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FLOOR BROKERS, when a commission broker has(56) that he cannot execute personally because

FLOOR BROKERS, when a commission broker has (56) that he cannot execute personally because of their number or because of the activity of the market, he engages the services of a floor broker. These floor brokers were once referred to as $ 2 brokers, because at one time they charged a fee of $2 per (57) ; today this fee is (58) higher. Commissions are shared on these orders. It is easy to see that smaller commission brokers are especially prone to (59) by an influx of orders. The floor broker, as a freelance operator, provides a (60) function in ensuring that the exchange's business is conducted rapidly and efficiently.






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更多“FLOOR BROKERS, when a commissi…”相关的问题
听力原文:The most prestigious exchange in the world is the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE).

听力原文: The most prestigious exchange in the world is the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). The NYSE is the first type of exchange, where much of the trading is done face-to-face on a trading floor. This is also referred to as a "listed" exchange. Orders come in through brokerage firms that are members of the exchange and flow down to floor brokers who go to a specific spot on the floor where the stock trades. At this location, known as the trading post, there is a specific person known as the "specialist" whose job is to match buyers and sellers. Prices are determined by using an auction method: the current price is the highest amount any buyer is willing to pay and the lowest price at which someone is willing to sell.

28. Which is the most notable exchange in the world?

29.In the NYSE, where does the "specialist" match buyers and sellers?

30.In the NYSE, what are prices determined by?


A.the Nasdaq

B.the NYSE

C.the OTC

D.the AMEX

When the floor is dirty,my brother is always the first one to()it.





()It will be held on the 3rd floor of Shakiraton Hotel.A. When will you give a speech?B.


It will be held on the 3rd floor of Shakiraton Hotel.

A. When will you give a speech?

B. Does your speech still go on?

C. What is the address of your speech?

When will the fire department come to conduct a fire prevention inspection in our company?

A. Next month. I’ve checked hydrants and fire-extinguishers on each floor

B.Next day. The manager will check hydrants and other equipment in the building.

C.Next week. But hydrants and fire extinguishers on each floor has already been checked

D.The day before yesterday. I had already checked hydrants and fire extinguishers on each floor.

Escaping a fire is a serious matter. Knowing what to do before a fire breaks out can save
a life. For example, people should know the safety measures to take before opening a hall door during a fire. Also, make sure everyone knows how to unlock doors that may be in the escape path. At times, a key is needed to unlock a door from the inside. So, keep the key in the lock, or, you can put the key on a key ring and put it where it can be found easily.

If you live in an apartment, know the ways you can use to get out. Show everyone in the family these routes. Stress the importance of using stairways or fire escapes, not elevators.

From most homes and the lower floors of apartment buildings, escape through windows is possible. Learn the best way of leaving by a window with the least chance of serious injury.

In a home fire, windows are often the only means of escape. The second floor window sill is usually not more than 13 feet from the ground. An average person, hanging by the fingertips, will have a drop of about six to the ground. Of course, it is after to jump a short way than to stay in a burning building. Rolling away from the building when you land.

Windows are also useful when you are waiting for help. Often you'll be able to stay in the room for several minutes if you keep the door closed and the windows open. Keep your head low in the window to be sure you get fresh air rather than smoke that may have leaked into the room.

On a second or third floor, the best windows for escape are those which open onto a roof or balcony. From the roof or balcony, a person can either drop to the ground or await rescuer. Dropping onto cement or pavement might end in injury. Bushes, soft earth, and grass can help to break a fall. A rope ladder should be considered when the drop is too great.

In a town where the fire department acts quickly, it may be best to wait for rescuer. Close the doors and wait by an open window for help. Shout for help. Be sure to close the door before opening a window. Otherwise, smoke and fire may be drawn into the room by the draft.

From most homes you can escape a fire through the ______.





听力原文:Money brokers do not generally hold CDs, but they put parties who wish to trade C
Ds in touch with each other.


A.Money brokers generally buy and sell CDs among themselves.

B.The buyer and seller of CDs will generally trade through the brokers.

C.Money brokers never buy and sell CDs among themselves.

D.CDs are generally bought and sold through the bank.

If the full hire is not paid owing to breach of charter by either of the parties the party
liable __________ to indemnify the Brokers against their loss of brokerage.





__________ the parties agree to cancel the Charter,the Owners to indemnify the Brokers aga
inst any loss of brokerage,but in such case the brokerage not to exceed that on one year's hire.





In the foreign exchange market, which is made up of banks'traders and brokers, prices(61)

In the foreign exchange market, which is made up of banks' traders and brokers, prices (61) every minute (62) to supply and demand. For safety's sake, a branch will get a rate from their traders for a big transaction. Therefore the traders give their branches lists of exchange rates (63) they may buy and sell notes and payments in the main currencies.

Whenever a bank in Britain makes a payment in foreign currency, or makes a payment in sterling to a non-resident, the payment has first to (64) under British exchange control regulations. The bank itself can usually authorize the payment after seeing a document such as an invoice to show that the payment is due; but cases (65) borrowing and lending have to be referred to the Bank of England.






完成下列各题 George and Margaret Glenn and their children live at 140, Davis Street, acro
ss the street from a small park. Their house is 21 off the main road. George 22 goes to work by bus, but sometimes he goes 23 his car. The children usually go to school by bus. The Glenns' house is 24 hidden among the trees. It has small bushes(灌木) 25 around it. There is a fence 26 it and the house next door. It is a two-storey house, with the living room, dinning room and kitchen on the first floor, and the bedrooms and bathroom on the second floor. The Glenns spent a lot of time at home. 27 now they are at dinner. Conversation(谈话) at the Glenns' house is usually lively at mealtime. The children are 28 trips they would like to take. Susan, who has never 29 on a plane, says, "I'd like to 30 a plane to California. " Henry, who is 31 , thinks it would be fun to be on a ship, heading for adventure(冒险) in Africa. Teddy, the youngest child, says, "I want to go around the world on a train. " His elder brother and sister are still trying to 32 to him why this is not possible when their mother says, "Children, you've spent too much time at the table. Henry and Susan, go and 33 your homework. Teddy, it's time you were in bed. " Soon there is silence throughout the 34 Teddy is in bed, Susan and Henry are in their rooms studying, and Mr. And Mrs. Glenns are in their living room, 35 George is sitting in his favourite chair, reading the paper and Margaret is sitting on the sofa, doing some sewing.





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