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He seems so honest and genuine and my every () says he's not.





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完成下列各题 B Light travels at a speed which is about a million
times faster than the speed of sound.In one second,light travels about 300,000km.But sound travels only 344m.You can get some idea of this difference by watching the start of a race.If you stand some distance away from the starter,you can see smoke comes from his gun before the sound reaches your ears. This great speed of light gives US some strange facts.Sunlight takes about 8 minutes to reach US.If you look at the light of the moon tonight,remember that the light left the moon 1.3 seconds before it reached you.The nearest star is so far away that the light which you can see from it t0—night started to travel towards you four years ago at a speed of nearly 2 million km per minute.In some case,the light from one of tonight’s stars started on its journey to you before you were born. Thus,if you want to be honest,you cant say“The stars are shining to night”?You have to say“The stars look pretty.They were shining four years ago but their light has just reached Earth”. Sunlight seems to________than the light of the moon.

A.be less powerfull

B.travel much quickly

C.move less quickly

D.have to travel a greater distance

One silly question I simply can't stand is "How do you feel?". Usually the
One silly question I simply can't stand is "How do you feel?". Usually the question is asked of a man in action --- a man on the go, walking along the street, or busily working at his desk. So what do you expect him to say? He'll probably say, "Fine, I'm all right," but "you've put a bug in his ear" -- maybe now he's not sure. If you are a good friend, you may have seen something in his face, or his walk, that he overlooked that morning. It starts him worrying a little. First thing you know, he looks in a mirror to see if everything is all right, while you go merrily on your way asking someone else, "How do you feel?"

Every question has its time and place. It's perfectly acceptable, for instance, to ask "How do you feel?" if you're visiting a close friend in the hospital, But if the fellow is walking on both legs, hurrying to make a train, or sitting at his desk working, it's no time to ask him that silly question.When George Bernard Shaw, the famous writer of plays was in his eighties, someone asked him "How do you feel?" Shaw put him in his place. "When you reach my age," he said, "either you feel all right or you're dead."

1.According to the writer, greetings, such as "How do you feel?" ____.

A、show one's consideration for others

B、are a good way to make friends

C、are proper to ask a man in action

D、generally make one feel uneasy

2.The question "How do you feel?" seems to be correct and suitable when asked of ____.

A、a man working at his desk

B、a person having lost a close friend

C、a stranger who looks somewhat worried

D、a friend who is ill

3.The writer seems to feel that a busy man should ____.

A、be praised for his efforts

B、never be asked any question

C、not be bothered

D、be discouraged from working so hard

4.George Bernard Shaw's reply in the passage shows his ____.





5.“You've put a bug in his ear ”means that you've ____.

A、made him laugh

B、shown concern for him

C、made fun of him

D、given him some kind of warning

He is an honest person.His actions are always _____his words.A.contrary toB.contradicted b

He is an honest person.His actions are always _____his words.

A.contrary to

B.contradicted by

C.consistent with

D.consist with

I know _______ he is an honest boy.





(英语类学生必做)Sleep is important to us because it helps restore organs and tissues in ou


Sleep is important to us because it helps restore organs and tissues in our body. But how much sleep do we actually need?

For most of us, eight hours seems to be about the right amount. Yet we know that there are many people who get 【61】 perfectly with less sleep, and some who may need 【62】 A great deal depends on the 【63】 we live. But a good general rule 【64】 is to sleep as long as we have to in order to feel happy and be able to work 【65】 our best when we awaken.

There are actually different 【66】 of sleep. There is a deep sleep and a shallow sleep. In a shallow sleep our body does not get the same kind of rest it gets in a 【67】 sleep, 【68】 after eight hours of a shallow sleep we may still feel tired. But a short, deep sleep can be very 【69】 Alexander—the Great Emperor was able to get a deep sleep 【70】 he needed it. Once, during the night before an important battle, he remained 【71】 longer than anyone else. 【72】 he wrapped himself in a cloak and 【73】 down on the earth. He slept so 【74】 that his generals had to wake him three times for him to give the 【75】 to attack!

Normally when we go to sleep, our " sleep center" blocks off nerves so that 【76】 our brain and body go to sleep. 【77】 prevents us from wanting to do anything, and the other 【78】 our internal organs and limbs go to sleep. 【79】 sometimes only one goes to sleep and the other does not. A very tired soldier can sometimes 【80】 asleep (brain sleep) and keep on marching, because his body is not asleep.






Einstein's Compass Young Albert was a quiet boy. "Perhaps too quiet", thought Hermann and

Einstein's Compass

Young Albert was a quiet boy. "Perhaps too quiet", thought Hermann and Pauline Einstein. He spoke hardly at all until age 3- They might have thought him slow, but there was something else evident. When he did speak, he'd say the most unusual things. At age 2, Pauline promised him a surprise. Albert was excited, thinking she was bringing him some new fascinating toy. But when his mother presented him with his new baby sister Maja, all Albert could do was stare with questioning eyes. Finally he responded, "where are the wheels?"

When Albert was 5 years old and sick in bed, Hermann Einstein brought him a device that did stir his intellect. It was the first time he had seen a compass. He lay there shaking and twisting the odd thing, certain he could fool it into pointing off in a new direction. But try as he might, the compass needle would always find its way back to pointing in the direction of north. "A wonder," he thought. The invisible force that guided the compass needle was evidence to Albert that there was more to our world that meets the eye. There was "something behind things, something deeply hidden."

So began Albert Einstein's journey down a road of exploration that he would follow the rest of his life. "I have no special gift," he would say, "I am only passionately curious."

Albert Einstein was more than just curious though. He had the patience and determination that kept him at things longer than most others. Other children would build houses of card up to 4 stories tall before the cards would lose balance and the whole structure would come falling down. Maja watched in wonder as her brother Albert methodically built his card buildings to 14 stories. Later he would say, "It's not that I'm so smart, it's just that I stay with problems longer."

One advantage Albert Einstein's developing mind enjoyed was the opportunity to communicate with adults in an intellectual way. His uncle, an engineer, would come to the house, and Albert would join in the discussions. His thinking was also stimulated by a medical student who came over once a week for dinner and lively chats.

At age 12, Albert Einstein came upon a set of ideas that impressed him as "holy." It was a little book on Euclidean plane geometry . The concept that one could prove theorems of angles and lines that were in no way obvious made an "indescribable impression" on the young student. He adopted mathematics as the tool he would use to pursue his curiosity and prove what he would discover about the behavior of the universe.

He was convinced that beauty lies in the simplistic. Perhaps this insight was the real power of his genius. Albert Einstein looked for the beauty of simplicity in the apparently complex nature and saw truths that escaped others. While the expression of his mathematics might be accessible to only a few sharp minds in the science, Albert could condense the essence of his thoughts so anyone could understand.

For instance, his theories of relativity revolutionized science and unseated the laws of Newton that were believed to be a complete description of nature for hundreds of years. Yet when pressed for an example that people could relate to, he came up with this: "Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute and it seems like an hour. Sit with a pretty girl for an hour and it seems like a minute. THAT's relativity."

Albert Einstein's wealth of new ideas peaked while he was still a young man of 26. In 1905 he wrote 3 fundamental papers on the nature of light, a proof of atoms, the special theory of relativity and the famous equation of atomic power: E=mc2. For the next 20 years, the curiosity that was sparked by wanting to know what controlled the compass needle and his persistence to keep pushing for the simple answers led him to connect space and time and find a new state of matter.

What was his ultimate quest?

"I want to know how God created this world...I want to know His thoughts; the rest are details."

根据以下材料回答第 36~40 题: Passage TwoDuring the Christmas shopping rush in London

根据以下材料回答第 36~40 题:

Passage TwoDuring the Christmas shopping rush in London, the interesting story was reported of a tramp (流浪者)who, apparently though no fault of his own, found himself locked in a well-known chain store late on Christmas Eve. No doubt the store was crowded with last-minute Christmas shoppers and the staff were dead beat and longing to get home. Probably all the proper security checks were made before the store was locked and they left to enjoy the three-day holiday untroubled by customers desperate to get last-minute Christmas presents.

However ridiculous that may be, our tramp found himself alone in the store and decided to make the best of it .There was food , drink ,bedding and camping equipment, of which he made good use. There must also have been television sets and radios. Though it was not reported if he took advantage of these facilities, when the shop reopened he was discovered in bed with a large number of empty bottles beside him. He seems to have been a man of good humor as indeed tramps very commonly are.

Everyone else was enjoying Christmas, so he saw no good reason why he should not do the same. He yielded himself cheerfully, and was taken by the police. Perhaps he had had a better Christmas than usual . He was sent to prison for seven days. The judge awarded no compensation (赔偿)to the chain store for the food and drink our tramp had consumed. They had , in his opinion, already received valuable free publicity from the story revealed in the newspaper and one television. Perhaps the judge had had a good Christmas, too.

第 36 题 The tramp was locked in the store_________.

A.for 7 days

B.on purpose

C.by accident

D.for security reasons

If parents bring up a child with the sole aim of turning the child into a genius, they
will cause a big problem. According to several leading educational psychologists, this is one of the biggest mistakes which ambitious parents make. Generally, the child will be only too aware of what the parent expects, and will fail. Unrealistic parental expectations can cause great damage to children. However, if parents are not too unrealistic about what they expect their children to do, but are ambitious in a reasonable way, the child may succeed in doing very well—especially if the parents are very supportive of their child. Michael Lee Chao Tin is very lucky. He is crazy about music, and his parents help him a lot by taking him to concerts and arranging private piano and violin lessons for him. They even drive him 50 kilometers a week for violin lessons. Although Michael’s mother knows very little about music, Michael’s father is a good trumpet player. However, he never makes Michael enter music competitions if he is unwilling. Michael’s friend, Winston Chiu Fang Weng, however, is not so lucky. Although both his parents are successful musicians, they set too high a standard for Winston. They want their son to be as successful as they are and so they enter him for every piano competition held. They are very unhappy when he does not win. “When I was your age, I used to win every competition I entered,” Winston’s father tells him. Winston is always afraid that he will disappoint his parents and now he always seems quiet and unhappy.

61.Which of the following mistakes are parents likely to make according to the passage?

A.To neglect their child’s education.

B.To help their child to be a genius.

C.To expect too much of their child.

D.To make their child become a musician.

62.What should parents do in order to help their children succeed?A.They should push the children into achieving a lot.

B.They should try to have their own successful careers.

C.They should arrange private lessons for their children.

D.They should understand and help their children in difficult times.

63.Which of the following statements about Michael Lee’s parents is true?

A.His father is a very poor player of trumpet.

B.His parents are quite rich and have a car.

C.His parents help him in a proper way.

D.His mother knows much about music.

64.Winston’s parents push their son so much that __________.

A.he has succeeded in a lot of competitions

B.he is unhappy because he is not self-confident

C.he feels he cannot learn anything about music from them

D.he has already become a better musician than his father

65.The two examples illustrate the principle that __________.

A.successful parents often have unsuccessful children

B.it is important to let children develop in the way they want

C.parents who want their child to be musical should also be good musicians

D.the more money spent on a child’s education, the better the child will do

If a person says that he had a dream that lasted for four hours, ______.A.he is lying purp

If a person says that he had a dream that lasted for four hours, ______.

A.he is lying purposely

B.he is trying to be funny

C.he is honest and accurate (精确)

D.he is mistaken

People appear to be born to compute. The numerical skills of children develop so early and
so inexorably that it is easy to imagine an internal clock of mathematical maturity guiding their growth. Not long after learning to walk and talk, they can set the table with impressive accuracy--one plate, one knife, one spoon, one fork, for each of the five chairs. Soon they are capable of noting that they have placed five knives, spoons, and forks on the table and, a bit later, that this amounts to fifteen pieces of silverware. Having thus mastered addition, they move on to subtraction. It seems almost reasonable to expect that if a child were secluded on a desert island at birth and retrieved seven years later, he or she could enter a second-grade mathematics class without any serius problems of intellectual adjustment.

Of course, the truth is not so simple. This century, the work of cognitive psychologists has illuminated the subtle forms of daily learning on which intellectual progress depends. Children were observed as they slowly grasped--or, as the case might be bumped into- concepts that adults take for granted, as they refused, for instance, to concede that quantity is unchanged as water pours from short stout glass into a tall thin one. Psychologists have since demonstrated that young children, asked to count the pencils in a pile, readily report the number of blue or red pencils, but must be coaxed into finding the total. Such studies have suggested that the rudiments of mathematics are mastered gradually, and with effort. They have also suggested that the very concept of abstract numbers--the idea of a oneness, a twoness, a threenes that applies to any class of objects and is a prerequisite for doing anything more mathematically demanding than setting a table--is itself far from innate.

What does the passage mainly discuss?

A.Trends in teaching mathematics to children.

B.The use of mathematics in child psychology.

C.The development of mathematical ability in children.

D.The fundamental concepts of mathematics that children must learn.


A.He seemed a little unhappy yesterday

B.He seems a little unhappy yesterday

C.He seems unhappy yesterday

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