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—We didn't see him at the lecture yesterday.—He ______ it.A.would have not attendedB.can n

—We didn't see him at the lecture yesterday.—He ______ it.

A.would have not attended

B.can not have attended

C.needn't have attended

D.mustn't attend

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更多“—We didn't see him at the lect…”相关的问题
We didn't expect him to______. We thought he was in Canada.A.turn upB.come upC.present inD

We didn't expect him to______. We thought he was in Canada.

A.turn up

B.come up

C.present in

D.take up

One summer night, on my way home from work I decided to see a movie. I knew the theatre wo
uld be air-conditioned and I couldn't face my【56】apartment. Sitting in the theatre I had to look through the【57】between the two tall heads in front of me. I had to keep changing the【58】every time she leaned over to talk to him,【59】he leaned over to kiss her. Why do Americans display such【60】in a public place? I thought the movie would be good for my English, but【61】it turned out, it was an Italian movie.【62】about an hour I decided to give up on the movie and【63】on my popcorn. I've never understood why they give you so much popcorn ! It tasted pretty good,【64】. After a while I heard【65】more of the romantic sounding Italians. I just heard【66】of the popcorn crunching between my teeth. My thought started to【67】. I remembered when I was in South Korea, I【68】to watch Kojak on TV frequently. He spoke perfect Korean—I was really amazed. He seemed,【69】like a good friend to me. I saw him again in New York speaking【70】English instead of perfect Korean. He didn't even have a Korean accent and I【71】like I had been betrayed. When our family moved to the United States six years ago, none of us spoke any English.【72】we had begun to learn a few words, my mother suggested that we all should speak English at home. Everyone agreed, but our house became very【73】and we all seemed to avoid each other. We sat at the dinner table in silence, preferring not to【74】in a difficult language. Mother tried to say something in English but it【75】out all wrong and we all burst into laughter and decided to forget it I We've been speaking Korean at home ever since.






It was the late spring of 1979, a hot Saturday afternoon. Hundreds of us sat 21 , side by,
side, in rows of wooden chairs on the maincampus lawn (校园草坪). We 22' blue robes (毕业生长袍). We listened carefully to long 23 . When the ceremony (典礼)was 24_,we threw! our caps in the air, and we were officially graduated from college.

After that, I found Morrie Schwartz, my25 professor, and introduced him to

my 26 .. He was a small man who took small steps, as ifa 27 wind could; at any time, 28 him up:into the cloudS! His teeth were in good shape: When he smiled it was as if you had just 29 him the funniest joke on earth.

He told my parents how I 30 every class he taught. He told them, "You havea 31 boy here. He helped me a 10t." Shy but 32 , I looked at my feet. Before we left,I 33 Mr. Schwartz a 'present, a briefcase with his name on the front. I didn't want to forget him. 34 I didn't want him to forget me. He asked if I would keep in35 , and without hesitation (犹豫) I said, "Of course." When he turned around, I saw tears in his eyes.

21. A. along B. around C. beside D. together

We have two cats at home.One is named Milo and the other Mamma.Milo is a boy cat.Boy

cats are called"Toms.We think that Mamma is Milo' s mother.That is why we gave her the name Mamma.We didn' t buy Milo or Mamma.They were stray cats and didn’t have anywhere to live.They started coming into our garden.They did not look very heal thy.So we started giving them milk.Then they started coming into the house.So we adopted them.Because he didn t have a home when he was a kitten.Milo is not very fit.We have to take him to the vet once every three months for a special in jection.They have lived with us now for 5 years.

21.Sarah got the cats()

A.before she moved into her house

B.after she moved into the house

C.when she moved into the house

22.Sarah thinks()

A.Milo is a boy

B.both cats are boys

C.both cats are girls

23.Mamma was named‘ Mamma'because()

A.Sarah likes the name

B.she is a girl

C.they think she is Milo’s mother

24.Milo and Mamma were()

A.free to get

B.cheap to get

C.expensive to get

25.Milo is not very fit because()

A.he visits the vet for an injection

B.was a stray

C.he is old now

Jim was a greedy boy. He enjoyed having good food....

Jim was a greedy boy. He enjoyed having good food. One day when he came to have breakfast, he found there was only bread and grufel(麦片粥). So he didn,t want to have any. Then he thought out a plan to fool his mother and get something good to eat. He put his hands on his stomach and said,“ I’ ve got a stomachache,Mum,and I don’ t want any breakfast now. ” His mother said,“ I’ m sorry to hear that. Go to Doctor Jones and he will give you some medicine. You know his house. ”Then she gave Jim some money and let him go by bus. Jim got off the bus after five minutes, ride. He didn’ t go to see Dr. Jones. He went into a shop and bought some pieces of cakes.

Jim was eating the cakes on his way back home. When he got home, his mother asked him,“What did Dr. Jones say,my boy?” Jim answered, “He said good food is better than any medicine for my stomachache. So I went and bought some cakes instead of buying medicine.

Now Jim’ s mother knew what Jim ’ s stomachache meant.

What did Jim, s mother give him for the breakfast that day?




D.Both A and C

______That day Dr. Jones.A.gave Jim some medicine

B.went to see Jim

C.didn’ t meet Jim at all

D.advised Jim to buy some cakes

______At last Jim’ s mother.A.gave her son some good food

B.knew her son had told a lie

C.bought some medicine for her son

D.bought some cakes for her son

Jim is a boy marked by his______.A.cleverness




,用陈述句;打问号的地方,用疑问句。 提示:在一次Mary举行的生日晚会上,她的女朋友Linda见到了Mary的表弟Steve。她想认识他。Mary给他们做了介绍。 Linda:Happy birthday,Mary! Mary:51————————————. Linda:Who is the tall man next to your brother? Mary:Didn’t you meet him before? Linda: 52 ———————————— . Mary:Oh!Then let me introduce you to him now.Steve, 53————————————· Steve:Hi,Linda 54———————————— . Linda:I’m glad to meet you,too.Can’t we sit down somewhere and talk? Steve: 55————————————.Let’s sit overthere. ————————————

You have recently been appointed as an assistant management accountant in a large company,
PC Co. When you meet the production manager, you overhear him speaking to one of his staff, saying:

‘Budgeting is a waste of time. I don’t see the point of it. It tells us what we can’t afford but it doesn’t keep us from buying it. It simply makes us invent new ways of manipulating figures. If all levels of management aren’t involved in the setting of the budget, they might as well not bother preparing one.’


(a) Identify and explain SIX objectives of a budgetary control system. (9 marks)

(b) Discuss the concept of a participative style. of budgeting in terms of the six objectives identified in part (a). (11 marks)

My husband Christopher was once a financial planner. Even though he couldn't balance our b
udget,his clients trusted him completely and he made them feel secure. In exchange they paid him very well. We had a nice life then. At that time,my yoga studio(瑜伽馆)was just starting to make a profit,and I had recently decorated it. At last,I was in control of my working life and poured my heart and soul into making it succeed.

When we first met,I fell hard for Christopher right away. although I wouldn't call it love. I'd never been with a man who was prettier than I was,but after a while I got used to this. and it didn't bother me so much. I was recovering from a broken heart and needed something to help me move on. If it wasn't love,it was good enough,and when he asked me to marry him I jumped at the chance. knowing that it might be my last.

Things started out so well. I was working steadily and Christopher was patiently climbing up the ladder in his department. Then,without any warning,one gray winter afternoon in year five,he just upped and left his desk at the bank,handed in his resignation,and came home and told me he wanted to start an interior design business.

He has always loved mixing and matching,and has a real eye for color,texture,and shape,but the idea of turning a hobby into a business wasn't something we had ever discussed. I thought the stress of his job was becoming too much and perhaps he would take a few months off over the spring and summer to relax and get the idea out of his system. I didn't believe he could be serious. But once he had a few clients,he began to draw up plans,ordering catalogues and turning our empty workshop into a kind of makeshift studio with all of his sketches pinned to the wall. After spending a lot of time and money on all of this preparation,and really doing quite a nice job of it,he called each client in turn and apologized,saying he wouldn't be able to design their living spaces after all.

As a financial planner,Christopher______.

A.paid his clients very well

B.was trusted by his clients

C.was making his yoga studio profitable

D.could make his family's budget balanced

Although it’s raining, ________ we are going to see him this afternoon.A.butB.andC.th






(1)How carelessly of you to leave all the windows opened whenyou go to the work?

(2)She was usually heard sing thissong while worked in the fields.

(3)I wonder why you should get all the students keep silence allthe time.

(4)There are some people support it.

(5)I am still care about your safe.

(6)I 'm very like animals.

(7)Our work is study when we at school.

(8)Some people didn't want leave, they were eager to see the manthey for.

(9)Those who wants to go home next week need to get his teacher's permission first.

We got up early this morning and 【61】 a long walk after breakfast. We walked through the b
usiness 【62】 of the city. The city 【63】 larger than I thought it would be. Well, the business section is smaller than I thought it would be. I suppose that's 【64】 Washington is a special kind of city. 【65】 of the people in Washington work for the government.

At about 9:30 we went to the White House. It's 【66】 the public from 10 【67】 12, and there was a long line of people 【68】 to get in. We didn't have to wait very long, because the line moved 【69】 quickly.

The White House is really white. It is painted every year. And it seems very white, because it's got beautiful lawns 【70】 around it, with many trees and shrubs. The grounds 【71】 about four square blocks. I mean, they're about two blocks long 【72】 each side.

Of course, we didn't see the whole building. The part 【73】 the President lives and works is not open to the public. But the part we saw was beautiful. We went 【74】 five of the main rooms. One of them was the library on the ground floor. On the next floor, there are three rooms named 【75】 the colors that are used in them: the Red Room, the Blue Room, and the Green Room. The walls are covered with silk 【76】 There are 【77】 of old furniture from the time 【78】 the White House was 【79】 built. And everywhere there are paintings and statues of former presidents and 【80】 famous people from history.






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