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Not content with its doubtful claim to produce cheap food for our own population, the fact

or, farming industry also argues that" hungry nations are benefiting from advances made by the poultry(家禽) industry". In fact, rather than helping the fight against malnutrition(营养不良) in" hungry nations", the spread of factory farming has, inevitably aggravated the problem.

Large-scale intensive meat and poultry production is a waste of food resources. This is because more protein has to be fed to animals in the form. of vegetable matter than can ever be recovered in the form. of meat. Much of the food value is lost in the animal's process of digestion and cell replacement. Neither, in the case of chicken, can one eat feathers, blood, feet or head. In all, only about 44% of the live animal fits to be eaten as meat.

This means one has to feed approximately 9-l0 times as much food value to the animal than one can consume from the carcass. As a system for feeding the hungry, the effects can prove disastrous. At times of crisis, grain is the food of life.

Nevertheless, the huge increase in poultry production throughout Asia and Africa continues.

Normally British or US firms are involved. For instance, an American based multinational company has this year announced its involvement in projects in several African countries. Britain's largest suppliers chickens, Ross Breeders, are also involved in projects all over the world.

Because such trade is good for exports, Western governments encourage it. In 1979, a firm in Bangladesh called Phoenix Poultry received a grant to set up a unit of 6,000 chickens and 18,000 laying hens. This almost doubled the number of poultry kept in the country all at once.

But Bangladesh lacks capital, energy and food and has large numbers of unemployed. Such chicken-raising demands capital for building and machinery, extensive use of energy resources for automation, and involves feeding chickens with potential famine-relief protein food. At present, one of Bangladesh's main imports is food grains, because the country is unable to grow enough food to feed its population. On what then can they possibly feed the chicken?

In this passage the author argues that ______.

A.efficiency must be raised in the poultry industry

B.raising poultry can provide more protein than growing grain

C.factory farming will do more harm than good to developing countries

D.hungry nations may benefit from the development of the poultry industry

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更多“Not content with its doubtful …”相关的问题
The website is very___with young people, who like its content and style.A.familiarB.popula

The website is very___with young people, who like its content and style.





Calling to a bully's parent ______.A.has long existed but changed its contentB.is often do

Calling to a bully's parent ______.

A.has long existed but changed its content

B.is often done with careful thinking

C.often leads to blaming and misunderstanding

D.is used to warn the child not to do it again

听力原文:A bill of exchange is a negotiable security signed and dated by the issuer (the

听力原文: A bill of exchange is a negotiable security signed and dated by the issuer (the drawer). It contains an unconditional order or instruction for the debtor (the drawee) to pay a fixed sum of money to a certain person or to his order upon maturity. If the debtor agrees to this, he accepts the bill of exchange by signing it. Its form, content and legal consequences are regulated by law. A promissory note only differs from a bill of exchange in that it is issued in the form. of a promise of payment made by the debtor instead of a payment order or instruction by the creditor.

28. Who signs and dates a bill of exchange?

29.What is a bill of exchange?

30.Which of the followings regulates the form, content and legal consequences of the bill of exchange?


A.The drawer.

B.The drawee.

C.The debtor.

D.The payee.

New measurements taken from sleeping people explain,at least in part,why dreams tend
to have such bizarre but vivid storylines.The findings deal a blow to the Freudian interpretation of dreams but leave open the possibility that some useful personal meaning can be extracted from them.The main purpose of dreams,however,the authors of the new study believe,is to test whether the brain has had enough sleep and,if so,to wake it up.The new results show that in sleep,the frontal lobes of the brain are shut down.In the absence of activity in these lobes,which integrate other information and make sense of the outside world,the sleeping brain's images are driven by its emotional centers.The content of these dreams may be vivid and gripping but lacks coherence.The new results are consistent with the theory that memories are consolidated during sleep.From the pattern of activity that was recorded,"it seems that memories already in the system are being read out and filed in terms of their emotional salience,with is an extremely interesting idea,"said Dr.J.Allan Hobson of Harvard Medical School.The new measurements were made by applying the technique known as PET scanning to sleeping subjects.The biologists focused on the two forms of sleep,known as slow-wave sleep and REM sleep.REM sleep,so named because of the rapid eyeball movements that occur then,takes palce about four times during the night and is the phase from which the most vivid dreams are recalled.

问题:Accoding to this study,the purpose of the dreams is to ()

A、test if the brain has had enough sleep

B、show the dreams bizarre but vivid storylines

C、prove the correctness of the Freudian interpretation of dreams

D、extract some useful personal meanings from the dreams

Another useful method for improving your reading is the ability to reflect on what is be
ing presented. Readers ___46___ the material that they have read not simply to understand it, ___47___ to interpret, analyze, and critique this information. Readers use several different methods to help them reflect such as careful note – taking, synthesis (综合). And analysis.

Careful note – taking on your reading material ___48___ while you read. Pausing periodically to ___49__ about important claims or ideas, ___50___ details, or questions about unclear concepts. The act of note – taking will help you to reflect about the content of the document, and the notes you keep will ___51___ an archive that you can refer to in the future.

Synthesis is the ability to take what are ___52___ seeming irrelevant points and put them together into a meaningful, new whole. Synthesis may occur during your reading, or it may tale place after you have read a document in its entirety.

Analysis moves synthesis one step ___53___ , encouraging a reader to carefully examine thoroughly the points ___54__ , and how they are synthesized. After readers analyze a passage or a whole text, they ___55__ regarding the document, either generally agreeing or disagreeing with its message. (205 words)

46. A. study B. reflect on C. consider D. think

47. A. and B. but also C. moreover D. yet

48. A. must take place B. may start C. have to begin D. should occur

49. A. make note B. write note C. take notes D. keep note

50. A. relevant B. connected C. associated D. linked

51. A. act as B. serve as C. consider as D. regard as

52. A. firstly B. to begin with C. first hand D. at first

53. A. in advance B. farther C. further D. forwardly

54. A. to be made B. being made C. having made D. to make

55. A. take a position B. insist on C. consider D. hold the view

根据以下内容回答题:Let US take a look at the chief thing in the story—the human body itsel


Let US take a look at the chief thing in the story—the human body itself.A human body appears to be rather soft and delicate,compared with that of a wild animal,but it is actually surprisingly strong.Indeed,its very softness and looseness are an advantage;it makes man good at moving about and falling about in safety.Man is the most skillful in movement of all living things of his own size,because he can do so many different things with his limbs.Man’s games show how he can control his own body.No other land creature can swim as skillfully as man;none has such varied grace;very few live as long as he;none is so strong in its natural resistance to disease.Therefore man has a great advantage in his battle against the risks of damage and death that threaten him.It is difficult to kill him as long as he is fed and in good health.Yet every day thousands of people die needlessly,even though man is naturally strong,because of those two killers,disease and starvation,with the battle.

Old age?No one can live forever,so one might’suppose that quite a large number of oldpeople would come to the end of their days every year.There is,however,another thing to re-member.During the time it has taken you to read this page,a considerable number of babies have been born somewhere in the wodd—one is born every one and a quarter seconds!Of these babies,one group can be expected to have a good long life of about seventy years,because they were lucky enough to be born in countries where living standards are high.

The deadliest of all killers are starvation and disease.We cannot be content until we have mastered them.To do so is one of the most important tasks of our times.

The softness and looseness of man’s body are an advantage because it__________ . 查看材料

A.makes him strong

B.makes him resistant to diseases

C.helps him to avoid injury

D.keeps him in good health

Thomas Hardy's impulses as a writer, all of which indulged in his novels, were numerous an
d divergent, and they did not always work together in harmony. Hardy was to some degree interested in exploring his characters' psychologies, though impelled less by curiosity than by sympathy. Occasionally he felt the impulse to comedy (in all its detached coldness) as well as the impulse to farce, but he was more often inclined to see tragedy and record it. He was also inclined to literary realism in the several senses of that phrase; He wanted to describe ordinary human beings. He wanted to speculate on their dilemmas rationally (and, unfortunately even schematically); and he wanted to record precisely the material universe. Finally, he wanted to be more than a realist. He wanted to transcend what he considered to be the banality of solely recording things exactly and to express as well his awareness of the occult and the strange.

In his novels these various impulses were sacrificed to each other inevitably and often inevitably, because Hardy did not care in the way that novelists such as Flaubert or James learned, and therefore took paths of least resistance. Thus one impulse often surrendered to a fresher one and, unfortunately, instead of exacting a compromise, simply disappeared. A desire to throw over reality a light that never was might give way abruptly to the desire on the part of what we might consider a novelist scientist to record exactly and concretely the structure and texture of a flower.

In this instance, the new impulse was at least an energetic one. And thus its indulgence did not result in a relaxed style. But on other occasions Hardy abandoned a perilous risky and highly energizing impulse in favor of what was for him the fatally relaxing impulse to classify and schematize abstractly. When a relaxing impulse was indulged, the style—that sure index of an author's literary worth—was certain to become verbose.

Hardy's weakness derived from his apparent inability to control the comings and goings of these divergent impulses and from his unwillingness to cultivate and sustain the energetic and risky ones. He submitted of first one and then another, and the spirit blew where it listed; hence the unevenness of any one of his novels. His most controlled novel, Under the Greenwood Tree, prominently exhibits two different but reconcilable impulses—a desire to be a realist-historian and a desire to be a psychologist of love but the slight interlockings of plot are not enough to bind the two completely together. Thus even this book splits into two distinct parts.

Which of the following is the most appropriate title for the passage, based on its content?

A.Hardy's Novelistic Style. A Literary Light.

B.Hardy's Creative Conflict: Rationalism and Realism.

C.Hardy's Achievements: An Ambiguous Triumph.

D.Hardy's Novelistic Impulses: The Problem of Conflicts.

The iMove database (数 据 库 ) is a foreign-language information platform. for persons i

The iMove database (数 据 库 ) is a foreign-language information platform. for persons interested in job opportunities offered by German companies. The information can be obtained in sevenLanguagesGerman, English, French, Spanish, Chinese.RussianandArabic.

All programs in the area of professional training are carried out by German training providers. All these programs have aclear content to meet your special needs.

Programs which Lake place in Germany are carried out in English. Many of the German training providers have started their training activities towards the international market. Therefore, they also offer courses abroad. These courses are taught in English or the language of the target country. Providers will be glad to supply you with additional information on these courses. You can contact the provider directly to find out more about a program and training provider.

To guarantee high standards in the database, iMove has developed quality standards for training providers and their services. A11 0f the training facilities in the iMove database have to follow these quality criteria (杯准 ) .All training providers who publish their international training programs in the iMove database have recognized our General Termsand Conditions.

The iMove database is intended for persons who _

A.seeka job asa language translator

B.are interested in the German language

C.want to be employed by German companies

D.wish to work for professional training providers

The iMove programs are carried out by _______A.language training centers

B.German training providers

C.special service developers

D.overseas employment advises

Thetraining programs held in Germany are taught in____________A.German




Which of the following measures hasiMove taken to guarantee its high standards?A.Offering different language courses.

B.Providing modern training facilities.

C.Starting training courses overseas.

D.Developing quality standards.

The purpose of the passageis to_________A.advertise the iMove database

B.make German companies more popular

C.hire overseas employees to work in Germany

D.encourage people to learn more foreign languages


Section B – TWO questions ONLY to be attemptedShop Reviewers Online (SRO) was founded in 2

Section B – TWO questions ONLY to be attempted

Shop Reviewers Online (SRO) was founded in 2010 by Amy Needham. She felt that many customers buying from online stores were misled by advertising and that too often, purchased products turned out to be unreliable, faulty or failed to meet the customers’ expectations. Amy believed that the online retail industry was increasingly acting unethically, caring only for profits at the expense of the needs and expectations of customers.

Consequently, she set up SRO to ‘provide an unbiased review of online stores to ensure the customer has all available information’. The company offers reviews of current online stores and provides direct links for customers to shop at the stores featured on its site. The reviews include price comparisons, provided by SRO, as well as general reviews provided by registered users of the site. The company has two main revenue streams. The first is advertising revenue from online stores who place advertisements on the SRO site. The second revenue stream is commission from sales by online stores to customers who have clicked on the sponsored links provided on the SRO website. This commission is only paid by stores who have entered into such a commission arrangement with SRO.

SRO relies upon its website being available online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. For this reason it has backup servers running concurrently with the main servers on which data is processed and stored. The servers are directly linked so that any update to the main servers automatically occurs on the backup. The servers are all housed in the same computer centre in the company head office. The computer centre has enhanced its security by implementing a fingerprint recognition system for controlling access to the site. However, as the majority of staff at headquarters are IT personnel, and often temporary staff are hired to cover absentees, the fingerprint recognition system is not comprehensive and, to save time, is often bypassed. Similarly, to save time needed to set up new permanent staff with passwords to access the company’s systems, a general ‘administrator’ user has been created, with the password ‘password’. Many temporary staff access the system in this way.

SRO has an intelligent software application which constantly searches the internet for product price changes, uploading these into the reviews of the online store in question. Sometimes, however, there have been problems. Usually this is when the application has not recognised an outdated page and has replaced the correct latest price with an old price found on the outdated page. Furthermore, this intelligent software application needs permanent continual access to the internet, and SRO has identified a problem with its firewall which has prevented the software application from sometimes updating the internal systems. For this reason, it has removed the firewall protection to help ensure that the correct up-to-date prices of all online stores are shown on the website.

SRO rarely generates other elements of reviews (such as product experience), leaving this to registered users of the site. However, it will, occasionally, submit its own review to help boost a store which pays a higher commission rate than its competitors. SRO is always honest in its reviews, but the more reviews a store has, the higher up the search list it appears, when a customer searches for a specific product.

Registered users can submit as many reviews as they wish. Unregistered users may also submit reviews, which will be published under the name ‘anonymous’, but these reviewers will be unable to comment on the reviews of others. SRO checks reviews for appropriate content, but does not contact the store to verify the accuracy of the review.

SRO is about to undertake an audit of the adequacy of its general and application IT controls. In addition, SRO is currently undertaking an internal ethical governance audit, which has identified two main areas of concern:

(1) Commercial conflicts of interest

As mentioned earlier, SRO’s business objective is to ‘provide an unbiased review of online stores to ensure the customer has all available information’. However, the audit has revealed that both SRO’s revenue streams may cause an ethical dilemma with regards to this objective.

(2) Company offices

SRO has little need for traditional offices, as it does not have a direct customer-facing role. It mainly requires IT technicians to support its automated services. The company has carried out research which suggests that the IT skills it requires could be sourced at a much lower rate overseas. It is considering relocation to one such country. This country has low rates of corporation tax and cheaper labour costs. However, the country itself is poorly regulated and does not have legislation concerning the quality of information systems or the security of data contained within them, particularly relating to personal data. The culture of the country is such that accepting unauthorised payments for services is also not unusual. Whilst SRO does not condone this in its code of conduct, it is aware that such issues exist in the country under consideration.


(a) Evaluate the adequacy of the general and application controls in place within SRO, with respect to its information technology and information systems. Suggest any improvements you consider to be necessary. (15 marks)

(b) Assess the corporate governance and ethical dilemmas identified by SRO in its possible relocation to the foreign country and discuss the implications of these on organisational mission, purpose and strategy. (10 marks)

The first thing to notice is that the media we're all familiar with—from books to televisi
on--are one-way propositions: they push their content at us. The Web is two-way, push and pull. In finer point, it combines the one-way reach of broadcast with the two-way reciprocity (互惠) of a mid-cast. Indeed, its user can at once be a receiver and sender of broadcast—a confusing property, but mindstretching!

A second aspect of the Web is that it is the first medium that honors the notion of multiple intelligences. This past century's concept of literacy grew out of our intense belief in text, a focus enhanced by the power of one particular technology-the typewriter. It became a great tool for writers but a terrible one for other creative activities such as sketching, painting, notating music, or even mathematics. The typewriter prized one particular kind of intelligence, but with the Web, we suddenly have a medium that honors multiple forms of intelligence—abstract, textual, visual, musical, social, and kinesthetic. As educators, we now have a chance to construct a medium that enables all young people to become engaged in their ideal way of learning. The Web affords the match we need between a medium and how a particular person learns.

A third and unusual aspect of the Web is that it leverages (起杠杆作用) the small efforts of the many with the large efforts of the few. For example, researchers in the Maricopa County Community College system in Phoenix have found a way to link a set of senior citizens with pupils in the Longview Elementary School, as helper-mentors (顾问). It's wonderful to sec-kids listen to these grandparents better than they do to their own parents, the mentoring really helps their teachers, and the seniors create a sense of meaning for themselves. Thus, the small efforts of the man—the seniors—complement the large efforts of the few—the teachers. The same thing can be found in operation at Hewlett-Packard, where engineers use the Web to help kids with science or math problems. Both of these examples barely scratch the surface as we think about what's possible when we start interlacing resources with needs across a whole region.

What does the word mind-stretching imply?

A.Obtaining one's mental power.

B.Strengthening one's power of thought.

C.Making great demands on one's mental power.

D.Exerting one's mental power as far as possible.

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