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Those students don't have to be made ______ . They are all diligent students.A.learn B.l

earned C.learning D.to learn

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更多“Those students don't have to b…”相关的问题
Tens of thousands of 18-year-olds will graduate this year and be handed meaningless diplom
as. These diplomas won't look any different from those awarded their luckier classmates. Their validity will be questioned only when their employers discover that these graduates are semiliterate(半文盲).

Eventually a fortunate few will find their way into educational-repair shops—adult-literacy programs, such as the one where I teach basic grammar and writing. There, high-school graduates and high-school dropouts pursuing graduate-equivalency certificates will learn the skills they should have learned in school. They will also discover they have been cheated by our educational system.

I will never forget a teacher who got the attention of one of my children by revealing the trump card of failure. Our youngest, a world-class charmer, did little to develop his intellectual talents but always got by. Until Mrs. Stifter.

Our son was a high-school senior when he had her for English. "He sits in the back of the room talking to his friends," she told me. "Why don't you move him to the front row?" I urged, believing the embarrassment would get him to settle down. Mrs. Stifter said, "I don't move seniors. I flunk(使…不及格) them." Our son's academic life flashed before my eyes. No teacher had ever threatened him. By the time I got home I was feeling pretty good about this. It was a radical approach for these times, but, well, why not? "She's going to flunk you," I told my son. I did not discuss it any further. Suddenly English became a priority(头等要事) in his life. He finished out the semester with an A.

I know one example doesn't make a case, but at night I see a parade of students who are angry for having been passed along until they could no longer even pretend to keep up. Of average intelligence or better, they eventually quit school, concluding they were too dumb to finish. "I should have been held back," is a comment I hear frequently. Even sadder are those students who are high-school graduates who say to me after a few weeks of class, "I don't know how I ever got a high-school diploma."

Passing students who have not mastered the work cheats them and the employers who expect graduates to have basic skills. We excuse this dishonest behavior. by saying kids can't learn if they come from terrible environments. No one seems to stop to think that most kids don't put school first on their list unless they perceive something is at risk. They'd rather be sailing.

Many students I see at night have decided to make education a priority. They are motivated by the desire for a better job or the need to hang on to the one they've got. They have a healthy fear of failure.

People of all ages can rise above their problems, but they need to have a reason to do so. Young people generally don't have the maturity to value education in the same way my adult students value it. But fear of failure can motivate both.

What is the subject of this essay?

A.view point on learning

B.a qualified teacher

C.the importance of examination

D.the generation gap

The case for college has been accepted without question for more than a generation. All hi
gh school graduates ought to go, says conventional wisdom and statistical evidence, because college will help them earn more money, become "better" people, and learn to be more responsible citizens than those who don't go.

But college has never been able to work its magic for everyone. And now that close to half our high school graduates are attending, those who don't fit the pattern are becoming more numerous, and more obvious. College graduates are selling shoes and driving taxis; college students interfere with each other's experiments and write false letters of recommendation in the intense competition for admission to graduate school. Others find no stimulation in their studies, and drop out—often encouraged by college administrators.

Some observers say the fault is with the young people themselves—they are spoiled and they are expecting too much. But that's a c6ndemnation of the students as a whole, and doesn't explain all campus unhappiness. Others blame the state of the world, and they are partly right. We've been, told that young people have to go to college because our economy can't absorb an army of untrained eighteen-year-olds either.

Some adventuresome educators and campus watchers have openly begun to suggest that college may not be the best, the proper, the only place for every young person after the completion of high school. We may have been looking at all those surveys and statistics upside down, it seems, and through the rosy glow of our own remembered college experiences. Perhaps college doesn't make people intelligent, ambitious, happy, liberal, or quick to learn things—maybe it's just the other way around', and intelligent, ambitious, happy, liberal, quick-learning people are merely the ones who have been attracted to college in the first place. And perhaps all those successful college graduates would have been successful whether they had gone to college or not. This is heresy to those of us who have been brought up to believe that if a little schooling is good, more has to be much better. But contrary evidence is beginning to mount up.

What does the author believe according to the passage?______

A.People used to question the value of college education

B.People used to have full confidence in higher education

C.All high school graduates went to college

D.Very few high school graduates chose to go to college

A Census Bureau (人口调查局) survey released Thursday shows a college graduate can expect

A Census Bureau (人口调查局) survey released Thursday shows a college graduate can expect to earn $ 2. 1 million working full-time between 25 and 64, which demographers (人口学家) call a typical work-life period. A master' s degree-holder is projected to earn 2.5 million, while someone with a professional degree, such as a doctor or lawyer, could make even more--$ 4.4 million. In contrast, a high school graduate can expect to make $ 1.2 million during the working years, according to the bureau report that tracked the influence of education on lifetime earnings.

Not all students look at college as an investment, "but I am sure parents do," said Jacque line King, policy analyst with the American Education Council, a higher education advocacy (拥护) group. "The college is to convince those high school students on the margins that it is really worth their time to go to college." Kevin Malecek, a graduate student in American poli tics at American University in Washington said most of his classmates find higher education to be worth the time and financial promise. "They go to every single class, and they are trying to get the most out of their own dollar," he said. The survey was conducted between March 1998 and March 2000. All estimates are based on 1999 salaries and probably will increase as salaries rise over time, Census Bureau analyst Jennifer Day said. The estimates do not account for inflation (物价上涨) or for differences in the earning potential of various fields of study. For example, people with computer science degrees tend to earn more than those with social work degrees.

The phrase "students on the margins" in Line 3 of Paragraph 2 most probably refers to ______.

A.students Who actually regard higher education as an investment

B.students who can't afford the money to go to college or university

C.students who can't go to college because they have failed in the college entrance examination

D.students who don' t know whether higher education can have great influence on their earnings

Amitai Etzioni is not surprised by the latest headings about scheming corporate crooks(骗

Amitai Etzioni is not surprised by the latest headings about scheming corporate crooks(骗子). As a visiting professor at the Harvard Business School in 1989 ,he ended his work there disgusted with his students' overwhelming lust for money. "They're taught that profit is all that matters," he says. "Many schools don't even offer ethics (伦理学) courses at all."

Etzioni expressed his frustration about the interests of his graduate students. "By and large. I clearly had not found a way to help classes full of MBAS see that there is more to life than money, power, fame and self-interest," he wrote at the time. Today he still takes the blame for not educating these "business-leaders-to-he". "I really feel like I failed them, "he says. "If I was a better teacher maybe I could have reached them."

Etzioni was a respected ethics expert when he arrived at Harvard. He hoped his work at the university would give him insight into how questions of morality could he applied to places where serf-interest flourished. What he found wash't encouraging. Those would-be executives had, says Etzioni, little interest in concepts of ethics and morality in the boardroom--and their professor was met with blank stares when he urged his students to see business in new and different ways.

Etzioni sees the experience at Harvard as an eye-opening one and says there's much about business schools that he'd like to change. "A lot of the faculty teaching business tire bad news themselves. "Etzioni says. From offering classes that teach students how to legally manipulate contracts, to reinforcing the notion of profit over community interests, Etzioni has seen a lot that's left him shaking his head. And because of what he's seen taught in business schools, he's not surprised by the latest rash of corporate scandals. "In many ways things have got a lot worse at business schools. I suspect. "says Etzioni.

Etzioni is still teaching the sociology of right and wrong and still calling for ethical business leadership. "People with poor motives will always exist," he says. "Sometimes environments constrain those people and sometimes environments give those people opportunity. "Etzioni says the booming economy of the last decade enabled those individuals with poor motives to get rich before getting in trouble. His hope now: that the cries for reform. will provide more fertile soil for his longstanding messages about business ethics.

What impressed Amitai Etzioni most about Harvard MBA students?

A.Their keen interest in business courses.

B.Their intense desire for money.

C.Their tactics for making profits.

D.Their potential to become business leaders.

What you have said are old rules and they don't ________ the students nowadays an

A.tum to

B.apply to

C.occur to

D.agree to


The students () a good rest last weekend. They were preparing for the test.

A.don't have

B.didn't have


D.won't have

I can’t him to those people;I don‘t think he knows them at all.A.joinB.linkC.connectD.col

I can’t him to those people;I don‘t think he knows them at all.






The school master was strict. He ordered that the boy students() long hair.

A.not wear

B.not to wear

C.may not wear

D.don' t wear


Don’t tell me such things _______ you are not certain. A. thatB. which C. those D. as

We don't deny that your products are superior in quality to ______ of Japanese make. A) the one

We don't deny that your products are superior in quality to ______ of Japanese make.

A) the one B) that C) these D) those

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