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—What should I do, doctor? —____, you should exercise moreA.Keep healthyB.Keeping healthy

—What should I do, doctor? —____, you should exercise more

A.Keep healthy

B.Keeping healthy

C.To keep healthy

D.Having kept healthy

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更多“—What should I do, doctor? —__…”相关的问题

A.Thank you

B.you have a fever

C.What should I do

D.What’s wrong/the matter with you

E.I think/hope you will be/feel better soon

–So what should we do next ?–()

A、Let’s have a cup of tea, and then discuss the plan.

B、I am not clear.

C、No hurry.

D、I’m too busy to do anything.

听力原文:W: Could you tell me what I should do if my car breaks down? M: Well,I'm sure you

听力原文:W: Could you tell me what I should do if my car breaks down?

M: Well,I'm sure you won't have any trouble,Mrs. Smith,but if something should happen,just call this number.They'll see that you get help.

Q: What does the man really mean?


A.He thought she should make a phone if anything went wrong.

B.He thought she should just wait for someone's help.

C.He was afraid something would go wrong with her car.

D.He promised to give her help himself.

听力原文:M: What should I do with my sight deposit if I need some money right now?W: Oh, t

听力原文:M: What should I do with my sight deposit if I need some money right now?

W: Oh, that's easy. You can either use the cash dispensers or you can write cheques.

Q: What does the man want to have now?



B.Sight deposit.

C.Cash dispenser.


—Thank you for giving me a ride home last night.—_________
—Thank you for giving me a ride home last night.—_________

A. Oh, it’s a small thing

B. Well, you are too polite

C. Oh, no. It’s what I should do

D. Oh, it’s my pleasure

听力原文:M: Would you please tell me what I should do to have funds transferred to me here
from London?

W: The fastest way is by telegraphic transfer from your bank in London to us.

Q: What does the man want to do?


A.He wants to withdraw some pounds.

B.He wants to transfer some money to London.

C.He wants to know how to transfer money from London to him.

D.He wants to exchange some pounds for yen.

Are you superstitious? No, of course not. Do you believe in magic (魔法), and luck charms

Are you superstitious? No, of course not. Do you believe in magic (魔法), and luck charms (护身符), and elves or gremlins (小精灵) ? Certainly not, but if I should greet you with the usual How's business?" You'll answer "Oh, just so-so" although your business is profiting greatly. When you are successful in some venture you might say you were just lucky. And yet, you know it was probably due to your a bility and hard work. Why? Sometimes you knock on wood because wood was once a tree and there is a primitive belief that protective gods inhabit trees and knocking on wood attracts their attention so they may be credited with your successes.

If I should sneeze, only the strongest of you could refrain(克制而不) from saying "God bless you". Why bless this unsanitary (不讲究卫生的) habit? Our ancestors believed that a sneeze opened the body to invasion by devils, and invoking (召唤) the name of God made the devils get out in a hurry. You may not realize it, but you express this same "devil invasion" when you say, "Whatever can have gotten into that child?" or "I wonder what possessed me to do that?"

Although they may no longer be believed, evidences of superstitions that have had their origins in the primitive fear of the unknown still exist in modern language and gestures.

The author ______.

A.believe that most people are superstitious

B.believe that very few people are superstitious

C.believes that there are still some evidences of superstitions in what we say and what we do

D.is superstitious


In Money Everything?

I don’t think money is everything, but we can’t do without it. Fox example, money can’t buy us happiness and a good education. And for another example, money can’t buy us good health and a long life. But we can not live without money. We need it for our daily necessities such as food,

clothes and transportation. What’s more, we need it to live a better life. In short, we

should learn the value of money and make the most of its advantages.

听力原文:M: Good morning! This is a demand draft for one thousand American dollars. May I
have it discounted here?

W: Sorry, immediate encashment of a foreign bill is not allowed. You may entrust it to us for collection. But it takes time.

Q: What should the man do if he wants to get the payment of the draft?


A.He has to show the clerk his passport.

B.He has to entrust the draft for collection to the bank.

C.He has to fill in some forms.

D.He has to endorse the draft.

I doubt that any historically valid treatment of that presidential administration can emer
ge for at least another decade, if then. I confess that when I came out of the White House I signed up to do an "insider volume", but sober, professional second thoughts have led me to put that project on ice until at least 1980. The problem is that I simultaneously know too much, and not enough. I know what I thought was happening. But I cannot fully document what happened. And I have seen enough highly classified documents to know that most of what the observers thought was happening was at best half right, at worst dead wrong. This has steered me in a different direction as far as writing is concerned. I am now preparing what is frankly and unashamedly an ex parte memoir, "My Experiences in Washington". It is based on what I believed to be tree, on the picture as I conceptualized it, of the presidential administration under which I worked.According to the speaker, the problem with "insider volumes" is that they ______.A.tell things that should not be toldB.lack historical perspectiveC.are too sensationalD.often intentionally distort the troth

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