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The most effective complaint can be made by ________.A) showing the faulty item to

The most effective complaint can be made by ________.

A) showing the faulty item to the manufacturer

B) explaining exactly what is wrong with the item

C) saying firmly that the item of poor quality

D) asking politely to change the item

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更多“The most effective complaint c…”相关的问题
According to Dr. Herron James, the most effective way of cultivating a critical mind is to give him a comprehensive training in writing.()
The most effective complaint can be made by ______.A.showing the faulty item to the manufa

The most effective complaint can be made by ______.

A.showing the faulty item to the manufacturer

B.explaining exactly what is wrong with the item

C.saying firmly that the item is of poor quality

D.asking politely to change the item

Sometimes a researcher cannot get valid results because ______.A.the information needed is

Sometimes a researcher cannot get valid results because ______.

A.the information needed is too complex to be gathered

B.personal interviewing is the most accurate of all survey research techniques

C.personal interviewing is not as effective as other research techniques

D.both interviewer and interviewee may make mistakes during the interviewing

Carbon dioxide as a fire fighting agent has which advantage over other agents?A.It causes

Carbon dioxide as a fire fighting agent has which advantage over other agents?

A.It causes minimal damage

B.It is safer for personnel

C.It is cheaper

D.It is most effective on a per unit basis

Our management technique has been proven to be the most effective way to get into a





Managers perform. four basic functions. The amount of time they devote to each depends
on the situation of the firm and of the manager within the firm. First, managers engage in goal and planning (determining where the firm should be going and how to get there), Three types of plans, from the broadest the most specific, are strategies, tactical plans, and standing plans. Next, managers organize resources and activities to accomplish results in an efficient and effective manner. Then, managers must lead and motivate others to inspire them to work in the best interest of the organization. Finally, managers must control ongoing activities, through continual evaluation and regulation, to keep the organization on course as it pursues its goals.

Personal interviewing is most effective when all the people to be interviewed are located
in a relatively small geographical area. Otherwise, the time and expense spent in travelling from one person to another makes this type of interviewing economically impractical. Personal interviewing is usually used when the information needed is too complex to be gathered by another technique. For example, a problem being studied may require the interviewer to probe beyond the more superficial answers that might be obtained with another method.

It is sometimes assumed that personal interviewing is the most accurate of all survey research techniques. Although personal interviewing may be accurate in many cases, human errors may prevent a researcher from obtaining valid results. Questions perceived by the interviewee as an invasion of privacy or threatening in any way will probably produce false or partially true answers. Also, since the interviewer must interpret the respondent's statements, a certain amount of information lose results even though the respondent may be answering truthfully.

In spite of the problems, at least two major advantages are provided by this research technique. First, the alert interviewer can generally tell if the respondent is being truthful or if he or she is giving superficial or untrue responses. Second, the interviewer can rephrase questions, give more explanation, or probe more deeply if the initial questions do not produce the information desired. As a result, the information gleaned should be more accurate than that provided by interviews where no one is present to clarify questions or to interpret answers.

It can be concluded from the passage that when all the people to be interviewed are located in a relatively big geographical area______.

A.personal interviewing is most effective

B.personal interviewing is economically impractical

C.personal interviewing is the only technique to get information

D.telephone interviewing may not be used

Most people would define optimism as endlessly happy, with a glass that’s perpetually half
fall. But that’s exactly the kind of false deerfulness that positive psychologists wouldn’t recommend. “Healthy optimists means being in touch with reality.” says Tal Ben-Shahar, a Harvard professor, According to Ben- Shalar,realistic optimists are these who make the best of things that happen, but not those who believe everything happens for the best.

Ben-Shalar uses three optimistic exercisers. When he feels down-sag, after giving a bad lecture-he grants himself permission to be human. He reminds himself that mot every lecture can be a Nobel winner; some will be less effective than others. Next is reconstruction, He analyzes the weak lecture, leaning lessons, for the future about what works and what doesn’t. Finally, there is perspective, which involves acknowledging that in the ground scheme of life, one lecture really doesn’t matter.

Television is the most effective brainwashing medium ever invented by man.Advertisers kn
ow this to be ().Children are affected by television in () we scarcely understand.

In the fall of 1971, I was () a story involving a young white woman living on the fringe (边缘) of Boston’s black ghetto.Her car had () out of gas.She had gone to a filling station () a can and was returning to her car when she was () in an alley by a gang of black youths.The gang () gasoline over her and set fire to her.She died () her burns.It was later established () some of the youths involved had, on the night before the killing, () on television a rerun of an old movie in which a drifter (流浪汉) is () on fire by an adolescent gang.There is some kind of strange reductive process (还原过程) at work here.To see something on television robs it () its reality, and then when the same thing is () out it is like the reenactment (重演) of something unreal.

() other words when the gang set fire to the girl, they were imitating () they had seen on a screen, as if they themselves were on a screen, and in a ().I don’t think we have () begun to realize how powerful a(n) () television is.It has already () very clear that the candidate with the most television () wins the election.





















Door-knocking is the most effective way of making face-to-face community contact, but it has become a lost art. With the recent focus on customer privacy, door-knocking seems like an intrusion into ot

Door-knocking is the most effective way of making face-to-face community contact, but it has become a lost art. With the recent focus on customer privacy, door-knocking seems like an intrusion into other people's lives. But those who try it for the first time are usually surprised by the pleasant reception they receive. Here are some suggestions that will help you promote your services face-to-face.


Begin with a door hanger

Try leaving a door hanger two days before you go door knocking. It should briefly describe the project and say that someone will be around in person.

Wear an official name tag

Door-knockers should wear name tags with the logo of their organization. The best name tags will also include a color photo and the name of the caller.

Have people knock their own blocks

The easiest way to do door-knocking is to try your local area first. Being a neighbor creates an immediate connection with the person answering the door; after that, everything else is easy.


When to go and what to do first

The best times to knock are usually Saturdays. On other days, after dinner is ideal. When someone answers the door, smile and introduce yourself. Give the name of your organization and, briefly, the reason for the visit.

State what action the other person should take and the benefits

Tell the person what they need to do and how their actions will benefit themselves and others.

Record contact information on the spot

Record names, addresses, email addresses, phone numbers, and responses to questions on the spot. You won't remember them later!

21. Why does the author say that door-knocking has become a lost art?

A. It is not effective, no one will take this method any more.

B. People focus on privacy increasingly, so door-knocking seems like an intrusion into other people's lives.

C. It is very difficult to do door-knocking, no one knows how to do it now.

22. Which step should be firstly taken when you try door-knocking?

A. Have people knock their own blocks.

B. Wear an official name tag.

C. Leave a door hanger.

23. Which time is not appropriate for door knocking?

A. Saturday afternoon.

B. Monday morning.

C. Thursday evening.

24. Who will receive pleasant reception when they try door-knocking?

A. A stranger who is not living in this community and gives no notice for his/her visit.

B. An offensive acquaintance who comes at any time.

C. A neighbor who does good preparation and has significant project to introduce.

25. What does the underlined phrase “on the spot” mean?

A. without delay.

B. at some place.

C. in a difficult situation.

How can a company improve its sales? One of the keys to more effective selling is for a co
mpany to first decide on its "sales strategy." In other words, what is the role of the sales person? Is the salesperson's job narrative, suggestive, or consultative?

The "narrative" sales strategy depends on the salesperson moving quickly into a standard sales presentation. His or her pitch highlights the benefits for the customer of a particular product or service. This approach is most effective for customers whose buying motives are basically the same and is also well suited to companies who have a large number of prospects (可能的主顾) on which to call.

The "suggestive" approach is tailored more for the individual customer. The salesperson must be in a position to offer alternative recommendations that meet a particular customer's needs. One key aspect of the suggestive approach is the need for the salesperson to engage the buyer in some sort of discussion. The salesperson can then use the information gleaned from the customer to suggest an appropriate product or service.

"We tell our salespeople to be like wine stewards," says Mindy Sahlawannee, a corporate sales trainer, "the wine steward first checks to see what food the customer has ordered and then opens by suggesting the wine that best complements the dish. Most companies who use a narrative strategy should be using a suggestive strategy. Just like you can't drink red wine with every dish, you can't have one sales recommendation to suit all customers."

The final strategy demands that a company's sales staff act as "consultants" for the buyer. In this role, the salesperson must acquire a great deal of information about the customer. They do this through market research, surveys, and face-to-face discussions. Using this information, the salesperson makes a detailed presentation tailored specifically to a customer's needs.

"Good sales 'consultants'," says Alan Goldfarb, president of Ad Pro, Inc., "are the people who use a wide range of skills including probing, listening, analysis, and persuasiveness. The best sales 'consultants', however, are the ones who can 'think outside the box' and use their creativity to present a product and close the sale. The other skills you can teach. Creativity is innate. It's something we look for in every employee we hire."

More and more sales teams are switching from a narrative or suggestive approach to a more consultative strategy. As a result, corporations are looking more at intangibles such as creativity and analytical skills and less at educational background and technical skills.

"The next century will be about meeting individual customer needs," says Goldfarb, "the days of one size fits all are over."

The major difference between narrative sales and suggestive sales is that

A.the former highlights the benefits while the latter emphasize the function of the product

B.the former uses more prepared information, the latter has to get ready for unexpected information

C.the former involves no discussion while the latter involves discussion a lot

D.the former is effective in creating demand, the latter is effective in satisfying existing demand

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