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Which kind of food is recommended to prevent heart disease, cancer, diabetes, high

blood pressure, stroke, and weak bones?

[A] Calcium-rich food.

[B] Plant-based and starchy staples food.

[C] High-fat, high-calorie food

[D] Vitamin D-rich food.

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听力原文:W: What kind of work would you like the most if you had the chance?M: If I were g

听力原文:W: What kind of work would you like the most if you had the chance?

M: If I were going to change my life of work, I would probably make a dramatic change. I would not live in a city. I would move to the country, probably be more involved with nature and with animals.

Which of the following would the man choose to be?

A.A dramatist,

B.An actor,

C.A worker.

D.A farmer.

Modem ideas are beginning to influence the Eskimos, but not enough to make much difference
to their way of life. They still spend the winter in igloos, the round huts that are built of snow frozen hard. They still travel on sleds that are pulled by dogs. The winter is too cold for hunting, so during that season they live on the stores of seal meat that they have killed in the summer. But seal meat is not the only kind of food that they eat. In summer they hunt bears and reindeer, a type of deer With long branching horns that is used for its milk, meat and skin. They also fish all the year round. The Eskimos who are hunters in summer are fishermen in winter. In winter they make holes in the ice and catch their fish through the holes that they have made. The Eskimos are adaptable. That is why they are able to live in Arctic regions.

Which is the main topic of this passage?

A.Modem ideas are beginning to influence the Eskimos.

B.Why are the Eskimos able to live in Arctic regions?

C.The Eskimos are adaptable.

D.Eskimos' way of life has not changed very much.


Long bus rides are like television shows. They have a beginning,a middle,and an end—with commercials thrown in every three or four minutes. The commercials are unavoidable. They happen whether you want them or not. Every couple of minutes a billboard glides by outside the bus window. “Buy Super Clean Toothpaste. ”“Drink Root Beer. ” “Fill up with Pacific Gas. ” Only if you sleep, which is equal to turning the television set off, are you spared the unending cry of “You Need It! Buy It Now !,’The beginning of the ride is comfortable and somewhat exciting, even if you've traveled that way before. Usually some things have changed—new houses, new buildings, sometimes even a new road. (76) The bus driver has a style of driving and it ’ s fun to try to figure it out the first hour or so. If the driver is particularly reckless or daring, the ride can be as thrilling as a suspense story. Will the driver pass the truck in time? Will the driver move into the right or the left-hand lane? After a while, of course, the excitement dies down. Sleeping for a while helps pass the middle hours of the ride. Food always makes bus rides more interesting. But you ’ ve got to be careful of what kind of food you eat. Too much salty food can make you very thirsty between stops.

The end of the ride is somewhat like the beginning. You know it will soon be over and there ’ s a kind of expectation and excitement in that. The seat, of course, has become harder as the hours have passed. (77) By now you ’ ve sat with your legs crossed,with your hands in your lap,with your hands on the armrests—even with your hands crossed behind your head. The end comes just at the right time. There are just no more ways to sit.

According to the passage, what do the passengers usually see when they are on a long bus trip?

A.Buses on the road.

B.Films on television.

C.Advertisements on the board.

D.Gas stations.

LIU HUI:Hi, Mei.(1)Are you settling in well here in this cityBAI MEI:Well, thank you ver

LIU HUI:Hi, Mei.(1)Are you settling in well here in this city

BAI MEI:Well, thank you very much for asking. Everything is going OK.

LIU HUI:(2)Did they all join you living here BAI MEI:

Oh no. My parents have their own lives because my father has a grocery store. So he must take care of his business and my mother stays with him.

LIU HUI:Oh, I got it.(3)Are they in their school years

BAI MEI:Yes, they all attend the international schools here, but I still teach them Chinese at home.

LIU HUI:(4)What kind of food do you usually have with your family

BAI MEI:Everyone in the family loves Chinese food. But we have western food on some special occasions, you know, I have an American hubby.

LIU HUI:Right.(5)

BAI MEI:Pleasure.

A. Thank you for sharing this with me.

B. That's very interesting.

C. How is everything

D. How about your children

E. How is your family _Bai Mei: tells Liu Hui about her family_. …

Eggs are my favorite food. I like them (21) , hard-boiled, scrambled, or poached. 1 eat eg

Eggs are my favorite food. I like them (21) , hard-boiled, scrambled, or poached. 1 eat eggs for (22) , lunch, and dinner. I eat eggs here, there, and everywhere!

Eggs taste great. You can eat them by (23) or as part of any meal. Eggs are (24) used as an ingredient in many prepared foods. Can you think of any foods that contain (25) ?

Eggs are really a perfect food. They are (26) in most of the nutrients we need to maintain good (27) . When a baby chicken develops (28) an egg, the egg (29) and yolk are the only foods they need.

Many people believe that eggs are (30) . They point out that eggs contain a very high amount of

cholesterol(胆固醇). Too (31) of one kind of cholesterol in our blood can cause he-art disease.

There is no evidence that eggs (32) the harmful cholesterol in our blood. When we eat foods that are

(33) in cholesterol, our bodies make (34) of it to balance, or adjust.

If you want to enjoy a tasty and healthy food, eat plenty of (35) .


A. fried

B. cooked

C. eaten

D. decorated

What kind of food do you prefer?(英译中)

In the same way that a child must be able to move his arms and legs before he can learn to
walk, the child must physiologically be capable of producing and experiencing particular emotions before these emotions can be modified through learning. Psychologists have found that there are two basic processes by which learning takes place. One kind of learning is called "classical conditioning." This occurs when one event or stimulus is continuously followed by a reward or punishment. It is through classical conditioning that a child learns to associate his mother's face and voice with happiness and love, for he learns that this person provides food and comfort. Negative emotions are learned in a similar fashion. The second kind of learning is called "operant (动作的) conditioning. This occurs when an individual learns to do things that produce rewards in his environment and learns not to do things that produce punishments. For example, if a mother always attends to her baby when he cries and cuddles him until he is quiet, she may teach him that if he cries he will get attention from mother. Thus, the baby will learn to increase his crying in order to have his mother more.The main purpose of this passage is to ______.A.teach children how to learn to produce and experience certain emotionsB.give the common reader a general description of two basic kinds of learningC.give parents some advice on how to modify their children's emotions through learningD.discuss with psychologists how positive and negative feelings are produced

Everyone knows that the favorite food in the United States is the hamburger. It seems impo

ssible, but people eat 34 billion hamburgers a year. This is enough to make a line of hamburgers around the world four times.

The favorite place to buy hamburgers is a fast-food restaurant. In these restaurants, people order their food, wait just a few minutes, and carry it to their tables themselves. They can eat it in the restaurant or take the food out and eat it at home, at work, or in a park. At some restaurants people can drive up beside a window. They order the food, and a worker hands it to them through the window. Then they eat in their cars.

Hamburgers are not the only kind of food that fast-food restaurants serve. Some serve fish, chicken, beef sandwiches, or Mexican food. They also serve fries, shakes (a drink made from milk and ice cream) , soft drinks and coffee.

Fast-food restaurants are very popular because the service is fast and the food is inexpensive. For many people, this is more important than quality of the food. These restaurants are also popular because the food is always the same. People have known that if they eat at a company' s restaurant in the north or south of the city, the food will be the same.

In a fast-food restaurant, people______.

A.stand up to eat

B.are served at table

C.eat in a hurry

D.serve themselves

The fast-food is convenient owing to the following factors except______.

A.it doesn't take you much time to have a meal

B.you can get a lot of salt and fat in your fast-food

C.you can take your order without leaving your car

D.you can take the food to anywhere you like

Fast-food restaurants are popular because______.

A.people are free to order their food

B.the quality of the food is good

C.it is cheaper and faster to have meals there

D.people can find fast-food restaurants everywhere

Which of the following sentences is not correct?

A.The service is fast and the food is cheap in fast-food restaurant.

B.Everyone likes eating fast food.

C.People can find the same food in all the restaurants.

D.People can take fast food out.

What" s the main idea of the passage?

A.Americans eat enough hamburgers to make a line around the world four times.

B.Fast-food restaurants are popular in the United States.

C.Some people can eat fast food in parks.

D.Mothers who work outside home often have meals in fast-food restaurants.

Parents can no more be friends to their children than teachers can be to their students. F
or the essence of friendship is reciprocity(互惠): giving and getting something like 【C1】______ you give. Parents 【C2】______ to the proper development of their children, and teachers guide the shaping of their students' minds.

It should be 【C3】______ now why real friendship requires more than merely having"【C4】______ in common." It is what people have in common 【C5】______ determines the kind of friendship they will have. Real friendship requires at least a sound moral character out of the richness of which individuals are able to 【C6】______ this precious affection. The more individuals give, the more they realize a genuine kind of 【C7】______, the better friends they are. A good man will not only do for his friend what he would do for 【C8】______ but also, if necessary, do 【C9】______.

These prerequisites are hard to fulfill, true friendship is 【C10】______ to be rare. To acquire a real friend, 【C11】______,is one of the most praiseworthy accomplishments in 【C12】______. Montaigne tells a story of Cyrus, the 【C13】______of Persia. He was asked whether he would change a valuable horse, on 【C14】______ he had just won a race, for a kingdom. Cyrus replied, "No, surely, sir, but I would give him up with all my heart to gain a true friend, could I find out any man【C15】______ of that alliance."

ruler what see something give and get

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therefore life which worthy clear


How do all food chains break?A.One kind of animals is eaten up.B.One kind of plants is des

How do all food chains break?

A.One kind of animals is eaten up.

B.One kind of plants is destroyed.

C.One kind of animals eats another.

D.One of the links is destroyed.

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