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Much new knowledge is admittedly remote from the immediate interests of the ordinary man i

n the street. He is not intrigued or impressed by the fact that a noble gas like xenon can form. compounds—something that until recently most chemists swore was impossible. While even this knowledge may have an impact on him when it is embodied in new technology, until then, he can afford to ignore it. A good bit of new knowledge, on the other hand, is directly related to his immediate concerns, his job, his politics, his family life, even his sexual behavior.

A poignant is the dilemma that parents find themselves in today as a consequence of successive radical changes in the image of the child in society and in our theories of childrearing.

At the turn of the century in the United States, for example, the dominant theory reflected the prevailing scientific belief in the importance of heredity in determining behavior. Mothers who had never heard of Darwin or Spencer raised their babies in ways consistent with the world views of these thinkers. Vulgarized and simplified, passed from person to person, these world views were reflected in the conviction of millions of ordinary people that "bad children are a result of bad stock", that "crime is hereditary", etc.

In the early decades of the century, these attitudes fell back before the advance of environmentalism. The belief that environment shapes personality, and that the early years are the most important, created a new image of the child. The work of Watson and Pavlov began to creep into the public ken. Mothers reflected the new behaviorism, refusing to feed infants on demand, refusing to pick them up when they cried, weaning early to avoid prolonged dependency.

A study by Martha Wolfenstein has compared the advice offered parents in seven successive editions of INFANT CARE, a handbook issued by the United Stats Children's Bureau between 1914 and 1951. She found distinct shifts in the preferred methods for dealing with weaning and thumb-sucking. It is clear from this study that by the late thirties still another image of the child had gained ascendancy. Freudian concepts swept in like a wave and revolutionized childrearing practices. Suddenly, mothers began to hear about "the rights of infants" and the need for "oral gratification". Permissiveness became the order of the day.

The passage tells us that any new knowledge will have a powerful influence on ordinary people if ______.

A.it is simple and understandable

B.it is advocated by eminent persons

C.it has been put into practice and prove tree

D.it bas something to do with their immediate concerns

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更多“Much new knowledge is admitted…”相关的问题
A.As a result B.Furthermore C.In conclusion D.Second E.First of allWith more and more pe

A.As a result B.Furthermore C.In conclusion D.Second E.First of all

With more and more people becoming rich in recent years,it is a new tendency for them to send their children to study abroad.But I don't think it is a good idea._____,children are too young to look after themselves._____,the language barrier is a serious problem.Many children are not proficient,in the foreign language before going abroad._____,they have difficulty in understanding what .the native speakers are talking about.Third,they may get into trouble when dealing with various situations for lack of knowledge of the customs in the strange land.____,the cost of living,is much higher than that in our country,which might cause a heavy,burden to the family._____,there are more disadvantages in sending children to study abroad.So,we'd better not do it.

Famous American Foods What, besides children, connects mothers around the world and across

Famous American Foods

What, besides children, connects mothers around the world and across the seas of time? It's chicken soup, one prominent American food expert says.

From Russian villages to Africa and Asia, chicken soup has been the remedy for those weak in body and spirit. Mothers passed their knowledge on to ancient writers of Greece, China and Rome, and even 12th century philosopher and physician Moses Maimonides extolled (赞美)its virtues.

Among the ancients, Aristotle thought poultry should stand in higher estimation than four-legged animals because the air is less dense than the earth. Chickens got another boost (吹捧)in the Book of Genesis, where it is written that birds and fish were created on the fifth day, a day before four-legged animals.

But according to Mimi Sheraton, who has spent much of the past three years exploring the world of chicken soup, much of the reason for chicken's real or imagined curative (治愈的)powers comes from its color.

Her new book, "The Whole World Loves Chicken Soup", looks at the beloved and mysterious brew, with dozens of recipes from around the world. Throughout the ages, she said, "There has been a lot of feeling that white-colored foods are easier to eat for the weak woman and the ill".

In addition, "soups, or anything for that matter eaten with a spoon" are considered "comfort foods" Sheraton said. "I love soup and love making soup and as I was collecting recipes I began to see this as an international dish. It has a universal mystique as something curative, a strength builder," Sheraton said from her New York home.

Her book treats the oldest remedy as if it was brand new.

The National Broiler Council, the trade group representing the chicken industry, reported that 51 percent of the people it surveyed said they bought chicken because it was healthier, 50 percent said it was versatile, 41 percent said it was economical and 46 percent said it was low in fat.

Which of the following can be the best title of the passage? ______

A.Prominent American Foods

B.History of the Chicken Soup

C.Chicken Soup Recipes

D.Chicken Soup, a Universal Cure-All

The industrial societies have been extremely productive during the last two centuries. The
economic advance has been remarkable. During this relatively short period of time, greater changes in people's living conditions have occurred than in the thousands of years which preceded.

During the past 200 years the world population has increased 6 times, the annual world output has increased 80 times, and the distance a person can travel has gone up 1,000 times. There has also been much recent progress in art, culture, learning, and science. Such changes have led to a high rate of production and growth of the economy.

Economists fear that within the next 100 to 150 years, the earth's resources will become very scarce. Their fears are partly justified, but we should not be afraid. Industrial civilization adapts to new knowledge. By advancing knowledge, we not only create new forms of resources, but we also find ways to economize their use. Advanced modern knowledge can feed the hungry people of the world and improve their standard of living.

The figures in the second paragraph are used for the following purposes EXCEPT______.





My new shoes cost me 50 yuan (RMB). The price was______that of the last pair I bought a mo

My new shoes cost me 50 yuan (RMB). The price was______that of the last pair I bought a month ago.

A.two time more than

B.twice as much as

C.as twice

D.as much as twice


--I like your new hat very much!--().

A.Really? I can give it to you as a gift

B.Actually I don’t think it fits me well

C.Yes, I know you will like it

D.Oh, thank you. Actually, I got it in a bargain

I used to think education was the most important thing in my life. Recently my attitude has begun to change

, although I still hold that it is essential for everyone in the world today. As a top junior student in my college, I was asked to make a speech on how to learn English well. Standing in front of the audience facing so many freshmen, I was trembling. I didn’t remember any word that I had prepared. I ran out of the conference room without finishing my speech, leaving everyone puzzled. I cried that night in my room, feeling that I was a loser. Studying takes so much of my time that I feel unable to really develop myself. I am just storing knowledge; yet fail to communicate with others. I have received many awards in school, but they don’t necessarily reflect anything about me. I don’t know how to socialize. When I leave

school I fear I will be of no use to society.

I realize that everyone has her or his own way of living. I want to change my lifestyle. Of course I will keep studying. Yet I plan to look for a part time job, which might turn out to be a good chance to get to know society. I still believe that working my hardest does make me happy. I will still stay on in college, but I will not allow it to shelter me from the real world.

26.From this passage, we know that the author ____________.

A.does not think education is the most important thing in her life any more

B.thinks that communication with other people is more important than


C.realizes that it is more important to really develop oneself than just to store


D.comes to learn how important it is to make a public speech

27. By saying that she is ―a junior student‖ in her college, the author means that she is ____________.

A.a student in her third year in college

B.a very young college student

C.younger than most students in college

D.shorter than others in college

28.The author thinks the awards she has received ____________.

A.show that she is a top student

B.show how much time she has spent in learning

C.mean she only knows how to learn, but not how to socialize

D.don’t necessarily reflect her real self

29.The author fears that she will be of no use to society, mainly because ____________.

A.she feels she is a loser

B.she does not know how to communicate with others

C.studying takes too much of her time

D.she is unable to develop herself

30.Which of the following statements is not true according to the passage, when the author says that she wants to find a part time job?

A.The job might enable her to get to know society.

B.She wants to change her lifestyle.

C.Working part time while studying will make her happy.

D.She wants to get some shelter from the real world.

The more people you know,___________knowledge you get.

A.the much

B.the more


Tina: Polly, do you spend most of your spare time on the Internet?Polly: Honesty speaking,

Tina: Polly, do you spend most of your spare time on the Internet?

Polly: Honesty speaking, no. I&39;m not one of those guys who are always playing online games orsurfing the Internet. I think, nowadays, many people spend too much time on their computers andmobile phones, but not enough time in front of one another.

From Polly&39;s point of view, people should___________ .

A.surf the Internet

B.learn more new things

C.play online games

D.communicate with one another

B Last fall was a first-of-its-kind season. I did not arrange (安排) any after-school clas


Last fall was a first-of-its-kind season. I did not arrange (安排) any after-school classes formy children. No swimming.'No music lessons. No play dates. Nothing.

Once they finished their homework, they were free to do what they pleased, but only onehour of TV. In the beginning, my sons, Ben, 11, and Nick, 9, were anxious about this sudden,unplanned freedom. I had to, push them out of the door with a ball, a bike, and so on. "Play? Iordered.

I learned that this new plan takes time, patience and a lot of faith in the theory that havingexcellent grades isn't really important.

When my older kids, now in college and high school, were young, I brought in the rules ofmodern parenting. They are unspoken, but followed carefully. First, you must let your childhave a variety of activities. After all, you never know where you'll find a genius (天才). Second, if the child shows the slightest talent (才能), the activity must be pushed with lessons, special coaching (辅导) and practice of several days a week. Every minute should be taken and every minute has a purpose. That was really too much for my children.

Now with the new plan, we told stories, We listened to music. And' the. kids played with bikes, balls, and whatever was handy. Nobody kept score. In fact, the boys played outside so much that the lawn was worn down to the soil in places. They've made friends with those who come from all over the neighbourhood to play games.

We like those peaceful evenings. Ben and Nick have a good time this fall, MaYbe that's because the time offhas allowed us to enjoy each other's company;

40.What was new for the family last fall?

A. The children began to learn music when school was over.

B. The writer arranged no' extra lessons for the children.

C.The writer found no time to play with the sons.

D. The children had nothing toclo alter schooli

Themodernpeopleliketravelingnowbecause______. A.itcanbringusmoreknowledge B.itcanmake

The modern people like traveling now because______.

A. it can bring us more knowledge

B. it can make us rich

C. they have too much money

D. it is a good idea

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