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A history of long and effortless success can be a dreadful handicap, but, if properly hand

led, it may become a driving force. When the United States entered just such a glowing period after the end of the Second World War, it had a market eight times larger than any competitor, giving its industries unparalleled economies of scale. Its scientists were the world's best, its workers the most skilled. America and Americans were prosperous beyond the dreams of the Europeans and Asians whose economies the war had destroyed.

It was inevitable that this primacy should have narrowed as other countries grew richer. Just as inevitably, the retreat from predominance proved painful. By the mid-1980s Americans had found themselves at a loss over their fading industrial competitiveness. Some huge American industries, such as consumer electronics, had shrunk or vanished in the face of foreign competition. By 1987 there was only one American television maker left, Zenith. (Now there is none: Zenith was bought by South Korea's LG Electronics. ) Foreign-made cars and textiles were sweeping into the domestic market. America's machine-tool industry was on the ropes. For a while it looked as though the making of semiconductors, which America had sat at the heart of the new computer age, was going to be the next casualty.

All of this caused a crisis of confidence. Americans stopped taking prosperity for granted. They began to believe that their way of doing business was failing, and that their incomes would therefore shortly begin to fail as well. The mid-1980s brought one inquiry after another into the causes of America's industrial decline. Their sometimes sensational findings were filled with warnings about the growing competition from overseas.

How things have changed! In 1995 the United States can look back on five years of solid growth while Japan has been straggling. Few Americans attribute this solely to such obvious causes as a devalued dollar or the turning of the business cycle. Self-doubt has yielded to blind pride. "American industry has changed its structure, has gone on a diet, has learnt to be more quick-witted," according to Richard Cavanagh, executive dean of Harvard's Kennedy School of Government. "It makes me proud to be an American just to see how our businesses are improving their productivity," says Stephen Moore of the Cato Institute, a think-tank in Washington, D. C. And William Sahlman of the Harvard Business School believes, that people will look back on this period as "a golden age of business management in the United States".

Which of the following statements is TRUE about US economic predominance after World War Ⅱ?

A.The unparalleled size of its workforce had given an impetus to its economy.

B.The war had destroyed the economies of most potential competitors.

C.Its domestic market was eight times larger than before.

D.It had made painstaking efforts towards this goal.

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更多“A history of long and effortle…”相关的问题
I returned to school following a long ilness. The math teacher gave me make-up work t
o do, but the history teacher made me drop her course.(compound-complex sentence)

In the compressed history of Earth the Declaration of Independence is signed______.A.a lon

In the compressed history of Earth the Declaration of Independence is signed______.

A.a long time before the New Year

B.immediately after the New Year's Day

C.just one second before the New Year

D.right on the New Year's Day

Milk was one of the main foods for people long before history was written.Maybe【21】will re

Milk was one of the main foods for people long before history was written. Maybe【21】will remain an important food as long as there are【22】that give milk. The old word "milk"【23】Sanskrit(梵文), one of the oldest【24】known to man. A very old picture of milking,【25】was drawn five thousand years ago, has been found.

In the years long ago, people got their milk【26】their own animals. But【27】modern times new inventions made the milk industry(产业) a big business.【28】1851 Gall Borden found a way to【29】some of the water out from milk. This made milk keep longer. Four years later, Louis Pasteur【30】 a way to kill the bacteria(细菌) in milk. Then a special milk bottle was made. This was followed【31】 the invention of machines that could fill bottles with milk. The discoveries had a great effect(影响) on the milk industry. They meant that milk could be kept longer.

Some people believe that milk drinking will become less popular【32】 it has been. But remember how long milk has been an important food【33】 think of the many ways【34】 it is useful. It seems【35】 to say that the milk industry will always be important.






听力原文:It's no secret that throughout history common stock has outperformed most financi

听力原文: It's no secret that throughout history common stock has outperformed most financial instruments. If an investor plans to have an investment for a long period of time, then their portfolio should be comprised mostly of stocks ; however, investors who don't have this kind of time should diversify their portfolios. For this reason, the concept of "asset allocation" was developed. Asset allocation is an investment portfolio technique that aims to balance risk and create diversification by dividing assets among major categories. The underlying principle of asset allocation is that the older a person gets, the less risk he or she should face. After you retire you may have to depend on your savings as your only source of income.

28. Throughout history, what kind of stock has outperformed most financial instruments?

29.What is the purpose of asset allocation?

30.What is the principle underlying the concept of asset allocation?


A.preferred stock

B.common stock

C.concept stock

D.cynical stock

In the opinion of many Americans and Europeans, we only began to really explore our world
in the sixteenth century. According to them, the sailors of the ancient world did not explore distant parts of the world; they did not have the necessary knowledge or skills for long sea journeys. However, the people who have this opinion are forgetting two important facts of history.

First, sometimes early scientists have an idea which is correct, but scientists in later centuries do not believe it. For example, about 270 B. C., a Greek scientist had an idea which we all believe today: The earth moves around the sun. But for the following 1,600 years scientists did not believe this. In their opinion, the sun clearly moved around the earth. They discovered the truth again only in the fifteenth century!

The second fact of history that many people forget is this: Ancient does not mean primitive. For example, the ancient Egyptians knew a great deal about the stars; they used this knowledge to find their way across the oceans. Two thousand years ago a Greek scientist who lived in Egypt calculated the distance around the earth. The results of his calculations were close to the real distance we know today! So the ancients had a great deal of scientific knowledge. They also had skills which equaled the skills of to- day. For example, 1,300 years ago and before, fishermen in Ireland built their boats of wood and leather. Today some fishermen in Ireland still make boats of the same de- sign. They use tools and materials which are not very different from the tools and materitals which their ancestors used. Why? The ancient design of the boats was good, and with skillful sailors, these boats can sail in all kinds of weather.

Clearly long before the sixteenth century, people had the skill, the knowledge and the equipment which were necessary for long journeys by sea. The world did not have to wait until the sixteenth century for its first explorers!

Which of the following statements is consistent with the passage?

A.According to the writer, we only began to really explore the world in the sixteenth century.

B.In the history of science, people sometimes have to discover a fact a second time.

C.The ancient Egyptians had very little knowledge about the stars.

D.The writer agrees with many Americans and Europeans except for the two facts mentioned in the passage.

It was the worst tragedy in maritime history, six times more deadly than the Titanic.When

It was the worst tragedy in maritime history, six times more deadly than the Titanic.

When the German cruise ship Wilhelm Gustloff was hit by torpedoes fired from a Russian submarine in the final winter of World War Ⅱ, more than 10,000 people--mostly women, children and old people fleeing the final Red Army push into Nazi Germany--were packed aboard. An ice storm had turned the decks into frozen sheets that sent hundreds of families sliding into the sea as the ship tilted and began to go down. Others desperately tried to put lifeboats down. Some who succeeded fought off those in the water who had the strength to try to claw their way aboard. Most people froze immediately. "I'll never forget the screams," says Christa Ntitzmann, 87, one of the 1,200 survivors. She recalls watching the ship, brightly lit, slipping into its dark grave—and into seeming nothingness, rarely mentioned for more than half a century.

Now Germany's Nobel Prize-winning author Guenter Grass has revived the memory of the 9,000 dead, including more than 4,000 children--with his latest novel Crab Walk, published last month. The book, which will be out in English next year, doesn't dwell on the sinking; its heroine is a pregnant young woman who survives the catastrophe only to say later. "Nobody wanted to hear about it, not here in the West (of Germany) and not at all in the East. " The reason was obvious. As Grass put it in a recent interview with the weekly Die Woche: "Because the crimes we Germans are responsible for were and are so dominant, we didn't have the energy left to tell of our own sufferings. "

The long silence about the sinking of the Wilhelm Gustloff was probably unavoidable--and necessary. By unreservedly owning up to their country's monstrous crimes in the Second World War, Germans have managed to win acceptance abroad, marginalize the neo-Nazis at home and make peace with their neighbors. Today's unified Germany is more prosperous and stable than at any time in its long, troubled history. For that, a half century of willful forgetting about painful memories like the German Titanic was perhaps a reasonable price to pay. But even the most politically correct Germans believe that they've now earned the right to discuss the full historical record. Not to equate German suffering with that of its victims, but simply to acknowledge a terrible tragedy.

Why does the author say the sinking of the Wilhelm Gustloff was the worst tragedy in maritime history? ______

A.It was attacked by Russian torpedoes.

B.Most of its passengers were frozen to death.

C.Its victims were mostly women and children.

D.It caused the largest number of casualties.

Throughout history man has had to accept the fact that all living things must die, but peo
ple now live longer than they【36】. Yet, all living things still show the【37】of aging, which will eventually.【38】death.

Aging is not a disease, but as a person passes maturity, the cells of the body and the【39】they form. do not function as well as they【40】in childhood and adolescence (青春期). The body provides less【41】against disease and is more prone【42】accident.

A number of related cause may【43】aging. Some cells of the body have a fairly long life, but they are not【44】when they die. As a person ages,【45】of brain cells and muscle cells decrease,【46】body cells die and are replaced by new cells. In an aging person the【47】cells may not be as viable (能生存的) or as capable【48】growth as those of a young person.

Another【49】in aging may be changes within the cells【50】. Some of the protein chemicals in cells are known【51】with age and become less elastic. This is why the skin of old people wrinkles and【52】. This is also the reason old people【53】in height. There may be other more important chemical changes in the cells. Some complex cell chemicals, such as RNA, store and【54】information that the cell need. Aging may affect this【55】and change the information carrying molecules so that they do not transmit the information as well.


A.use to

B.be used to

C.used to


The Silk Road is 61________ name of different roads that long ago connected Europe, Africa
and Asia. People 62 ________(reach) these different places along these roads. Scientists believe 63________ people began to travel the Silk Road about 3,000 years ago. The Silk Road covered almost 6,500 kilometers. It went from Rome to China, that is, from the West to the Far East. Merchants travelled along the Silk Road to carry silk, of course. They also carried and traded things 64________ spices, cloth, jewels and gold.

During 65________ (it) busiest period, the Silk Road allowed people from many different cultures and countries 66 ________(meet) each other and mix. The Silk Road allowed the sharing of 67 ________(value) things and new ideas. While 68 ________(travel) the Silk Road, people shared goods, stories, languages and cultures.

In modern times, the old Silk Road routes are still used, but now they 69________ (cross) by trains instead of camels and horses. There is even a silk route museum in Jiuquan in China. It has over 35,000 70 ________(object) from all along the Silk Road. In this way, China protects the history of many countries and peoples.












The growth of population during the past few centuries is no proof that population will co
ntinue to grow straight upward' toward infinity and doom. On the contrary, demographic history offers evidence that population growth has not been at all constant. According to paleo-ecologist Edward Deevey, the past million years show three momentous changes. The first, a rapid increase in population around one million B. C. , followed the innovations of tool-making and tool-using. But when the new power from the use of tools had been exploited, the rate of world population growth fell and became almost stable. The next rapid jump in population started perhaps 10,000 years ago, when men began to keep herds, plow and plant the earth. Once again when initial productivity gains had been absorbed, the rate of population growth abated. These two episodes suggest that the third great change, the present rapid growth, which began in the West between 250 and 350 years ago, may also slow down when, or if technology begins to yield fewer innovations. Of course, the current knowledge revolution may continue without foreseeable end. Either 'way contrary to popular belief in constant geometric growth--population can be expected in the long run to adjust to productivity.Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?A.Human population expands at a straight upward trend.B.Population growth has shown ups and downs in demographic history.C.Population growth can not be regarded as a social failure.D.Increase in population is related to productivity.

Chinese wedding tea ceremony is a tradition that dates back to many centuries ago and is
still widely practiced at modern Chinese weddings on the wedding day,either at home or at the banquet.It is an official ritual to introduce the newlyweds to each other’s family,and is also a way to show respect and appreciation (感谢) to their parents. Tea is likely served also because it is the national drink of China.

When the tea itself is served,the newlyweds kneel in front of their parents,serving tea to both sides of parents,as well as elder close relatives. Parents give their words of blessing and gifts to the newlyweds. During tea presentation,a “good luck woman” would say lucky phrases to bless the newlyweds and the parents. This “good luck woman” should be someone who is blessed with

a good marriage,healthy children and husband,and living parents.

Newlyweds also present tea to each other,raising the tea cups high to show respect before presenting to each other.


() 1. Tea ceremony is a way to show respect and appreciation to the newlyweds’ parents. () 2. Tea ceremony is only practiced at the banquet.

() 3. The “good luck woman” must be the one with a good marriage,healthy children and

husband,and living parents.

() 4. During tea presentation,the newlyweds will receive gifts from their parents.

() 5. Tea ceremony tradition has a long history of several hundred years.

The history of transportation is very long and full of changes and inventions. It starts _
__46__ walking, which is not any invention; it just takes energy. People used to walk to get to other places. If you wanted to get somewhere quickly, the __47___way to do that was to run . Actually, the first invention for the transportation __48__ was the shoe. Centuries ago there were no shoes, and people walked barefoot.

Then people invented ___49__ to transport themselves and materials from one place to another. In some cultures, people invented sledges(雪橇), ___50__ are a kind of board that you drag along the ground. You can tie things on the sledges to help carry them, but it’s a challenging invention ___51__ if you hit a rock with the sledges as you pull it, the contents can ___52___. In other cultures, people invented the wheels, which they used to make it easier to move things---and people. That was the beginning of many innovations in transportation.

___53___ people had wheels they could invent other ways to travel. They could put the wheels on a board and make it a wagon, and then they could ___54__ that wagon to an ox or a horse and ride as well as carry materials. That wheel led to __55___ we have today: trucks, automobiles, and even boats and planes. For example, there were steamboats that used giant wheels that turned with blades, pushing the water and pushing the boat forward.


























52A.pull out

B.slip off

C.hold down

D.put down














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