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People who came to the bar were ______. ()A.mostly salesmenB.mostly passengersC.only cond

People who came to the bar were ______. ()

A.mostly salesmen

B.mostly passengers

C.only conductors

D.only visitors

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更多“People who came to the bar wer…”相关的问题
Celts were different groups of ancient people who came originally from________ .





Questions 16~20 are based on the following passage. As a wise man once said,we are all ul
timately alone. But an increasing number of Europeans are choosing to be so at an ever earlier age. This isn’t the stuff of gloomy philosophical contemplations,but a fact of Europe’s new economic landscape,embraced by sociologists,real-estate developers and ad executives alike. The shift away from family life to solo lifestyle,observes a French sociologist,is part of the “irresistible momentum of individualism”over the last century. The communications revolution,the shift from a business culture of stability to one of mobility and the mass entry of women into the workforce have greatly wreaked havoc on (扰乱)Europeans’ private lives..Europe’s new economic climate has largely fostered the trend toward independence.The current generation of home-aloners came of age during Europe’s shift from social democracy to the sharper,more individualistic climate of American style. capitalism.Raised in an era of privatization and increased consumer choice,today’s tech-savvy (精通技术的)workers have embraced a free market in love as well as economics.Modern Europeans are rich enough to afford to live alone,and temperamentally independent enough to want to do so.Once upon a time,people who lived alone tended to be those on either side of marriage-twenty something professionals or widowed senior citizens.While pensioners,particularly elderly women,make up a large proportion of those living alone,the newest crop of singles are high earners in their 30s and 40s who increasingly view living alone as a lifestyle. choice.Living alone was conceived to be negative-dark and cold,while being together suggested warmth and light..But then came along the idea of singles.They were young,beautiful,strong! Now,young people want to live alone.The booming economy means people are working harder than ever.And that doesn’t leave much room for relationships.Pimpi Arroyo,a 35-year-old composer who lives alone in a house in Paris,says he hasn’t got time to get lonely because he has too much work.“I have deadlines which would make life with someone else fairly difficult..Only an Ideal Woman would make him change his lifestyle,he says..Kaufmann,author of a recent book called “The Single Woman and Prince Charming,”thinks this fierce new individualism means that people expect more and more of mates,so relationships don’t last long-if they start at all.Eppendorf,a blond Berliner with a deep tan,teaches grade school in the mornings.In the afternoon she sunbathes or sleeps,resting up for going dancing.Just shy of 50,she says she’d never have wanted to do what her mother did-give up a career to raise a family.Instead,“I’ve always done what I wanted to do: live a self-determined life.

第16题:More and more young Europeans remain single because ().

A.they are driven by an overwhelming sense of individualism

B.they have entered the workforce at a much earlier age

C.they have embraced a business culture of stability

D.they are pessimistic about their economic future

Americans aren't the only people in the world who travel.

Natalie Doan, 14, has always felt lucky to live in Rockaway, New York. Living just a few b
locks from the beach, Natalie can see the ocean and hear the wave from her house. “It’s the ocean that makes Rockaway so special,” she says.

On October 29, 2012, that ocean turned fierce. That night, Hurricane Sandy attacked the East Coast, and Rockaway was hit especially hard. Fortunately, Natalie’ s family escaped to Brooklyn shortly before the city’s bridge closed.

When they returned to Rockaway the next day, they found their neighborhood in ruins. Many of Natalie’ s friends had lost their homes and were living far away. All around her, people were suffering, especially the elderly. Natalie’s school was so damaged that she had to temporarily attend a school in Brooklyn.

In the following few days, the men and women helping Rockaway recover inspired Natalie. Volunteers came with carloads of donated clothing and toys. Neighbors devoted their spare time to helping others rebuild. Teenagers climbed dozens of flights of stairs to deliver water and food to elderly people trapped in powerless high-rise buildings.

“My mom tells me that I can’t control what happens to me,” Natalie says. “But I can always choose how I deal with it.”

Natalie’s choice was to help. She created a website page matching survivors in need with donors who wanted to help. Natalie posted introduction about a boy named Patrick, who lost his baseball card collecting when his house burned down. Within days, Patrick’s collection was replaced. In the coming months, her website page helped lots of kids : Christopher, who received a new basketball; Charlie, who got a new keyboard. Natalie also worked with other organizations to bring much - need supplies to Rockaway. Her efforts made her a famous person. Last April, she was invited to the White House and honored as a Hurricane Sandy Champion of Change.

Today, the scars of destruction are still seen in Rockaway, but hope is in the air. The streets are clear, and many homes have been rebuilt. “I can’t imagine living anywhere but Rockaway,” Natalie declares. “My neighborhood will be back, even stronger than before.”

When Natalie returned to Rockaway after the hurricane, she found __________.

A.some friends had lost their lives

B.her neighborhood was destroyed

C.her school had moved to Brooklyn

D.the elderly were free from suffering

According to paragraph 4, who inspired Natalie mostA.The people helping Rockaway rebuild.

B.The people trapped in high-rise building.

C.The volunteers donating money to survivors.

D.Local teenagers bringing clothing to elderly people.

How did Natalie help the survivorsA.She gave her toys to the kids.

B.She took care of younger children.

C.She called on the White House to help.

D.She built an information sharing platform.

What does the story intend to tell usA.Little people can make a big difference.

B.A friend in need is a friend indeed.

C.East or west, home is best.

D.Technology is power.


Christmas is a sad season. The phrase came to Charlie an instant after the alarm clock had
woken him and named for him an amorphous depression that had troubled him all the previous even hag. The sky outside his window was black. He sat up in-bed and pulled the light chain that hung in front of his nose. Christmas is a very sad day of the year, he thought. Of all the millions of people in New York, I am practically the only one who has to get up in the cold black of 6 a.m. on Christmas Day in the morning; I am practically the only one.

He dressed, and when he went downstairs from the top floor of the rooming house in which he lived, the only sounds he heard were the coarse sounds of sleep; the only lights burning were lights that had been forgotten. Charlie ate some breakfast in an all-night lunch wagon and took an elevated train uptown. From Third Avenue, he walked over to Sutton Place. The neighbourhood was dark. House after house put into the shine of the streetlights a wall of black windows. Millions and millions were sleeping, and this general loss of consciousness generated an impression of abandonment, as if this were the fall of the city, the end of time.

He opened the iron-and-glass doors of the apartment building where he had been working for six months as an elevator operator, and went through the elegant lobby to a locker room at the back. He put on a striped vest with brass buttons, a false ascot, a pair of pants with a light blue stripe on the seam, and a coat. The night elevator man was dozing on the little bench in the car. Charlie woke him. The night elevator man told him thickly that the day doorman had been taken sick and wouldn't be in that day. With the doorman sick, Charlie wouldn't have any relief for lunch, and a lot of people would expect him to whistle for cabs.

Charlie had been on duty a few minutes when 14 rang-Mrs. Hewing, who, he happened to know, was kind of immoral. Mrs, Hewing hadn't been to bed yet, and she got into the elevator wearing a long dress under her fur coat. She was followed by her two funny looking dogs. He took her down and watched her go out into the dark and take her dogs to the curb. She was outside for only a few minutes. Then she came in and he took her up to 14 again. When she got off the elevator, she said, "Merry Christmas, Charlie."

"Well, it isn't much a holiday for me, Mrs. Hewing," he said. "I think Christmas is a very sad season of the year. It isn't that people around here ain't generous--I mean I got plenty of tips--but, you see, I live alone in a furnished room and I don't have any family or anything, and Christmas isn't much of a holiday for me."

"I'm sorry, Charlie," Mrs. Hewing said. "I don't have any family myself, It is kind of sad when you're alone, isn't it?" she called her dogs and followed them into her apartment. He went down.

It was quiet then, and Charlie lit a cigarette. The heating plant in the basement encompassed the building at that hour in a regular and profound vibration, and the sullen noises of arriving steam heat began to resound, first in the lobby and then to reverberate up through all the sixteen stories, but this was a mechanical awakening, and it didn't lighten his loneliness or his petulance. The black air outside the glass doors had begun to turn blue, but the blue light seemed to have no source; it appeared in the middle of the air. It was a tearful light, and he wanted to cry. Then a cab drove up, and the Walsers got out, drunk and dressed in evening clothes, and he took them up to their penthouse. The Walsers got him to brood about the difference between his life in a furnished room and the lives of the people overhead. It was terrible.

All the following statements may account for the sadness felt by Charlie on Christmas EXCEPT______.

A.he had to get up early to work on Christmas morning

B.he felt lonely

C.he had a sense of inferiority

D.he was poor

When Christopher Columbus" discovered" the New World in 1492, he thought he had reached th
e continent of Asia and had landed in India. He called the people he found in this new land "Indians" -the ancestors of the American.

Indians had come from Asia thousands of years before Columbus saw them.

Thousands of years ago, the Earth was in an ice age. (76) People who lived in northeastern Asia found their homeland growing colder. Huge sheets of ice were spreading over the land and animals people hunted for food were being forced away. The people also had to move, to stay near the animals. Some groups of people crossed Bering Strait from Asia to North Pacific Ocean, which separates northeastern Asia from Alaska. (77) These people slowly traveled east and south, searching for areas where hunting was good. Their children and all those who came after them continued to spread throughout the New World.

The Indians do not have yellowish skin that many Asian people have. Their skin is reddish brown. But like the people of Japan and other countries of Asia, Indians usually have high cheekbones and straight black hair.

In 1492, Christopher Columbus ______.

A.found American Indians in Asia

B.thought he had reached India

C.landed in India

D.reached the continent of Asia

The word "Okay" is known and used by millions of people all over the world. Still, languag
e experts do not agree on where it came from.

Some say it came from the Indian peoples. When Europeans first came to America they heard hundreds of different Indian languages. Many were will developed.

One tribe especially had a well developed language. This was the Chocktaw tribe. They were farmers and fishermen whole lived in the rich Mississippi valley in what is now the state of Alabama. When problems arose, Chocktaw leaders discussed them with the tribal chief. They sat in a circle and listened to the wisdom of the chief.

He heard the different proposals, often raising and lowering his head in agreement, and saying, "Okeh," meaning "it is so."

The Indian languages have given many words to English. Twenty four of the American States almost half, have Indian names, Okalahoma, the Dakotas, Idaho, Wisconsin, Ohio and Tennessee, to name a few. And the names of many rivers, streams, mountains, cities and towns are Indian.

However, there are many people who dispute the idea that "Okay" came from the In di ans. Some say the President Andrew Jackson first used the word "Okay." Others claim the word was invented by John Jacob Astor, a fur trader of the late 1700s who became one of the world's richest men. Still others say a poor railroad clerk made up this word. His name was Obadiah Kelly and he put his initials(首写字母), O.K. on each package people gave him to ship by train.

So it goes, each story sounds reasonable and official.

But perhaps the most believable explanation is that the word "Okay" was invented by a political organization in the 1800s. Martin Van Buren was running for President. A group of people organized a club to support him. They called their political organization the "Okay Club. The letters "O" and "K" were taken from the name of Van Buren's hometown, the place where he was born, old Kinderhook, New York.

There is one thing about "Okay" that the experts do agree on: that the word is pure American and that it has spread to almost every country on earth.

There is something about the word that appeals to peoples of every language. Yet, here in America it is used mostly in speech, not in serious writing. In recent time, "Okay" has been given an official place in the English language. But it will be a long time before Americans will officially accept two expressions that come from "Okay." There are "Oke" and "Okeydoke".

______different opinions as where the word "Okay" came from are mentioned in the text.





People who can’t_________between colors are said to be color blind. A. separat

People who can’t _________between colors are said to be color blind.

A. separate

B. split

C. distinguish

D. divide

听力原文:W: Hi, Frank. What are you up to? Is that really a French grammar book?M: Well, I

听力原文:W: Hi, Frank. What are you up to? Is that really a French grammar book?

M: Well, I'm trying to teach myself some French. When I go to Montreal next semester, I don't want to sound like just another tourist. Most of the people there are bilingual.

W: Leave Boston to go to Montreal? I didn't know this university had a program in Canada.

M: It doesn't. I'm planning to take a short leave of absence from school, so I can go there on my own.

W: What's the reason for this sudden interest in Canada? M: Well, actually I've been thinking about going for some time now. I know someone there who's been wanting me to visit.

W: A relative?

M: An old friend of my uncle's runs a chemical engineering department there. So, I'm hoping he can help me enroll in some interesting courses.

W: If you want those credits transferred back here later on, you'd better arrange for it before you leave. Don't forget what happened to Susan after she came back from Rome.

M: Yeah, but her situation was different. I already have all the credits I need to graduate.

W: So you'll be taking courses just for the sake of learning.

M: That will be a nice change of pace, won't it?

What was Frank doing at the beginning of the conversation?

A.Planning a sightseeing tour.

B.Writing to his uncle.

C.Arranging his class schedule.

D.Looking through a language textbook.

I wasn't at the meeting yesterday to hear ________ other people thought about this

[A] which

[B] who

[C] what

[D] that

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