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2 Your audit client, Prescott Co, is a national hotel group with substantial cash resource

s. Its accounting functions are

well managed and the group accounting policies are rigorously applied. The company’s financial year end is

31 December.

Prescott has been seeking to acquire a construction company for some time in order to bring in-house the building

and refurbishment of hotels and related leisure facilities (e.g. swimming pools, squash courts and restaurants).

Prescott’s management has recently identified Robson Construction Co as a potential target and has urgently requested

that you undertake a limited due diligence review lasting two days next week.

Further to their preliminary talks with Robson’s management, Prescott has provided you with the following brief on

Robson Construction Co:

The chief executive, managing director and finance director are all family members and major shareholders. The

company name has an established reputation for quality constructions.

Due to a recession in the building trade the company has been operating at its overdraft limit for the last 18

months and has been close to breaching debt covenants on several occasions.

Robson’s accounting policies are generally less prudent than those of Prescott (e.g. assets are depreciated over

longer estimated useful lives).

Contract revenue is recognised on the percentage of completion method, measured by reference to costs incurred

to date. Provisions are made for loss-making contracts.

The company’s management team includes a qualified and experienced quantity surveyor. His main

responsibilities include:

(1) supervising quarterly physical counts at major construction sites;

(2) comparing costs to date against quarterly rolling budgets; and

(3) determining profits and losses by contract at each financial year end.

Although much of the labour is provided under subcontracts all construction work is supervised by full-time site


In August 2005, Robson received a claim that a site on which it built a housing development in 2002 was not

properly drained and is now subsiding. Residents are demanding rectification and claiming damages. Robson

has referred the matter to its lawyers and denied all liability, as the site preparation was subcontracted to Sarwar

Services Co. No provisions have been made in respect of the claims, nor has any disclosure been made.

The auditor’s report on Robson’s financial statements for the year to 30 June 2005 was signed, without

modification, in March 2006.


(a) Identify and explain the specific matters to be clarified in the terms of engagement for this due diligence

review of Robson Construction Co. (6 marks)

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更多“2 Your audit client, Prescott …”相关的问题
ISA 210 Agreeing the Terms of Audit Engagements requires auditors to agree the terms of an
engagement with those charged with governance and formalise these in an engagement letter.


(a) Identify and explain TWO factors which would indicate that an engagement letter for an existing audit client should be revised. (2 marks)

(b) List SIX matters which should be included within an audit engagement letter. (3 marks)

(c) Your audit firm has just won a new audit client, Milky Way Technologies Co (Milky Way), and you have been asked by the audit engagement partner to gain an understanding about the new client as part of the planning process.


Identify FIVE sources of information relevant to gaining an understanding of Milky Way Technologies Co and describe how this information will be used by the auditor. (5 marks)

4 You are an audit manager in Nate & Co, a firm of Chartered Certified Accountants. Yo
u are reviewing three situations,

which were recently discussed at the monthly audit managers’ meeting:

(1) Nate & Co has recently been approached by a potential new audit client, Fisher Co. Your firm is keen to take the

appointment and is currently carrying out client acceptance procedures. Fisher Co was recently incorporated by

Marcellus Fisher, with its main trade being the retailing of wooden storage boxes.

(2) Nate & Co provides the audit service to CF Co, a national financial services organisation. Due to a number of

errors in the recording of cash deposits from new customers that have been discovered by CF Co’s internal audit

team, the directors of CF Co have requested that your firm carry out a review of the financial information

technology systems. It has come to your attention that while working on the audit planning of CF Co, Jin Sayed,

one of the juniors on the audit team, who is a recent information technology graduate, spent three hours

providing advice to the internal audit team about how to improve the system. As far as you know, this advice has

not been used by the internal audit team.

(3) LA Shots Co is a manufacturer of bottled drinks, and has been an audit client of Nate & Co for five years. Two

audit juniors attended the annual inventory count last Monday. They reported that Brenda Mangle, the new

production manager of LA Shots Co, wanted the inventory count and audit procedures performed as quickly as

possible. As an incentive she offered the two juniors ten free bottles of ‘Super Juice’ from the end of the

production line. Brenda also invited them to join the LA Shots Co office party, which commenced at the end of

the inventory count. The inventory count and audit procedures were completed within two hours (the previous

year’s procedures lasted a full day), and the juniors then spent four hours at the office party.


(a) Define ‘money laundering’ and state the procedures specific to money laundering that should be considered

before, and on the acceptance of, the audit appointment of Fisher Co. (5 marks)

(c) Pinzon, a limited liability company and audit client, is threatening to sue your firm

(c) Pinzon, a limited liability company and audit client, is threatening to sue your firm in respect of audit fees charged

for the year ended 31 December 2004. Pinzon is alleging that Bartolome billed the full rate on air fares for audit

staff when substantial discounts had been obtained by Bartolome. (4 marks)


Comment on the ethical and other professional issues raised by each of the above matters and their implications,

if any, for the continuation of each assignment.

NOTE: The mark allocation is shown against each of the three issues.

You are an audit manager responsible for providing hot reviews on selected audit clients w
ithin your firm of Chartered

Certified Accountants. You are currently reviewing the audit working papers for Pulp Co, a long standing audit client,

for the year ended 31 January 2008. The draft statement of financial position (balance sheet) of Pulp Co shows total

assets of $12 million (2007 – $11·5 million).The audit senior has made the following comment in a summary of

issues for your review:

‘Pulp Co’s statement of financial position (balance sheet) shows a receivable classified as a current asset with a value

of $25,000. The only audit evidence we have requested and obtained is a management representation stating the


(1) that the amount is owed to Pulp Co from Jarvis Co,

(2) that Jarvis Co is controlled by Pulp Co’s chairman, Peter Sheffield, and

(3) that the balance is likely to be received six months after Pulp Co’s year end.

The receivable was also outstanding at the last year end when an identical management representation was provided,

and our working papers noted that because the balance was immaterial no further work was considered necessary.

No disclosure has been made in the financial statements regarding the balance. Jarvis Co is not audited by our firm

and we have verified that Pulp Co does not own any shares in Jarvis Co.’


(b) In relation to the receivable recognised on the statement of financial position (balance sheet) of Pulp Co as

at 31 January 2008:

(i) Comment on the matters you should consider. (5 marks)

5 You are an audit manager in Fox & Steeple, a firm of Chartered Certified Accountants, responsible for allocating staff

to the following three audits of financial statements for the year ending 31 December 2006:

(a) Blythe Co is a new audit client. This private company is a local manufacturer and distributor of sportswear. The

company’s finance director, Peter, sees little value in the audit and put it out to tender last year as a cost-cutting

exercise. In accordance with the requirements of the invitation to tender your firm indicated that there would not

be an interim audit.

(b) Huggins Co, a long-standing client, operates a national supermarket chain. Your firm provided Huggins Co with

corporate financial advice on obtaining a listing on a recognised stock exchange in 2005. Senior management

expects a thorough examination of the company’s computerised systems, and are also seeking assurance that

the annual report will not attract adverse criticism.

(c) Gray Co has been an audit client since 1999 after your firm advised management on a successful buyout. Gray

provides communication services and software solutions. Your firm provides Gray with technical advice on

financial reporting and tax services. Most recently you have been asked to conduct due diligence reviews on

potential acquisitions.


For these assignments, compare and contrast:

(i) the threats to independence;

(ii) the other professional and practical matters that arise; and

(iii) the implications for allocating staff.

(15 marks)

You are the manager responsible for performing hot reviews on audit files where there is a
potential disagreement

between your firm and the client regarding a material issue. You are reviewing the going concern section of the audit

file of Dexter Co, a client with considerable cash flow difficulties, and other, less significant operational indicators of

going concern problems. The working papers indicate that Dexter Co is currently trying to raise finance to fund

operating cash flows, and state that if the finance is not received, there is significant doubt over the going concern

status of the company. The working papers conclude that the going concern assumption is appropriate, but it is

recommended that the financial statements should contain a note explaining the cash flow problems faced by the

company, along with a description of the finance being sought, and an evaluation of the going concern status of the

company. The directors do not wish to include the note in the financial statements.


(b) Consider and comment on the possible reasons why the directors of Dexter Co are reluctant to provide the

note to the financial statements. (5 marks)

(a) You are an audit manager in Weston & Co which is an international firm of Chartere

(a) You are an audit manager in Weston & Co which is an international firm of Chartered Certified Accountants with branches in many countries and which offers a range of audit and assurance services to its clients. Your responsibilities include reviewing ethical matters which arise with audit clients, and dealing with approaches from prospective audit clients.

The management of Jones Co has invited Weston & Co to submit an audit proposal (tender document) for their consideration. Jones Co was established only two years ago, but has grown rapidly, and this will be the first year that an audit is required. In previous years a limited assurance review was performed on its financial statements by an unrelated audit firm. The company specialises in the recruitment of medical personnel and some of its start up funding was raised from a venture capital company. There are plans for the company to open branches overseas to help recruit personnel from foreign countries.

Jones Co has one full-time accountant who uses an off-the-shelf accounting package to record transactions and to prepare financial information. The company has a financial year ending 31 March 2015.

The following comment was made by Bentley Jones, the company’s founder and owner-manager, in relation to the audit proposal and potential audit fee:

‘I am looking for a firm of auditors who will give me a competitive audit fee. I am hoping that the fee will be quite low, as I am willing to pay more for services that I consider more beneficial to the business, such as strategic advice. I would like the audit fee to be linked to Jones Co’s success in expanding overseas as a result of the audit firm’s advice. Hopefully the audit will not be too disruptive and I would like it completed within four months of the year end.’


(i) Explain the specific matters to be included in the audit proposal (tender document), other than those relating to the audit fee; and (8 marks)

(ii) Assuming that Weston & Co is appointed to provide the audit service to Jones Co, discuss the issues to be considered by the audit firm in determining a fee for the audit including any ethical matters raised. (6 marks)

(b) Ordway Co is a long-standing audit client of your firm and is a listed company. Bobby Wellington has acted as audit engagement partner for seven years and understands that a new audit partner needs to be appointed to take his place. Bobby is hoping to stay in contact with the client and act as the engagement quality control reviewer in forthcoming audits of Ordway Co.


Explain the ethical threats raised by the long association of senior audit personnel with an audit client and the relevant safeguards to be applied, and discuss whether Bobby Wellington can act as engagement quality control reviewer in the future audits of Ordway Co. (6 marks)

You are an audit supervisor of Pluto & Co and are currently planning the audit of your
client, Venus Magnets Co (Venus) which manufactures decorative magnets. Its year end is 31 December 2015 and the forecast profit before tax is $9·6 million.

During the year, the directors reviewed the useful lives and depreciation rates of all classes of plant and machinery. This resulted in an overall increase in the asset lives and a reduction in the depreciation charge for the year.

Inventory is held in five warehouses and on 28 and 29 December a full inventory count will be held with adjustments for movements to the year end. This is due to a lack of available staff on 31 December. In October, there was a fire in one of the warehouses; inventory of $0·9 million was damaged and this has been written down to its scrap value of $0·2 million. An insurance claim has been submitted for the difference of $0·7 million. Venus is still waiting to hear from the insurance company with regards to this claim, but has included the insurance proceeds within the statement of profit or loss and the statement of financial position.

The finance director has informed the audit manager that the October and November bank reconciliations each contained unreconciled differences; however, he considers the overall differences involved to be immaterial.

A directors’ bonus scheme was introduced during the year which is based on achieving a target profit before tax. In order to finalise the bonus figures, the finance director of Venus would like the audit to commence earlier so that the final results are available earlier this year.


Describe FIVE audit risks, and explain the auditor’s response to each risk, in planning the audit of Venus Magnets Co.

You are an audit manager in Cedar & Co, responsible for the audit of Chestnut Co, a la
rge company which provides information technology services to business customers. The finance director of Chestnut Co, Jack Privet, contacted you this morning, saying:

‘I was alerted yesterday to a fraud being conducted by members of our sales team. It appears that several sales representatives have been claiming reimbursement for fictitious travel and client entertaining expenses and inflating actual expenses incurred. Specifically, it has been alleged that the sales representatives have claimed on expenses for items such as gifts for clients and office supplies which were never actually purchased, claimed for business-class airline tickets but in reality had purchased economy tickets, claimed for non-existent business mileage and used the company credit card to purchase items for personal use.

I am very worried about the scale of this fraud, as travel and client entertainment is one of our biggest expenses. All of the alleged fraudsters have been suspended pending an investigation, which I would like your firm to conduct. We will prosecute these employees to attempt to recoup our losses if evidence shows that a fraud has indeed occurred, so your firm would need to provide an expert witness in the event of a court case. Can we meet tomorrow to discuss this potential assignment?’

Chestnut Co has a small internal audit department and in previous years the evidence obtained by Cedar & Co as part of the external audit has indicated that the control environment of the company is generally good. The audit opinion on the financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2011 was unmodified.


(a) Assess the ethical and professional issues raised by the request for your firm to investigate the alleged fraudulent activity. (6 marks)

(b) Explain the matters that should be discussed in the meeting with Jack Privet in respect of planning the investigation into the alleged fraudulent activity. (6 marks)

(c) Evaluate the arguments for and against the prohibition of auditors providing non-audit services to audit clients. (6 marks)

5 You are an audit manager in Dedza, a firm of Chartered Certified Accountants. Recently,
you have been assigned

specific responsibility for undertaking annual reviews of existing clients. The following situations have arisen in

connection with three client companies:

(a) Dedza was appointed auditor and tax advisor to Kora Co, a limited liability company, last year and has recently

issued an unmodified opinion on the financial statements for the year ended 30 June 2005. To your surprise,

the tax authority has just launched an investigation into the affairs of Kora on suspicion of underdeclaring income.

(7 marks)


Identify and comment on the ethical and other professional issues raised by each of these matters and state what

action, if any, Dedza should now take.

NOTE: The mark allocation is shown against each of the three situations.

Section B – TWO questions ONLY to be attempted(a) You are a manager in Lark & Co, resp

Section B – TWO questions ONLY to be attempted

(a) You are a manager in Lark & Co, responsible for the audit of Heron Co, an owner-managed business which operates a chain of bars and restaurants. This is your firm’s first year auditing the client and the audit for the year ended 31 March 2012 is underway. The audit senior sends a note for your attention:

‘When I was auditing revenue I noticed something strange. Heron Co’s revenue, which is almost entirely cash-based, is recognised at $5·5 million in the draft financial statements. However, the accounting system shows that till receipts for cash paid by customers amount to only $3·5 million. This seemed odd, so I questioned Ava Gull, the financial controller about this. She said that Jack Heron, the company’s owner, deals with cash receipts and posts through journals dealing with cash and revenue. Ava asked Jack the reason for these journals but he refused to give an explanation.

‘While auditing cash, I noticed a payment of $2 million made by electronic transfer from the company’s bank account to an overseas financial institution. The bank statement showed that the transfer was authorised by Jack Heron, but no other documentation regarding the transfer was available.

‘Alarmed by the size of this transaction, and the lack of evidence to support it, I questioned Jack Heron, asking him about the source of cash receipts and the reason for electronic transfer. He would not give any answers and became quite aggressive.’


(i) Discuss the implications of the circumstances described in the audit senior’s note; and (6 marks)

(ii) Explain the nature of any reporting that should take place by the audit senior. (3 marks)

(b) You are also responsible for the audit of Coot Co, and you are currently reviewing the working papers of the audit for the year ended 28 February 2012. In the working papers dealing with payroll, the audit junior has commented as follows:

‘Several new employees have been added to the company’s payroll during the year, with combined payments of $125,000 being made to them. There does not appear to be any authorisation for these additions. When I questioned the payroll supervisor who made the amendments, she said that no authorisation was needed because the new employees are only working for the company on a temporary basis. However, when discussing staffing levels with management, it was stated that no new employees have been taken on this year. Other than the tests of controls planned, no other audit work has been performed.’


In relation to the audit of Coot Co’s payroll:

Explain the meaning of the term ‘professional skepticism’, and recommend any further actions that should be taken by the auditor. (6 marks)

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