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How()are you—I am 168cm






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更多“How()are you—I am 168cm”相关的问题
Tony: Hi Grace. I haven't seem you for a long time. How are you doing?Grace: Fine. I

Tony: Hi Grace. I haven't seem you for a long time. How are you doing?

Grace: Fine. I am now studying in University of lowa.

Tony: University of lowa? That is a really good university.()

Grace: Financial Management

A、What is your major?

B、I hope so.

C、l am not sure yet.

D、l think you are right.

A. when did you get back B. What a surprise I got C. How I admire you D. I am Tom

A. when did you get back

B. What a surprise I got

C. How I admire you

D. I am Tom

E. got hold of

F. got through

G. this is Tom

H. tried to contact you

May I _______ asking you how it happens that you refused to be in this combination?

A、go along with

B、am filled with

C、pretend to

D、take the liberty of

Philip: Hello! Is that you, Tom? Tom: Yes, (56) Philip: I can't believe I (57) you at last

Philip: Hello! Is that you, Tom?

Tom: Yes, (56)

Philip: I can't believe I (57) you at last. And what have you been doing?

Tom: Yeah, I haven't been home a lot lately. And I've had a lot of work and social engagements. Oh,

Philip, (58) to London?

Philip: I just came back about a week ago, I (59) by phone several times, but you were not in.

Tom: Sorry, Sorry. Did you have a nice holiday, then?

Philip: Lovely. I went to Scotland and traveled around.

Tom: (60) ! I need a holiday indeed.

Philip: Well, I suppose so.

Tom: Oh , somebody's at the door. I have to go. And I have to say " good-bye'. Nice talking to you.

Philip: Same here, bye-bye.


A. when did you get back

B. What a surprise I got

C. How I admire you

D. I am Tom

E. got hold of

F. got through

G. this is Tom

H. tried to contact you


(1)How carelessly of you to leave all the windows opened whenyou go to the work?

(2)She was usually heard sing thissong while worked in the fields.

(3)I wonder why you should get all the students keep silence allthe time.

(4)There are some people support it.

(5)I am still care about your safe.

(6)I 'm very like animals.

(7)Our work is study when we at school.

(8)Some people didn't want leave, they were eager to see the manthey for.

(9)Those who wants to go home next week need to get his teacher's permission first.

Not long ago my wife sent me to the nearest market to buy something, I went there dire
ctly, and (54)a pound of sugar. Then I returned home and(55) my wife the paper bag in which there was one pound of sugar. I said to her, “Here is the(56) you want.” My wife looked into the bag, and then looked at me in a(57)way, saying very slowly, “I told you to get me a bottle of milk”. I was so(58 )my absent-mindedness that I paid(59) to my family doctor, who was both learned and kind.“Your problem,” He said, “is a(60)one and it should not(61) you at all. If you know you’re absent-minded, you’re quite all right. It’s nothing to worry about. But if you don’t know you’re absent-minded, you’re surely in(62 )“Many(63)people are absent-minded,” the doctor told me. “(64),Thomas Edison was standing(65)one day to pay taxes when he arrived(66)window, that is to say, it was his(67)to pay his money, he found that he(68)his own(69). He(70)the man next in the line and asked,” Can you tell me who I am? The man told him.I felt(71)and got up to leave. “Thank you, doctor,” I said, “How much should I pay you?” “Ten dollars for the(72).” “But, doctor, I didn’t have a check-up.” The doctor looked much puzzled. “Oh, yes,” he said, “it was that(73)before you. How absent-minded I am too!”

54. A.sold




55. A.handed




56. A.milk




57. A.friendly




58. A.worried about

B.fond of

C.interested in

D.proud of

59. A.some money


C.a visit

D.great attention

60. A.difficult




61. A.excite




62. A.need




63. A.famous




64. A.In fact

B.For example

C.At once

D.Long, long ago

65. A.among people

B.in passengers

C.in a queue

D.between two

66. A.to




67. A.moment




68. A.had remembered

B.had forgotten

C.thought of


69. A.telephone number




70. A.turned to

B.looked at

C.listened to

D.passed on

71. A.even worse

B.more worried

C.much better

D.more excited

72. A.check-up




73. A.me

B.your wife



Susan is a freshman on the campus. She wants to know where to buy a smart mobile phone

S: Excuse me! I am new to the campus. Would you please tell me where I can get a smartphone?

K: Sure! You can go to Mobile Joker Store, which is the nearest mobile phone store from here.

S: Er, sorry, but I don't know how to get there.

K: Don't worry, do you have a map?

S: Yes, here it is.

K: Let's see —Here's where we are right now. To get to Mobile Joker Store, you'll need to cross this square and go to the south.

S: OK. And then…?

K: And then the mobile phone store is about five hundred yards past the gym, on your left. You'll see a sign in front of the shop.

S: No wonder I got lost. I was heading in the wrong direction! Anyway, thank you very much for your help.

K: No problem. Good luck!


1.What does Susan want to get?()

A.A mobile phone

B.A book

C.An electronic dictionary

2.Susan needs to cross to get to the store ().

A.a school

B.a meeting room

C.a square

3.How many yards is the store away from the gym?()




4.Susan will see a _______ in front of the shop.




5.Susan has got _______ on her to get around.

A.a map

B.an umbrella

C.a car

I am not angry ____ you, but _____ what you have done.





Text 3I am not one who golfs. The only time I tried it I was confident that a dozen balls
would be an adequate supply. This is the sport of retired people: how hard could it be? The confidence was misplaced, also, one by one, the balls, and I had to quit somewhere around the seventh hole. On the sixth, actually, I hit a car—there was absolutely no reason for a highway to be that close to a golf course—but that’s another story. The point is that the game did not yield up its mystery to me; I remain, in the golfing universe, a child of darkness. I do find that I am able to watch golf on television, however, where it is possible to experience a calmness that the game itself sadly lacks. Spread out on a couch and indifferent to the outcome (very important), you watch tiny white balls sail improbable distances over the biggest lawns in the world, interrupted occasionally by advertisements for expensive cars. One of the players is named Tiger. Another is named Love. If you have access to a bottle of Martinis (optional), the joy potential can be quite huge.

There is usually a price for pleasure so mindless. In the case of TV golf, it is listening to the commentators analyze the players’ swings. What looks to you like a single, continuous, and not difficult act is revealed, via slow motion and a sort of virtual-chalkboard graphics, to be a sequence of intricately measured adjustments of shoulder to hip, head to arm, elbow to wrist, and so on. Where you see fluidity, the experts see geometry; what to you is nature is machinery to them—parallel lines, extended planes, points of impact. They murder to examine. Yet, apparently, these minutes and individualized measurements make all the difference between being able reliably to land a golf ball in an area, three hundred yards away, the size of a bathmat and, say, randomly hitting a car, which, let’s face it, only a fool would drive right next to a golf course. There is a major disproportion, in other words, between the straightforwardness of the game and the fantastic precision required to play it, a disproportion mastered by a difficult but, to the ordinary observer, almost invisible technique.

Short stories are the same. A short story is not as restrictive as a sonnet, but, of all the literary forms, it is possibly the most single-minded. Its aim, as it was identified by the modern genre’s first theorist, Edgar Allan Poe, is to create “an effect”—by which Poe meant something almost physical, like a sensation or an extreme excitement.

第31题:The author quotes his own experience with golf to show that _____.

[A] things are often not so simple and easy as they seem

[B] his experience with golf has been a frustrating failure

[C] that experience of his offered much for his later life

[D] apparent truths are more often than not unreliable

The saying “Clothes Make the Man” dates back some 400 years and it refers to the fact that
when people see a well-dressed person, they assume that person is a professional, capable, and (especially in the old days) rich. Therefore, you had to dress like how you wanted to be perceived, what you wanted to eventually achieve. Fast forward 400 years, lots of folks still think the same way. But does it really make a difference?

I happen to be one of those who do not put faith in the old saying. I suppose I might be in the minority but I am a member of an elite club with the likes of Steve Jobs and Bill Gates in my camp.

Perception is not reality; perception is halfway to discovering reality. Perception is drawn from our own impressions, our own belief systems. Is it powerful and influential? Absolutely! Is it all that it seems? Less often than you think. How many times have you cast an initial judgment only to surprise yourself later and learn how you missed out on a great opportunity, person or idea?

Comment 1

In the present era, many associate the well-dressed with being the most successful. It took folks in the business world a long time to overlook the way Steve Jobs wore jeans on the public stage. I did not know Mr. Jobs, though I wish I had. I have heard it said that he invented the concept of “business casual.” In my mind that is as much a matter of self-confidence as it is a matter of taste in clothing.

Comment 2

You are wrong about Steve Jobs. He certainly did care about how he was perceived and his appearance was very much calculated to achieve his desired effect. From his early formal business clothing down to the aggressive casualness of his eventual black turtle neck and jeans uniform, his clothes and the impact they made were clearly foremost in his mind.

Comment 3

It reminds me of the story about the philosopher who goes to a formal dinner party in jeans. When asked if he felt out of place because of his clothes, he looked around and said he hadn’t noticed.

Which of the following might the writer of the passage agree with?

A.Steve Jobs and Bill Gates dress formally.

B.We should not judge a person by his clothing.

C.It is clothes that make the man.

D.The well-dressed are most likely to succeed.

According to the writer of the passage, perception ______.A.might prove wrong

B.is powerful and reliable

C.is half reality

D.might be worthless to us

Speaking of Steve Jobs, the writer of Comment 2 ________.A.points out that Steve Jobs was a very aggressive person

B.suggests that he and Steve Jobs used to be in the same club

C.holds the same view as the writer of the passage

D.thinks Steve Jobs’ casualness was carefully thought out

When he went to the dinner party in jeans (Comment 3), the philosopher _______A.thought that people liked his clothes

B.was not aware of how his clothes looked

C.felt quite embarrassed

D.considered himself out of place

The writer of Comment 1 seems to ______.A.dislike the way Steve Jobs dressed for business occasions

B.suggest that business people have no taste in clothing

C.believe that the well-dressed are the most successful

D.think that Steve Jobs’ casualness reflected his self-confidence

______to do now is just I am eager to know at first. But how can I get to know it? A.

______to do now is just I am eager to know at first. But how can I get to know it?

A. What, what

B. Will, what

C. Which, which

D. I will, which

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