You have had a meeting with your audit manager and he has notified you of a number of issues identified during the audit risk assessment process.

Land and buildings

Jackdaw have a policy of revaluing land and buildings, this is undertaken on a rolling basis over a five-year period. During the year Jackdaw requested an external valuer to revalue a number of properties, including a warehouse purchased in May 2014. Depreciation is charged on a pro rata basis.

Work in progress

Jackdaw undertakes continuous production of cars, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. An inventory count is to be undertaken at the year end and Puffin & Co will attend. You are responsible for the audit of work in progress (WIP) and will be part of the team attending the count as well as the final audit. WIP constitutes the partly assembled cars at the year end and this balance is likely to be material. Jackdaw values WIP according to percentage of completion, and standard costs are then applied to these percentages.


(a) Explain the factors Puffin & Co should consider when placing reliance on the work of the independent valuer. (5 marks)

(b) Describe the substantive procedures the auditor should perform. to obtain sufficient and appropriate audit evidence in relation to:

(i) The revaluation of land and buildings and the recently purchased warehouse; and (6 marks)

(ii) The valuation of work in progress. (4 marks)

(c) During the audit, your team has identified an error in the valuation of work in progress, as a number of the assumptions contain out of date information. The directors of Jackdaw have indicated that they do not wish to amend the financial statements.


Explain the steps Puffin & Co should now take and the impact on the audit report in relation to the directors’ refusal to amend the financial statements. (5 marks)

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