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阅读题:For some time past it has been widely accepted that babies-and other creatures-learn to do

Questions 36 to 40 are based on the following passage.

For some time past it has been widely accepted that babies-and other creatures-learn to do things because certain acts lead to "rewards"; and there is no reason to doubt that this is true. But it used also to be widely believed that effective rewards, at least in the early stages, had to be directly related to such basic physiological(生理的) "drives" as thirst or hunger. In other words, a baby would learn if he got food or drink or some sort of physical comfort, not otherwise.

It is now clear that this is not so. Babies will learn to behave in ways that produce results in the world with no reward except the successful outcome.

Papousek began his studies by using milk in the normal way to "reward" the babies and so teach them to carry out some simple movements, such as turning the head to one side or the other. Then he noticed that a baby who had had enough to drink would refuse the milk but would still go on making the learned response with clear signs of pleasure. So he began to study the children's responses in situations where no milk was provided. He quickly found that children as young as four months would learn to turn their heads to right or left if the movement "switched on" a display of lights-and indeed that they were capable of learning quite complex turns to bring about this result, for instance, two left or two right, or even to make as many as three turns to one side.

Papousek's light display was placed directly in front of the babies and he made the interesting observation that sometimes they would not turn back to watch the lights closely although they would "smile and bubble" when the display came on. Papousek concluded that it was not primarily the sight of the lights which pleased them, it was the success they were achieving in solving the problem, in mastering the skill, and that there exists a fundamental human urge to make sense of the world and bring it under intentional control.

36. According to the author, babies learn to do things which .

A) are directly related to pleasure

B) will meet their physical needs

C) will bring them a feeling of success

D) will satisfy their curiosity

37. Papousek noticed in his studies that a baby .

A) would make learned responses when it saw the milk

B) would carry out learned movements when it had enough to drink

C) would continue the simple movements without being given milk

D) would turn its head to right or left when it had enough to drink

38. In Papousek's experiment babies make learned movements of the head in order to .

A) have the lights turned on

B) be rewarded with milk

C) please their parents

D) be praised

39. The babies would "smile and bubble" at the lights because .

A) the lights were directly related to some basic "drives"

B) the sight of the lights was interesting

C) they need not turn back to watch the lights

D) they succeeded in "switching on" the lights

40. According to Papousek, the pleasure babies get in achieving something is a reflection of .

A) a basic human desire to understand and control the world

B) the satisfaction of certain physiological needs

C) their strong desire to solve complex problems

D) a fundamental human urge to display their learned skills

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更多“阅读题:For some time past it has …”相关的问题

The houses we live in are very __1__. They keep us from being cold in the winter and hot in the summer. In the winter they keep out of the snow. They also keep out the wind. Even if it is blowing outside, we are nice and warm inside. In the summer houses keep the hot sun from us.When it rains, they keep us from getting wet.Houses are also places __2__ we feel safe. People can’ t get at us or our things. Houses give us a place to be together with our families and friends. Mothers and fathers __3__ their children there. The children play there. The family eat and sleep under the same roof.Houses are different in many ways. They are made of different things.Some houses are made of wood. Some are made of stones. Sometimes more than one thing is used to make a house.Houses come in different __4__. Some houses have only one room. Some houses have more than one room. Big buildings found in cities have a great many rooms. They hold many families. The rooms in which each family lives are called an apartment. Houses are different in the ways they are __5__. Houses in tropic countries can be lightly built. In places where it rains much of the time, houses must keep out the water.take care( “注意”,“当心”,“留心”)





根据以下材料回答第 51~55 题: Passage FiveOnline distance learning (网上远程教育) is

根据以下材料回答第 51~55 题:

Passage FiveOnline distance learning (网上远程教育) is an instructional system which connects learners with educational resources. Students work on their own at home, at work, or at school and communicate with faculty and other students by means of e-mail, electronic meetings, videoconferencing, chat rooms, instant messaging and other forms of computer-based communication. There are both advantages and disadvantages to online distance learning.

There are many benefits to using online distance learning environments. Online education is available all the time, anywhere and to all people. However, there are weaknesses for some learners. The online learner only has the written text and no other face-to-face hints. This may confuse the learner and cause misunderstanding. While distance learning allows for an openness, it is also difficult because it is done by e-mail messages and writing, and therefore may take more time than face-to-face learning. Sometimes the messages can be overwhelming for many online students.

Universities, colleges and schools use online distance learning environments. These are important for students who may be unable to attend classes for various reasons like illnesses or busy everyday schedules. Some learners just want to further their studies at home. They enjoy the convenience of home learning as they take regular programs or enrichment classes.

Online courses keep learners very occupied at all hours of the day .There are a great many nessages and other online resources to read and respond to . Most learners have regular jobs or attend regular school classes on ground as well . However, the benefits are clear. Online distance learning is becoming very popular. Some online classes have become a profitable business as they replace regular traditional means of learning.

第 51 题 Which of the following is TRUE of the passage about online distance learning?

A.It has more disadvantages than advantages.

B.It is a learning form. based on internet.

C.It is not available for some students.

D.It has only enrichment classes.

阅读下列短文,然后根据短文的内容从 51~54 小题的四个选择项中选出最佳的一项。 A There wa

阅读下列短文,然后根据短文的内容从 51~54 小题的四个选择项中选出最佳的一项。


There was a river with a small town on either side of it. The towns were linked by a bridge.

One day,a hole appeared in the bridge. Both towns agreed that the hole should be mended. However,disagreement came up as to who should mend it. Each town thought that it had a better reason for the other to mend the hole. The town on the right bank said that it was at the end of the road,so the left-bank town should mend the hole. The town on the left bank,on the other hand,insisted that all the traffic came to the right-bank town,so it was in their interest to mend the bridge.

The quarrel went on and on,and so did the hole. The more it went on,the more the hostility between the two towns grew.

One day a man fell into the hole and broke his leg. People from both towns questioned him closely about whether he was walking from the right bank to the left or from the left bank to the right,in order to decide which town should be blamed for the accident. But he could not remember,since he got drunk that night.

Some time later,a car was crossing the bridge and broke an axle(轴)because of the hole. Neither town paid any attention to the accident,as the traveler was not going from one to the other,but was merely passing through. The angry traveler got out of the car and asked why the hole was not mended.

On hearing the reason,he declared,“I'll buy this hole. Who‘s the owner?”

Both towns at once declared that they owned the hole.

“One or the other,whoever owns the hole must prove it.”

“How shall we prove it?”asked both sides.

“That's simple. Only the owner of the hole has the right to mend it. I‘ll buy the hole from whoever mends the bridge.”

People from both towns rushed to do the job while the traveler smoked a cigar and his driver changed the axle. They mended the bridge in no time and asked for the money for the hole.

“What hole?”The traveler looked surprised.“I can't see any hole. I‘ve been looking for a hole for several years now. I'm prepared to pay a good price for it,but there’s no hole here. Are you pulling my leg or what?”

He got into his car and drove off.

第 51 题 What did the two towns quarrel about?

A.Which of them should mend the hole.

B.Whether the hole should be mended.

C.Why there was a hole in the bridge.

D.When they should mend the hole.

阅读下列短文,然后根据短文的内容从 62~65 小题的四个选择项中选出最佳的一项。 D While a

阅读下列短文,然后根据短文的内容从 62~65 小题的四个选择项中选出最佳的一项。


While acting may run in the family,it wasn't Angelina Jolie's only choice when thinking about her future. Although Jolie has studied her craft(技艺)since childhood,at one point the 26-year-old,who stars this month in Tomb Raider with her father,actor John Voight,wanted to be a funeral(殡葬)director.“I thought that the crossing over could be a beautiful thing and a time of comfort when people could reach out to each other.”

Tradition(传统)is always attractive and interesting to Jolie,who moved with her mother,Marcheline Bertand,and brother after her parents separated when she was two.“I never had one home. I never had an attic(阁楼)that had old things in it. We always moved,so I was never rooted anywhere. And I always dreamed of having that attic of things that I could go back and have a look. I'm very drawn to some things that are tradition,that are roots,and I think that may be why I paid such special attention to funerals.”

Finally,she chose acting.“Following in my father's footsteps,”she says,“is an interesting thing,because I think we speak to each other through our work. You don't really know your parents in a certain way,and they don't really know you. So he can watch a film and see how I am as a woman,the way I’m dealing with a husband who's been hurt,or the way I'm crying alone.”

“And it's the same for me:I can watch films of his and just see who he is. I've learned to understand him as a person.”

第 62 题 The passage is about a woman who _______.

A.was once a funeral director

B.is the leading actress in Tomb Raider

C.wants an attic to live in

D.was hurt by her husband

阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。Successful and mem


Successful and memorable events don’t just happen. Organizing and holding an event takes planning. Whether it’s an anniversary, a sporting event or a retirement party, and no matter how much time you have, your event’s success is in the details.

There are some suggestions for you to hold a successful event.Decide upon your target audience.The first thing is you should know who your target audience is. From this all the other decisions will fall into place in terms of format, content, prices, location etc.

Make a list of details.When you hold an event, you need to consider everything, from program content, lighting, food serving, transportation to parking and safety. Making a list will ensure you don’t overlook things.

Have a clear purpose.When you plan an event, you should clearly define.its purpose, because the following decision should support it.

Do not clash.Check the calendar.Don’t clash with holidays or popular vacation times.

Know your limitations.You should be aware of your weakness such as budget or time. If you decide to hold an event in a week’s time, plan for a more familiar affair. If it’s a big event, prepare several months ahead. If the budget is small, you may have to a lot of do-it-yourself work.

1. Which of the following statement is NOT true according to the passage? {A、B、C}

A. To know your target audience first helps you plan your event better.

B. To check the calendar carefully will avoid time conflict.

C. Know the limitation means you should know the audience’s limitation.

2. Which is not the factor of holding a successful event? {A、B、C}

A. A clear purpose

B. A list of details

C. A invitation

3. According to the passage, what is the key factor to make your event successful? {A、B、C}

A. Leadership.

B. Details.

C. Plenty of planning time.

4. What is the best title for this passage? {A、B、C}

A. Details- the key to the success of an event.

B. Successful and memorable events don’t just happen.

C. How to plan successful events.

5. What is the purpose of making list of details? {A、B、C}

A. Make sure not overlook things

B. To follow decisions

C. To have a clear purpose

阅读下短文,回答 51~55 题: 根据中文提示,将对话中缺少的内容写在线上。这些句子必须符合英语表达

阅读下短文,回答 51~55 题:






Harris:Yes,I'd like to open a savings account.

Clerk:Certainly,sir.We’11 have to fill out some forms.__________52__________?

Harris:It’s Harris,John Harris.

Clerk:How do you spell your last name,Mr.Harris?Harris:It’S H—A—R—R—I—S.

Clerk:And__________53__________ ?

Harris:2418 Greystone Road.

Clerk:Is that in Chicago?

Harris:Yes,that’S right.

Clerk:And your zip code?




Clerk:364—9758.And your job?


Clerk:I see.What’s the name of your employer?

Harris:1 work for IBM.

Clerk:Fine.Just a minute,please.

第 51 题 请回答第51空:

A.for a timeB.for some timeC.at a timeD.in time

A.for a time

B.for some time

C.at a time

D.in time

While baby-sitting, a girl student should NOT__________. A. call the baby's pa

While baby-sitting, a girl student should NOT__________ .

A. call the baby's parents

B. make personal calls for a long time

C. be allowed to watch TV

D. think of her studies


A.this time

B.some other time

C.next time

D.ll the time

We will speak to her about it ________ next week.A. sometimesB. sometimeC. some timesD.

A. sometimes

B. sometime

C. some times

D. some time

It took Joan some time to ______ the grief at her father's death.A.get overB.do withoutC.p

It took Joan some time to ______ the grief at her father's death.

A.get over

B.do without

C.pass away

D.deal with

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