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1 Rowlands & Medeleev (R&M), a major listed European civil engineering company, was successful in its bid to become

principal (lead) contractor to build the Giant Dam Project in an East Asian country. The board of R&M prided itself in

observing the highest standards of corporate governance. R&M’s client, the government of the East Asian country, had

taken into account several factors in appointing the principal contractor including each bidder’s track record in large

civil engineering projects, the value of the bid and a statement, required from each bidder, on how it would deal with

the ‘sensitive issues’ and publicity that might arise as a result of the project.

The Giant Dam Project was seen as vital to the East Asian country’s economic development as it would provide a

large amount of hydroelectric power. This was seen as a ‘clean energy’ driver of future economic growth. The

government was keen to point out that because hydroelectric power did not involve the burning of fossil fuels, the

power would be environmentally clean and would contribute to the East Asian country’s ability to meet its

internationally agreed carbon emission targets. This, in turn, would contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gases

in the environment. Critics, such as the environmental pressure group ‘Stop-the-dam’, however, argued that the

project was far too large and the cost to the local environment would be unacceptable. Stop-the-dam was highly

organised and, according to press reports in Europe, was capable of disrupting progress on the dam by measures such

as creating ‘human barriers’ to the site and hiding people in tunnels who would have to be physically removed before

proceeding. A spokesman for Stop-the-dam said it would definitely be attempting to resist the Giant Dam Project when

construction started.

The project was intended to dam one of the region’s largest rivers, thus creating a massive lake behind it. The lake

would, the critics claimed, not only displace an estimated 100,000 people from their homes, but would also flood

productive farmland and destroy several rare plant and animal habitats. A number of important archaeological sites

would also be lost. The largest community to be relocated was the indigenous First Nation people who had lived on

and farmed the land for an estimated thousand years. A spokesman for the First Nation community said that the ‘true

price’ of hydroelectric power was ‘misery and cruelty’. A press report said that whilst the First Nation would be unlikely

to disrupt the building of the dam, it was highly likely that they would protest and also attempt to mobilise opinion in

other parts of the world against the Giant Dam Project.

The board of R&M was fully aware of the controversy when it submitted its tender to build the dam. The finance

director, Sally Grignard, had insisted on putting an amount into the tender for the management of ‘local risks’. Sally

was also responsible for the financing of the project for R&M. Although the client was expected to release money in

several ‘interim payments’ as the various parts of the project were completed to strict time deadlines, she anticipated

a number of working capital challenges for R&M, especially near the beginning where a number of early stage costs

would need to be incurred. There would, she explained, also be financing issues in managing the cash flows to R&M’s

many subcontractors. Although the major banks financed the client through a lending syndicate, R&M’s usual bank

said it was wary of lending directly to R&M for the Giant Dam Project because of the potential negative publicity that

might result. Another bank said it would provide R&M with its early stage working capital needs on the understanding

that its involvement in financing R&M to undertake the Giant Dam Project was not disclosed. A press statement from

Stop-the-dam said that it would do all it could to discover R&M’s financial lenders and publicly expose them. Sally

told the R&M board that some debt financing would be essential until the first interim payments from the client

became available.

When it was announced that R&M had won the contract to build the Giant Dam Project, some of its institutional

shareholders contacted Richard Markovnikoff, the chairman. They wanted reassurance that the company had fully

taken the environmental issues and other risks into account. One fund manager asked if Mr Markovnikoff could

explain the sustainability implications of the project to assess whether R&M shares were still suitable for his

environmentally sensitive clients. Mr Markovnikoff said, through the company’s investor relations department, that he

intended to give a statement at the next annual general meeting (AGM) that he hoped would address these

environmental concerns. He would also, he said, make a statement on the importance of confidentiality in the

financing of the early stage working capital needs.

(a) Any large project such as the Giant Dam Project has a number of stakeholders.


(i) Define the terms ‘stakeholder’ and ‘stakeholder claim’, and identify from the case FOUR of R&M’s

external stakeholders as it carries out the Giant Dam Project; (6 marks)

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更多“1 Rowlands & Medeleev (R&a…”相关的问题
2 Plaza, a limited liability company, is a major food retailer. Further to the success of
its national supermarkets in the

late 1990s it has extended its operations throughout Europe and most recently to Asia, where it is expanding rapidly.

You are a manager in Andando, a firm of Chartered Certified Accountants. You have been approached by Duncan

Seymour, the chief finance officer of Plaza, to advise on a bid that Plaza is proposing to make for the purchase of

MCM. You have ascertained the following from a briefing note received from Duncan.

MCM provides training in management, communications and marketing to a wide range of corporate clients, including

multi-nationals. The ‘MCM’ name is well regarded in its areas of expertise. MCM is currently wholly-owned by

Frontiers, an international publisher of textbooks, whose shares are quoted on a recognised stock exchange. MCM

has a National and an International business.

The National business comprises 11 training centres. The audited financial statements show revenue of

$12·5 million and profit before taxation of $1·3 million for this geographic segment for the year to 31 December

2004. Most of the National business’s premises are owned or held on long leases. Trainers in the National business

are mainly full-time employees.

The International business has five training centres in Europe and Asia. For these segments, revenue amounted to

$6·3 million and profit before tax $2·4 million for the year to 31 December 2004. Most of the International business’s

premises are held on operating leases. International trade receivables at 31 December 2004 amounted to

$3·7 million. Although the International centres employ some full-time trainers, the majority of trainers provide their

services as freelance consultants.


(a) Define ‘due diligence’ and describe the nature and purpose of a due diligence review. (4 marks)

The Industrial Revolution marked a major turning point in humans relationship with their e
nvironment. It【C1】______changed every aspect of human life and lifestyles. The【C2】______on the worlds psyche would not【C3】______much attention till the early 1960s. From human development, health and life longevity to public health, energy usage and sanitation, the effects were【C4】______. It wasnt【C5】______the Industrial Revolution became an irresistible force overnight. It started in the mid-1700s in Great Britain when machinery began to replace manual labor. Fossil fuels replaced wind, water and wood, used【C6】______for the manufacture of textiles and the development of iron making processes. The full impact would not begin to be realized until about 100 years later in the 1800s,【C7】______the use of machines to replace human labor spread throughout Europe and North America. This transformation is【C8】______as the industrialization of the world. These processes【C9】______sweeping increases in production capacity and were to affect all basic human needs. Not only did society develop the【C10】______to have more things faster, but it would be able to develop better things. These industrialization processes continue today and are likely to be long-lasting.






1 The scientists in the research laboratories of Swan Hill Company (SHC, a public listed c

1 The scientists in the research laboratories of Swan Hill Company (SHC, a public listed company) recently made a very

important discovery about the process that manufactured its major product. The scientific director, Dr Sonja Rainbow,

informed the board that the breakthrough was called the ‘sink method’. She explained that the sink method would

enable SHC to produce its major product at a lower unit cost and in much higher volumes than the current process.

It would also produce lower unit environmental emissions and would substantially improve product quality compared

to its current process and indeed compared to all of the other competitors in the industry.

SHC currently has 30% of the global market with its nearest competitor having 25% and the other twelve producers

sharing the remainder. The company, based in the town of Swan Hill, has a paternalistic management approach and

has always valued its relationship with the local community. Its website says that SHC has always sought to maximise

the benefit to the workforce and community in all of its business decisions and feels a great sense of loyalty to the

Swan Hill locality which is where it started in 1900 and has been based ever since.

As the board considered the implications of the discovery of the sink method, chief executive Nelson Cobar asked

whether Sonja Rainbow was certain that SHC was the only company in the industry that had made the discovery and

she said that she was. She also said that she was certain that the competitors were ‘some years’ behind SHC in their


It quickly became clear that the discovery of the sink method was so important and far reaching that it had the

potential to give SHC an unassailable competitive advantage in its industry. Chief executive Nelson Cobar told board

colleagues that they should clearly understand that the discovery had the potential to put all of SHC’s competitors out

of business and make SHC the single global supplier. He said that as the board considered the options, members

should bear in mind the seriousness of the implications upon the rest of the industry.

Mr Cobar said there were two strategic options. Option one was to press ahead with the huge investment of new plant

necessary to introduce the sink method into the factory whilst, as far as possible, keeping the nature of the sink

technology secret from competitors (the ‘secrecy option’). A patent disclosing the nature of the technology would not

be filed so as to keep the technology secret within SHC. Option two was to file a patent and then offer the use of the

discovery to competitors under a licensing arrangement where SHC would receive substantial royalties for the twentyyear

legal lifetime of the patent (the ‘licensing option’). This would also involve new investment but at a slower pace

in line with competitors. The licence contract would, Mr Cobar explained, include an ‘improvement sharing’

requirement where licensees would be required to inform. SHC of any improvements discovered that made the sink

method more efficient or effective.

The sales director, Edwin Kiama, argued strongly in favour of the secrecy option. He said that the board owed it to

SHC’s shareholders to take the option that would maximise shareholder value. He argued that business strategy was

all about gaining competitive advantage and this was a chance to do exactly that. Accordingly, he argued, the sink

method should not be licensed to competitors and should be pursued as fast as possible. The operations director said

that to gain the full benefits of the sink method with either option would require a complete refitting of the factory and

the largest capital investment that SHC had ever undertaken.

The financial director, Sean Nyngan, advised the board that pressing ahead with investment under the secrecy option

was not without risks. First, he said, he would have to finance the investment, probably initially through debt, and

second, there were risks associated with any large investment. He also informed the board that the licensing option

would, over many years, involve the inflow of ‘massive’ funds in royalty payments from competitors using the SHC’s

patented sink method. By pursuing the licensing option, Sean Nyngan said that they could retain their market

leadership in the short term without incurring risk, whilst increasing their industry dominance in the future through

careful investment of the royalty payments.

The non-executive chairman, Alison Manilla, said that she was looking at the issue from an ethical perspective. She

asked whether SHC had the right, even if it had the ability, to put competitors out of business.


(a) Assess the secrecy option using Tucker’s model for decision-making. (10 marks)

Which of the following statements are correct? 1 Maximising market share is an example of
a financial objective 2 Shareholder wealth maximisation is the primary financial objective for a company listed on a stock exchange 3 Financial objectives should be quantitative so that their achievement can be measured

A.1 and 2 only

B.1 and 3 only

C.2 and 3 only

D.1, 2 and 3

Section B – TWO questions ONLY to be attemptedLouieed Co Louieed Co, a listed company, is

Section B – TWO questions ONLY to be attempted

Louieed Co

Louieed Co, a listed company, is a major supplier of educational material, selling its products in many countries. It supplies schools and colleges and also produces learning material for business and professional exams. Louieed Co has exclusive contracts to produce material for some examining bodies. Louieed Co has a well-defined management structure with formal processes for making major decisions.

Although Louieed Co produces online learning material, most of its profits are still derived from sales of traditional textbooks. Louieed Co’s growth in profits over the last few years has been slow and its directors are currently reviewing its long-term strategy. One area in which they feel that Louieed Co must become much more involved is the production of online testing materials for exams and to validate course and textbook learning.

Bid for Tidded Co

Louieed Co has recently made a bid for Tidded Co, a smaller listed company. Tidded Co also supplies a range of educational material, but has been one of the leaders in the development of online testing and has shown strong profit growth over recent years. All of Tidded Co’s initial five founders remain on its board and still hold 45% of its issued share capital between them. From the start, Tidded Co’s directors have been used to making quick decisions in their areas of responsibility. Although listing has imposed some formalities, Tidded Co has remained focused on acting quickly to gain competitive advantage, with the five founders continuing to give strong leadership.

Louieed Co’s initial bid of five shares in Louieed Co for three shares in Tidded Co was rejected by Tidded Co’s board. There has been further discussion between the two boards since the initial offer was rejected and Louieed Co’s board is now considering a proposal to offer Tidded Co’s shareholders two shares in Louieed Co for one share in Tidded Co or a cash alternative of $22·75 per Tidded Co share. It is expected that Tidded Co&39;s shareholders will choose one of the following options:

(i) To accept the two-shares-for-one-share offer for all the Tidded Co shares; or,

(ii) To accept the cash offer for all the Tidded Co shares; or,

(iii) 60% of the shareholders will take up the two-shares-for-one-share offer and the remaining 40% will take the cash offer.

In case of the third option being accepted, it is thought that three of the company&39;s founders, holding 20% of the share capital in total, will take the cash offer and not join the combined company. The remaining two founders will probably continue to be involved in the business and be members of the combined company&39;s board.

Louieed Co’s finance director has estimated that the merger will produce annual post-tax synergies of $20 million. He expects Louieed Co’s current price-earnings (P/E) ratio to remain unchanged after the acquisition.

Extracts from the two companies’ most recent accounts are shown below:

Section B – TWO questions ONLY to be attemptedLoui

The tax rate applicable to both companies is 20%.

Assume that Louieed Co can obtain further debt funding at a pre-tax cost of 7·5% and that the return on cash surpluses is 5% pre-tax.

Assume also that any debt funding needed to complete the acquisition will be reduced instantly by the balances of cash and cash equivalents held by Louieed Co and Tidded Co.


(a) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the acquisition of Tidded Co from the viewpoint of Louieed Co. (6 marks)

(b) Calculate the P/E ratios of Tidded Co implied by the terms of Louieed Co’s initial and proposed offers, for all three of the above options. (5 marks)

(c) Calculate, and comment on, the funding required for the acquisition of Tidded Co and the impact on Louieed Co’s earnings per share and gearing, for each of the three options given above.

Note: Up to 10 marks are available for the calculations. (14 marks)

(a) Apex is a publicly listed supermarket chain. During the current year it started the bu

(a) Apex is a publicly listed supermarket chain. During the current year it started the building of a new store. The directors are aware that in accordance with IAS 23 Borrowing costs certain borrowing costs have to be capitalised.


Explain the circumstances when, and the amount at which, borrowing costs should be capitalised in accordance with IAS 23. (5 marks)

(b) Details relating to construction of Apex’s new store:

Apex issued a $10 million unsecured loan with a coupon (nominal) interest rate of 6% on 1 April 2009. The loan is redeemable at a premium which means the loan has an effective fi nance cost of 7?5% per annum. The loan was specifi cally issued to fi nance the building of the new store which meets the defi nition of a qualifying asset in IAS 23. Construction of the store commenced on 1 May 2009 and it was completed and ready for use on 28 February 2010, but did not open for trading until 1 April 2010. During the year trading at Apex’s other stores was below expectations so Apex suspended the construction of the new store for a two-month period during July and August 2009. The proceeds of the loan were temporarily invested for the month of April 2009 and earned interest of $40,000.


Calculate the net borrowing cost that should be capitalised as part of the cost of the new store and the fi nance cost that should be reported in the income statement for the year ended 31 March 2010. (5 marks)

(a) You are the manager responsible for the audit of Dylan Co, a listed company, and you a

(a) You are the manager responsible for the audit of Dylan Co, a listed company, and you are reviewing the working papers of the audit file for the year ended 30 September 2012. The audit senior has left a note for your attention:

‘Dylan Co outsources its entire payroll, invoicing and credit control functions to Hendrix Co. In August 2012, Hendrix Co suffered a computer virus attack on its operating system, resulting in the destruction of its accounting records, including those relating to Dylan Co. We have therefore been unable to perform. the planned audit procedures on payroll, revenue and receivables, all of which are material to the financial statements. Hendrix Co has manually reconstructed the relevant figures as far as possible, and has supplied a written statement to confirm that they are as accurate as possible, given the loss of accounting records.’


(i) Comment on the actions that should be taken by the auditor, and the implications for the auditor’s report; and (7 marks)

(ii) Discuss the quality control procedures that should be carried out by the audit firm prior to the audit report being issued. (3 marks)

(b) You are also responsible for the audit of Squire Co, a listed company, and you are completing the review of its interim financial statements for the six months ended 31 October 2012. Squire Co is a car manufacturer, and historically has offered a three-year warranty on cars sold. The financial statements for the year ended 30 April 2012 included a warranty provision of $1·5 million and recognised total assets of $27·5 million. You are aware that on 1 July 2012, due to cost cutting measures, Squire Co stopped offering warranties on cars sold. The interim financial statements for the six months ended 31 October 2012 do not recognise any warranty provision. Total assets are $30 million at 31 October 2012.


Assess the matters that should be considered in forming a conclusion on Squire Co’s interim financial statements, and the implications for the review report. (6 marks)

16 Which of the following events between the balance sheet date and the date the financial
statements are

authorised for issue must be adjusted in the financial statements?

1 Declaration of equity dividends.

2 Decline in market value of investments.

3 The announcement of changes in tax rates.

4 The announcement of a major restructuring.

A 1

A 1 only

B 2 and 4

C 3 only

D None of them

1 The board of Worldwide Minerals (WM) was meeting for the last monthly meeting before the

1 The board of Worldwide Minerals (WM) was meeting for the last monthly meeting before the publication of the yearend

results. There were two points of discussion on the agenda. First was the discussion of the year-end results;

second was the crucial latest minerals reserves report.

WM is a large listed multinational company that deals with natural minerals that are extracted from the ground,

processed and sold to a wide range of industrial and construction companies. In order to maintain a consistent supply

of minerals into its principal markets, an essential part of WM’s business strategy is the seeking out of new sources

and the measurement of known reserves. Investment analysts have often pointed out that WM’s value rests principally

upon the accuracy of its reserve reports as these are the best indicators of future cash flows and earnings. In order to

support this key part of its strategy, WM has a large and well-funded geological survey department which, according

to the company website, contains ‘some of the world’s best geologists and minerals scientists’. In its investor relations

literature, the company claims that:

‘our experts search the earth for mineral reserves and once located, they are carefully measured so that the company

can always report on known reserves. This knowledge underpins market confidence and keeps our customers

supplied with the inventory they need. You can trust our reserve reports – our reputation depends on it!’

At the board meeting, the head of the geological survey department, Ranjana Tyler, reported that there was a problem

with the latest report because one of the major reserve figures had recently been found to be wrong. The mineral in

question, mallerite, was WM’s largest mineral in volume terms and Ranjana explained that the mallerite reserves in

a deep mine in a certain part of the world had been significantly overestimated. She explained that, based on the

interim minerals report, the stock market analysts were expecting WM to announce known mallerite reserves of

4·8 billion tonnes. The actual figure was closer to 2·4 billion tonnes. It was agreed that this difference was sufficient

to affect WM’s market value, despite the otherwise good results for the past year. Vanda Monroe, the finance director,

said that the share price reflects market confidence in future earnings. She said that an announcement of an incorrect

estimation like that for mallerite would cause a reduction in share value. More importantly for WM itself, however, it

could undermine confidence in the geological survey department. All agreed that as this was strategically important

for the company, it was a top priority to deal with this problem.

Ranjana explained how the situation had arisen. The major mallerite mine was in a country new to WM’s operations.

The WM engineer at the mine said it was difficult to deal with some local people because, according to the engineer,

‘they didn’t like to give us bad news’. The engineer explained that when the mine was found to be smaller than

originally thought, he was not told until it was too late to reduce the price paid for the mine. This was embarrassing

and it was agreed that it would affect market confidence in WM if it was made public.

The board discussed the options open to it. The chairman, who was also a qualified accountant, was Tim Blake. He

began by expressing serious concern about the overestimation and then invited the board to express views freely. Gary

Howells, the operations director, said that because disclosing the error to the market would be so damaging, it might

be best to keep it a secret and hope that new reserves can be found in the near future that will make up for the

shortfall. He said that it was unlikely that this concealment would be found out as shareholders trusted WM and they

had many years of good investor relations to draw on. Vanda Monroe, the finance director, reminded the board that

the company was bound to certain standards of truthfulness and transparency by its stock market listing. She pointed

out that they were constrained by codes of governance and ethics by the stock market and that colleagues should be

aware that WM would be in technical breach of these if the incorrect estimation was concealed from investors. Finally,

Martin Chan, the human resources director, said that the error should be disclosed to the investors because he would

not want to be deceived if he were an outside investor in the company. He argued that whatever the governance codes

said and whatever the cost in terms of reputation and market value, WM should admit its error and cope with

whatever consequences arose. The WM board contains three non-executive directors and their views were also


At the preliminary results presentation some time later, one analyst, Christina Gonzales, who had become aware of

the mallerite problem, asked about internal audit and control systems, and whether they were adequate in such a

reserve-sensitive industry. WM’s chairman, Tim Blake, said that he intended to write a letter to all investors and

analysts in the light of the mallerite problem which he hoped would address some of the issues that Miss Gonzales

had raised.


(a) Define ‘transparency’ and evaluate its importance as an underlying principle in corporate governance and in

relevant and reliable financial reporting. Your answer should refer to the case as appropriate. (10 marks)

Tourism in Chile The biggest problem facing Chile, as it promotes itself as a tourist
destination to be reckoned with, is that it is at the end of the earth. It is too far south to be a convenient stop on the way to anywhere else and it is considerably farther than a relatively cheap half-days flight away from other major tourist markets, such as Mexico. Chile, therefore, is having to fight hard to attract tourists, to convince travelers that it is worth coming halfway round the world to visit. But it is succeeding, not only in existing markets like the USA and Western Europe but in new territories, in particular the Far East. Markets closer to home, however, are not being forgotten. More than 50% of visitors to Chile still come from its nearest neighbor, Argentina, where the cost of living is much higher. Similar to all the other South American countries, Chile sees tourism as a valuable earner of foreign currency, although it has been far more serious than most in promoting its image abroad. Relatively stable politically within the region, it has benefited from the problems suffered in other areas. In Peru, guerrilla warfare in recent years has dealt a heavy blow to the tourist industry and fear of street crime in Brazil has reduced the attraction of Rio de Janeiro as a dream destination for foreigners. More than 150000 people are directly involved in Chiles tourist sector, an industry which earns the country more than U.S. $ 950 million each year. The state-run National Tourism Service, in partnership with a number of private companies, is currently running a world-wide campaign, taking part in trade fairs and international events to attract visitors to Chile. Chiles great strength as a tourist destination is its geographical diversity. From the parched Atacama Desert in the north to the Antarctic snowfields of the south, it is more than 5000 km long. With the Pacific on one side and the Andean mountains on the other, Chile boasts natural attractions. Its beaches are not up to Caribbean standards but resorts such as Vinadel Mar are generally clean and unspoiled and have a high standard of services. But the trump card is the Andes mountain range. There are a number of excellent ski resorts within one hours drive of the capital, Santiago, and the national parks in the south are home to rare animal and plant species. The parks already attract specialist visitors, including mountaineers, who come to climb the technically difficult peaks, and fishermen, lured by the salmon and trout in the regions rivers. However, infrastructural development in these areas is limited. The ski resorts do not have as many lifts as their European counterparts and part poor quality of roads in the south means that only the most determined travelers see the best of the national parks. (A)Air links between Chile and the rest of the world are, at present, relatively poor. (B)While Chiles two largest airlines have extensive networks within South America, they operate only a small number of routes to the U.S. and Europe while services to Asia are almost non-existent. (C)Internal transport links are being improved and luxury hotels are being built in one of its national parks. (D)Easter Island and Chiles Antarctic Territory are also on the list of areas where the government believes it can create tourist markets. But the rush to open hitherto inaccessible areas to mass tourism is not being welcomed by everyone. Indigenous and environmental groups, including Greenpeace, say that many parts of the Andes will suffer if they become over-developed. There is a genuine fear that areas of Chile will suffer the cultural destruction witnessed in Mexican and European resorts. The policy of opening up Antarctica to tourism is also politically sensitive. Chile already has permanent settlements on the ice and many people see the decision to allow tourists there as a political move, enhancing Santiagos territorial claim over part of Antarctica. The Chilean government has promised to respect the environment as it seeks to bring tourism potential. The government will have to monitor developments closely if it is genuinely concerned in creating a balanced, controlled industry and if the price of an increasingly lucrative tourist market is not going to mean the loss of many of Chiles natural riches.

The word reckon in Paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ______.





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