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Little Tom is used to getting up()eight every morning.





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更多“Little Tom is used to getting …”相关的问题
Tom used to live in California, ______?A.used heB.did heC.was heD.didn't he

Tom used to live in California, ______?

A.used he

B.did he

C.was he

D.didn't he

When I was a little girl, my brothers and I collected stamps for many years. My mother didn't use to work during the week, but she worked in the post office near our house on Saturdays, and she used t

When I was a little girl, my brothers and I collected stamps for many years. My mother didn't use to work during the week, but she worked in the post office near our house on Saturdays, and she used to bring home all the new stamps as soon as they were issued (发行).

On the day of the World Cup football final in London in 1966, we were very excited because England were playing West Germany in the final.When we were having lunch, my mother told us to go to the post office straightaway after the match if England won, but she didn't tell us why. At2 o'clock my mother went back to work as usual, while the rest of the family were watching the football on TV at home. Although she wasn't watching the match, she was listening to it on the radio.

England won 4:2 and so my brothers and I ran to the post office. As we burst in, my mother was standing behind the counter. She was waiting to sell us a very special limited edition with ENGLAND WINNERS on each stamp. We were over the moon.We still have it today, and perhaps it is worth a lot of money.

1. This passage mainly tells us __________.

A、the author and her brother used to like stamps very much

B、the author had a very kind mother

C、the author and her brother had an unforgettable experience in collecting stamps

D、their mother used to support them by working in the post office

2. According to the passage, her mother worked in the post office ________.

A、during the week

B、on Saturdays

C、on Sundays

D、for six days

3. According to the passage, her mother worked in the post office ________.

A、during the week

B、on Saturdays

C、on Sundays

D、for six days

4. What does the sentence "We were over the moon." mean?

A、We jumped high.

B、We were extremely happy about it.

C、We watched the moon for a long time.

D、We couldn't sleep the whole night.

5. What is the best title for this passage?

A、My Childhood

B、My Mother

C、A Precious Stamp

D、A Memorable Experience in Collecting Stamps

How ____ little Tom is! He can work out this difficult problem in such a short time.

A useful expression is slipping into the list of key translations used by nonsmoking world
travelers: Don't puff(喷烟) on me.

In country after country, talk of nonsmokers' rights is in the air. This fresh voice is heard from Australia to Sweden. Its force is freeing clean air for nonsmokers -- and tightening the situation for smokers.

While a majority of countries have taken little or no action yet, some 30 nations have introduced legislative steps to control smoking abuse. Many laws have been introduced in other countries to help clear the air for nonsmokers, or to cut cigarette consumption.

In many developing nations, however, cigarette smoking is seen as a sign of economic progress -- and is even encouraged. While it appears that in developed countries the consumption of cigarettes has become stabilized, there are some indications that it is still rising at a steady pace in Latin America.

Despite progress in segregating (分开) nonsmokers and smokers, most countries see little change in the number of smokers. In fact, there is a jump in the number of girls and young women starting to smoke.

So far, any cooperation between tobacco interests and governments' campaigns against smoking has been in the area of tobacco advertising.

Restrictions on cigarette ads, plus health warnings on packages and bans on public smoking in certain places, are the most popular tools used by nations in support of nonsmokers or in curbing (抑制) smoking.

But world attention also is focusing on other steps which will:

-- Prevent pro-smoking scenes on TV and films.

-- Remove cigarette vending machines.

-- Make it illegal to sell or hand over tobacco products to minors.

-- Boost cigarette prices with higher tobacco taxes.

When you are traveling around the world, you will find that ______.

A.the topic of nonsmokers' rights is a hot issue for discussion

B.the expression "Don't puff on me" is posted everywhere

C.few countries pay attention to nonsmokers' rights

D.smokers are forced to give up smoking to keep the air clean

"The pen is more powerful than the sword (剑)." There have been many writers

"The pen is more powerful than the sword (剑)." There have been many writers who used their pens to fight things that were wrong. Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe was one of them. She was born in the USA in 1811. One of her books not only made her famous but has been described as one that excited the world, and was helpful in causing a civil war and freezing the slaves. The civil war was the American Civil War of 1861, in which the Northern States fought the Southern States and finally won. This book was named "Uncle Toms Cabin". There was time when every English-speaking man, woman, and child has read this novel that did so much to stop slavery. Not many people read it today, but it is still very interesting. The book has shown us how a warm-hearted writer can arouse (唤起) peoples sympathies (同情). The writer herself had neither been to the Southern States nor been a slave. The Southern Americans were very angry at the novel, which they said did not at all represent (代表) true state of affairs,

1、According to the passage ().

A、every English-speaking person had read "Uncle Tom's Cabin"

B、"Uncle Tom's Cabin" was not very interesting

C、those who don''t speak English can not have read "Uncle Tom's Cabin"

D、the book "Uncle Tom's Cabin" did a great deal in the American Civil War

2、How old was Mrs. Stowe when her world famous book was published? ()

A、About 60 years old.

B、Over 50 years old.

C、In her forties.

D、Around 30 years old.

3、What do you learn about Mrs. Stowe from the passage? ()

A、She had been living in the north of America before the American Civil War.

B、She herself encouraged the northern Americans to go to war and set the slaves free.

C、She was better as writing as using a sword.

D、She had once been a slave.

4、Why could Mrs. Stowe's book cause a civil war in America? ()

A、She wrote so well that Americans loved her very much.

B、She disclosed (揭露) the terrible wrongs that had been done to the slaves in the Southern States.

C、The Southern Americans hated the book while the Northern Americans like it.

D、The book had been read by many Americans.

5、What can we learn from the passage? ()

A、We needn't use weapons (武器) to fight things that are wrong.

B、 writer is more helpful in a war than a soldier.

C、We must understand the importance of literature and art.

D、No war can be won without such a book as "Uncle Tom's Cabin".

There are stories about two U.S. presidents, Andrew Jackson and Martin Van Buren, which at
tempt to explain the American English term OK. We don’t know if either story is true, but they are both interesting. The first explanation is based on the fact that President Jackson had very little education. In fact, he had difficulty reading and writing. When important papers came to Jackson, he tried to read them and then had his assistants explain what they said. If he approved of a paper, he would write “all correct” on it. The problem was that he didn’t know how spell, so what he really wrote was “ol korekt”. After a while, he shortened that term to “OK”. The second explanation is based on the place where President Van Buren was born, Kinderhook, New York. Van Buren’s friends organized a club to help him become President. They called the club the Old Kinderhook Club, and anyone who supported Van Buren was called “OK”. The author_______________. A. believes both of the stories

B. doesn’t believe a word of the stories

C. is not sure whether the stories are true

D. is telling the stories just for fun

According to the first story, the term “OK”________________.A.was approved of by President Jackson

B.was the title of some official documents

C.was first used by President Jackson

D.was an old way to spell “all correct”

According to the passage, President Jackson________________.A.couldn’t draw up any documents at all

B.didn’t like to read important papers by himself

C.often had his assistants sign documents for him

D.wasn’t good at reading or spelling

According to the second story, the term “OK”______________.A.was the short way to say “Old Kinderhook Club”

B.meant the place where President Van Buren was born

C.was the name of Van Buren’s club

D.was used to call Van Buren’s supporters in the election

According to the second story, the term “OK” was first used____________.A.by Van Buren

B.in a presidential election

C.to organize the Old Kinderhook Club

D.by the members of the “Old Kinderhook Club”


Tom()have a cellphone




选择题:Is it a bird, Tom()

A.Yes, it isn't

B.Yes, they are

C.No, it isn't

The case for college has been accepted without question for more than a generation. All hi
gh school graduates ought to go, says conventional wisdom and statistical evidence, because college will help them earn more money, become "better" people, and learn to be more responsible citizens than those who don't go.

But college has never been able to work its magic for everyone. And now that close to half our high school graduates are attending, those who don't fit the pattern are becoming more numerous, and more obvious. College graduates are selling shoes and driving taxis; college students interfere with each other's experiments and write false letters of recommendation in the intense competition for admission to graduate school. Others find no stimulation in their studies, and drop out—often encouraged by college administrators.

Some observers say the fault is with the young people themselves—they are spoiled and they are expecting too much. But that's a c6ndemnation of the students as a whole, and doesn't explain all campus unhappiness. Others blame the state of the world, and they are partly right. We've been, told that young people have to go to college because our economy can't absorb an army of untrained eighteen-year-olds either.

Some adventuresome educators and campus watchers have openly begun to suggest that college may not be the best, the proper, the only place for every young person after the completion of high school. We may have been looking at all those surveys and statistics upside down, it seems, and through the rosy glow of our own remembered college experiences. Perhaps college doesn't make people intelligent, ambitious, happy, liberal, or quick to learn things—maybe it's just the other way around', and intelligent, ambitious, happy, liberal, quick-learning people are merely the ones who have been attracted to college in the first place. And perhaps all those successful college graduates would have been successful whether they had gone to college or not. This is heresy to those of us who have been brought up to believe that if a little schooling is good, more has to be much better. But contrary evidence is beginning to mount up.

What does the author believe according to the passage?______

A.People used to question the value of college education

B.People used to have full confidence in higher education

C.All high school graduates went to college

D.Very few high school graduates chose to go to college

"Yes, I'll be ready at nine in the morning. Goodbye, dear, and thanks again. "It had not b
een an easy telephone call for Mrs. Robson to make. Her daughter had been very kind, of course, and had immediately agreed to pick her up and drive her to the station, but Mrs. Robson hated to admit (承认) that she needed help. Since her husband had died ten years before, she had prided herself on her independence (独立生活 ). She had continued to live in their little house, alone.

On this evening, however, she was standing at her living-room window, staring out at the SOLD notice in the small front garden. Her feelings were mixed. Naturally she was sad at the thought of leaving the house, as it was full of so many memories. But at the same time she was looking forward to spending her last years near the sea, back in the little seaside town where she had been born. With the money from the sale (出售) of the house, she had bought a little flat there.

She turned from the living room window, and looked round at the room. One or two pieces of furniture remained, covered with sheets (被单). The floor was bare boards, and all her pictures had been taken from the walls. There was a small fish-tank, with two goldfish circling in it. When asked why, her husband used to say, "It's nice to have something alive in the room." Since he had passed away, she had always kept some goldfish, had always had "something alive in the room".

Tim next morning, as her train was pulling out of the station, Mrs. Robson called to her daughter, "Kate, you won't forget to collect the goldfish, will you? The children will love them. It's...""I know," Kate interrupted (打断) gently. "It's nice to have something alive in the room."

But in the little house, the two goldfish had stopped their circling. They were floating (漂浮) on the water, in the room with its bare boards and silent walls.

Mrs. Robson ______.

A.was a very proud person

B.was helpless

C.did not like asking people for favors

D.wanted to live without her husband

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