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An appropriate title for this passage would be ______.A.The Sonic BoomB.Air and Its Effect

An appropriate title for this passage would be ______.

A.The Sonic Boom

B.Air and Its Effects

C.Faster Than Sound

D.Problems Facing Aviation Today

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更多“An appropriate title for this …”相关的问题
An appropriate title for this passage would be ______. ()A.Rendezvous in SpaceB.Landing a

An appropriate title for this passage would be ______. ()

A.Rendezvous in Space

B.Landing at a Space Station

C.New Radar for the Space Age

D.Space Navigation

Which of the following could serve as an appropriate title for the passage?A.Adam Smith,th

Which of the following could serve as an appropriate title for the passage?

A.Adam Smith,the English Economist

B.The Theory of Division of Labor

C.Division of Labor,An Efficient Way of Organizing Work

D.Adam Smith as the Discoverer of Division of Labor

Some people think that universities should put the same amount of money into students spor
t activities as to their libraries. What do you think? Write an essay of about 400 words. You should supply an appropriate title for your essay. In the first part of your essay you should state clearly your main argument, and in the second part you should support your argument with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or make a summary. Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appro-priacy. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.

根据以下内容回答下列各题, In ancient times wealth was measured and exchanged in things tha
t could be touched: food, tools, and precious metals and stones. Then the barter system was replaced by coins, which still had real value since they were pieces of rare metal. Coins were followed by fiat money, paper notes that have value only because everyone agrees to accept them. Today electronic monetary systems are gradually being introduced that will transform. money into even less tangible forms, reducing it to a series of “bits and bytes”, or units of computerized information, going between machines at the speed of light. Already, electronic fund transfer allows money to be instantly sent and received by different banks, companies, and countries through computers and telecommunications devices. Which of the following would be the most appropriate title for the passage?

A.International Banking Policies

B.The History of Monetary Exchange

C.The Development of Paper Currencies

D.Current Problems in the Economy


In ancient times wealth was measured and exchanged in things that could be touched: food, tools, and precious metals

and stones. Then the barter system was replaced by coins, which still had real value since they were pieces of rare

metal. Coins were followed by fiat money, paper notes that have value only because everyone agrees to accept them.

Today electronic monetary systems are gradually being introduced that will transform money into even less tangible

forms, reducing it to a series of “bits and bytes”, or units of computerized information, going between machines at

the speed of light. Already, electronic fund transfer allows money to be instantly sent and received by different

banks, companies, and countries through computers and telecommunications devices.

Which of the following would be the most appropriate title for the passage?

A. International Banking Policies

B. The History of Monetary Exchange

C. The Development of Paper Currencies

D. Current Problems in the Economy

Futurists love computers. After all, 40 years ago electronic digital computers didn't exis
t; today microchips (微型集成电路片) as tiny as a baby's fingernail are making all sorts of tasks faster and easier. Surely the future hold still more miracles.

Some of the computer experiments now going inspire imagination of the future. For example, scientists are working in devices that can electronically perform. some sight and hearing functions, which could make easier for the blind and deaf. They are also working on artificial arms and legs that respond to the electric impulses (脉冲) produced by the human brain. Scientists hope that someday a person who has lost an arm could still have near-normal brain control over an artificial arm.

Video games, computerized effects in movies, and real-life training machines now being used by the U. S. Army are causing some people to predict new educational uses for computers. Computers could someday be used to imitate travel to other planets, to explore the ocean floor or to look inside an atom.

Experiment with electronic banking and shopping inspire predictions that these activities will soon be done from home computer terminals (终端) . Cars, too, might be equipped with computers to help drivers find their way around or to communicate with home and office computers.

Many people, including handicapped (残废的) workers with limited ability to move around, already are working at home using computer terminals. Each terminal is connected to a system at a company's main office. Some futurists say the day may come when few people will have to leave home to go to work—they'll just turn on a terminal.

Which of the following would be the most appropriate title for the passage?

A.Futurists and Computers

B.A Look at Future Uses of Computers

C.Computer Experiments

D.Scientists and Computers

Section BDirections: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by som

Section B

Directions: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice.

Boys and girls, never forget that you educate yourselves. Schools, books and teachers are helps, but you have to do the work. Only by persevering, industrious efforts can you become well educated.

There are two objects in education: first, to develop yourself; second, to gain knowledge. To develop yourself is to strengthen and cultivate your whole being; to improve your memory and reasoning powers; to learn to think and judge correctly; in short, to have your mind grow, so that you will be better able to do your work in life.

You develop yourself by acquiring an education, thinking about, and using it; for education is the food to make your mind grow. To gain knowledge is to learn tacts and methods which will be of use to you in life.

There are four sources from which to derive education; from your own observation, from your experience, from the conversation of others, and from study. You can learn much without books and teachers.

When you visit a manufactory, examine the machinery; try to learn how the power applied at one point moves levers and wheels until it reaches the part that does the work. Wherever work is going on, be sure to learn how it is done. Study into causes and results. The steam engine came from the boy Watt's watching a boiling teakettle, and thinking about it.

Listen to conversation, you can learn something useful from every one. Every one can teach the best-educated man something. Ask people to tell you of what they have seen and known. Never be ashamed to ask about what you do not understand. A learned man was asked how he had acquired such a vast amount of knowledge. "By asking information of every one," he answered.

To educate yourself, you must read, study, observe, reflect, reason, and think. Keep your eyes open, and your mind at work.

The most appropriate title for this passage would be ______.


B.Objects in Education

C.Ways of Developing Oneself

D.Sources of Receiving Education

Children are exposed to too much on the Internet without appropriate () .
Thomas Hardy's impulses as a writer, all of which indulged in his novels, were numerous an
d divergent, and they did not always work together in harmony. Hardy was to some degree interested in exploring his characters' psychologies, though impelled less by curiosity than by sympathy. Occasionally he felt the impulse to comedy (in all its detached coldness) as well as the impulse to farce, but he was more often inclined to see tragedy and record it. He was also inclined to literary realism in the several senses of that phrase; He wanted to describe ordinary human beings. He wanted to speculate on their dilemmas rationally (and, unfortunately even schematically); and he wanted to record precisely the material universe. Finally, he wanted to be more than a realist. He wanted to transcend what he considered to be the banality of solely recording things exactly and to express as well his awareness of the occult and the strange.

In his novels these various impulses were sacrificed to each other inevitably and often inevitably, because Hardy did not care in the way that novelists such as Flaubert or James learned, and therefore took paths of least resistance. Thus one impulse often surrendered to a fresher one and, unfortunately, instead of exacting a compromise, simply disappeared. A desire to throw over reality a light that never was might give way abruptly to the desire on the part of what we might consider a novelist scientist to record exactly and concretely the structure and texture of a flower.

In this instance, the new impulse was at least an energetic one. And thus its indulgence did not result in a relaxed style. But on other occasions Hardy abandoned a perilous risky and highly energizing impulse in favor of what was for him the fatally relaxing impulse to classify and schematize abstractly. When a relaxing impulse was indulged, the style—that sure index of an author's literary worth—was certain to become verbose.

Hardy's weakness derived from his apparent inability to control the comings and goings of these divergent impulses and from his unwillingness to cultivate and sustain the energetic and risky ones. He submitted of first one and then another, and the spirit blew where it listed; hence the unevenness of any one of his novels. His most controlled novel, Under the Greenwood Tree, prominently exhibits two different but reconcilable impulses—a desire to be a realist-historian and a desire to be a psychologist of love but the slight interlockings of plot are not enough to bind the two completely together. Thus even this book splits into two distinct parts.

Which of the following is the most appropriate title for the passage, based on its content?

A.Hardy's Novelistic Style. A Literary Light.

B.Hardy's Creative Conflict: Rationalism and Realism.

C.Hardy's Achievements: An Ambiguous Triumph.

D.Hardy's Novelistic Impulses: The Problem of Conflicts.

The first year of school in America, known as kindergarten(幼儿园), usually begins between the ages of five and six. Among rich countries such a late start is very strange. President Obama

The first year of school in America, known as kindergarten(幼儿园), usually begins between the ages of five and six. Among rich countries such a late start is very strange. President Obama believes it is an economic and social problem; his education secretary goes as far as to say that it is “morally wrong”. This statement has some support,as it is clear from research into vocabulary that youngsters from poor families enter kindergarten well behind those from rich families a disadvantage that usually lasts a lifetime. Children from households on welfare knew 525 words by the age of three, while the children of professionals had mastered 1,116.

Pre-school can help close this gap. So in a speech last month, Mr. Obama called for a partnership between the federal government and the state, to expand it to every American child. It later became known that “every” meant those who come from families with incomes of up to 200% above the poverty line-equal to an income of $47,000 for a family of four.

Some critics(评论家)say that sending children to school at the age of four does not work. The evidence suggests otherwise. For example, on March 20th new results were announced from a study of 9 to 11 year olds in New Jersey. This report found that disadvantaged children who had attended preschool had better literacy(读写能力), language, math and science skills. And two years of prekindergarten were better than one.

Some studies also follow the effects of early learning over lifetimes, such as its effect on crime rates and other factors that may eventually burden society. Critics have singled out a government scheme called Head Start, created in 1965, which provides poor households with a range of services including school-based early education.

21. The kindergarten in other rich countries usually begins()than in America.

A. earlier

B. later

C. slower

22. Which is TRUE about the vocabulary size of the two groups of kids?

A. Poor preschool kids have a larger vocabulary than rich ones.

B. Rich preschool kids have a larger vocabulary than poor ones.

C. There is no obvious difference between the two groups of kids.

23. Which of the following about the New Jersey study is TRUE?

A. There is no evidence to support the New Jersey study.

B. Two years of prekindergarten were better than one.

C. Sending children to school at the age of four is not going to help.

24. The phrase “single out” in the last paragraph means().

A. count

B. think about

C. choose

25. Which of the following is an appropriate title for this passage?

A. Secondary Education.

B. Preschool Education.

C. Poor Kids' Education.

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