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Our house is about a mile from the railway station and there are not many houses ().

A.in between

B.ar apart

C.among them

D.from each other


A、in between

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更多“Our house is about a mile from…”相关的问题
My mother never let herself get down. No matter how bad things were, she stayed cheerful.
Even though we had a hard life, she still maintained the attitude that everything was fine. I remember her coming home tired from her job at the restaurant and saying that we were lucky. We didn't have a lot of clothes or toys, but my mother always made sure we had enough to eat.

Her love and devotion for my brother and me made our lack of material possessions seem insignificant. Even today, if I were given a choice between having love at home and wealth, I would want it just the way I had it. I grew up poor in material things but rich in love.

Since my father was never around long enough to teach me physical things or to play games with me, I didn't succeed in any competitive sport. My mother did her best as a substitute, throwing a ball with me in the lot(空地) behind our house, but it wasn't the same. She was too protective of me, and I didn't have enough confidence in my own abilities to really try anything physically demanding.

The story suggests that the author is______his mother.

A.proud of

B.worried about

C.pitiful for

D.concerned about

完成下列各题 A If you are writing or studyin9,it make
s very much difference where the light comes from.People who use books and pens every day have to be especially careful about the way the light shines on their work. Every house gets i ts light either from daylight through the windows--which is the very best to use--or from lamps or electricity:but whichever kind of light it is,the way it shines toward our book or work is a matter of great importance to the eyes. Take a book.sit with your back toward the window,and try to read.Your shadow(影子) falls all over the page and makes it almost as bad for your eyes as if you were in a dark room. Now turn around and face the window.The page is in the shadow again,while the bright light is in your eyes. Try sitting with you fight side toward the window.This is very well for reading,but if you were writing.the shadow of your hand would fall across the page and bother(打搅)you a little. There is just one other way:sit with your left side to the window.Now everything is perfect for reading and for writing,too. Whatever kind oi light is in the room,the rule about the right to sit is always the same. Which of the following is true?

A.How the light shines on our work is of much importance.

B.The way the light shines on your work makes no difference.

C.We needn't care about where the light comes from.

D.People can write or study under a light that comes from any direction.

Anyone who trains animals recognizes that human and animal perceptual capacities are diffe
rent. For most humans, seeing is believing, although we do occasionally brood about whether we can believe our eyes. The other senses are largely ancillary; most of us do not know how we might go about either doubting or believing our noses. But for dogs, scenting is believing. A dog's nose is to ours as the wrinkled surface of our complex brain is to the surface of an egg. A dog who did comparative psychology might easily worry about our consciousness or lack thereof, just as we worry about the consciousness of a squid.

We who take sight for granted can draw pictures of scent, but we have no language for doing it the other way about, no way to represent something visually familiar by means of actual scent. Most humans cannot know, with their limited noses, what they can imagine about being deaf, blind, mute, or paralyzed. The sighted can, for example, speak if a blind person a "in the darkness," but there is no corollary expression for what it is that we are in relationship to scent. If we tried to coin words, we might come up with something like "scent-blind." But what would it mean? It couldn't have the sort of meaning that "color-blind" and "tone-deaf' do, because most of us have experienced what "tone" and "color" mean in those expressions "scent-blind." Scent for many of us can be only a theoretical, technical expression that we use because our grammar requires that we have a noun to go in the sentences we are prompted to utter about animals' tracking. We don't have a sense of scent. What we do have is a sense of smell-for Thanksgiving dinner and skunks and a number of things we call chemicals.

So if Fido and sitting on the terrace, admiring the view, we inhabit worlds with radically different principles of phenomenology. Say that the wind is to our backs. Our world lies all before us, within a 180 degree angle. The dog's-well, we don't know, do we?

He sees roughly the same things that I see but he believes the scents of the garden behind us. He marks the path of the black-and-white cat as she moves among the roses in search of the bits of chicken sandwich I let fall as I walked from the house to our picnic spot. T can show that Fido is alert to the kitty, but not how, for my picture-making modes of thought too easily supply falsifyingly literal representations of the cat and the garden and their modes of being hidden from or revealed to me.

The phrase "other senses are largely ancillary" (paragraph 1) is used by the author to suggest that______.

A.only those events experienced directly can be appreciated by the senses

B.for many human beings the senses of sights is the primary means of knowing about the world

C.smell is in many respects a more powerful sense than sight

D.people rely on at least one of their other senses in order to confirm what they see

?Read the article below about the central problem of Economics.?Choose the best word to fi

?Read the article below about the central problem of Economics.

?Choose the best word to fill each gap, from A, B, C or D.

?For each question 19—33,mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet.

?There is an example at the beginning.

The Central Problem of Economics

The central problem of economics is to satisfy the people's and nation's wants.

The problem we are faced with is that our resources, here identified as money, are limited. The only way we can resolve our problem is to make choices. After looking at our resources, we must examine our list of (19) and identify the things we need immediately, those we can postpone, and (20) we cannot afford. As individuals, we face the central problem involved in economics deciding just how to allocate (分配) our limited resources to provide (21) with the greatest satisfaction of our wants. Nations face the same problem. As a country's population grows the need for more goods and services grows correspondingly. Resources necessary to production may increase, but there (22) are enough re sources to satisfy the total desires of a nation. Whether the budget meeting is taking place in the family (23) room, in the conference room of the corporation (24) of directors, or in the chamber of the House of Representatives in Washington, the basic problem still exists. We need to find methods of allocating limited resources in order to satisfy unlimited wants.

A short time ago economists (25) goods into two categories, free and economic. The former, like air and water, were in (26) abundance that economists had no concern for them. After all, economics is the (27) of scarcity (匮乏) and what to do about it. Today many of these "free goods" are (28) very expensive to use. Pollution has made clean air and water expensive for producers who have to filter their waste products, for consumers who ultimately (最终) (29) the producers' extra costs, and (30) taxpayers who pay for the government's involvement in cleaning the environment.

In the 1990s, almost all goods are (31) Only by effort and money can they be obtained in the form. people wish.

Meeting the needs of people and froming resources available (32) the basic activity of production. In trying to meet (33) wants from limited economic goods, production leads to new problems in economics.






Last year we visited, the place where Shakespeare was born on the 23rd of April, 1564.

Stratfordis a very interesting town, right in the centre of. The countryside aroundis pleasant, with its beautiful woods, green fields and quiet rivers.

The first place we visited was the house in the centre ofwhere Shakespeare was born. We saw the small desk that Shakespeare sat at when he went to school. One of the things we liked best was the garden behind the house, because we could see there many of the flowers, trees and plants that Shakespeare wrote about in his plays.

After we had visited Shakespeare's birthplace, we went to see the church where he was buried.

We had lunch in a very old hotel that was probably there in Shakespeare's time- Every room of the hotel had the name of one of Shakespeare's plays on the door—the "Hamlet" room, the "Romeo and Juliet" room, and so on.

After lunch we walked across the fields to the old cottage, about a mile out of, where Shakespeare spent most of his married life. The cottage is just as it was in Shakespeare's day. We saw the chairs where Shakespeare perhaps sat and thought about ideas for new plays, and we saw the plates from which he probably ate his dinner.

When we got back to our hotel in the evening, we were very tired, but we had enjoyed a wonderful day.

86.Shakespeare was born in ____.





87.Stratford where Shakespeare was born is _____.

A.an industrial city in the middle of

B.an interesting farm surrounded by woods and fields

C.a small town in the center of

D.part of the countryside in central England

88.Which of the following is NOT true_____

A.Shakespeare was born in a house in the centre of.

B.Shakespeare was buried in a church in his native town.

C.Shakespeare was buried in Wesminsier Abbey.

D.Inthere is a very old hotel which existed probably in Shakespeare's time.

89.After Shakespeare got married, _____.

A.he stayed home and wrote his plays

B.he lived in the centre of

C.he began to write plays

D.he spent most of his married life in an old cottage

90.A more suitable little for the above passage is ____.

A.Shakespeare and His Birthplace

B.A Visit lo

C.A Day in Stratford

D.A Famous Town

Read the article below about the central problem of Economics.Choose the best word to fill

Read the article below about the central problem of Economics.

Choose the best word to fill each gap, from A, B, C or D.

For each question 19—33, mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet.

There is an example at the beginning.

The Central Problem of Economics

The central problem of economics is to satisfy the people's and nation's wants.

The problem we are faced with is that our resources, here identified as money, are limited. The only way we can resolve our problem is to make choices. After looking at our resources, we must examine our list of(19)…and identify the things we need immediately, those we can postpone, and(20)…we cannot afford. As individuals, we face the central problem involved in economics—deciding just how to allocate (分配)our limited resources to provide(21)…with the greatest satisfaction of our wants.

Nations face the same problem. As a country's population grows the need for more goods and services grows correspondingly. Resources necessary to production may increase, but there(22)…are enough resources to satisfy the total desires of a nation. Whether the budget meeting is taking place in the family(23) …room, in the conference room of the corporation (24)…of directors, or in the chamber of the House of Representatives in Washington, the basic problem still exists. We need to find methods of allocating limited resources in order to satisfy unlimited wants.

A short time ago economists(25)…goods into two categories, free and economic. The former, like air and water, were in(26)…abundance that economists had no concern for them. After all, economics is the(27)…of scarcity(匮乏)and what to do about it. Today many of these " free goods" are(28)…very expensive to use. Pollution has made clean air and water expensive for producers who have to filter their waste products, for consumers who ultimately(最终)(29)…the producers' extra costs, and(30)…taxpayers who pay for the government's involvement in cleaning the environment.

In the 1990s, almost all goods are (31)…Only by effort and money can they be obtained in the form. people wish.

Meeting the needs of people and froming resources available (32)… the basic activity of production. In trying to meet(33)…wants from limited economic goods, production leads to new problems in economics.






When I told my family that I was thinking of takin...

When I told my family that I was thinking of taking a cooking job, the roars of laughter were rather discouraging. No one believed that I could cook at all, as I had never had achance to practise at home, Our cook had ruled in the kitchen for thirty years and had an annoying tendency to regard the saucepans, stove and all the kitchen fittings as her own property. I once crept down there when I thought she was asleep in her room to try out an omelette (妙蛋). Noiselessly I removed a frying pan from its hook and the eggs from their cupboard. It was the pop of the gas that woke her, I think, for I was just breaking the first egg when a pair of slippered feet moved round the door and a shout of horror caused me to break the egg on the floor. This disaster, together with the fact that I was using her one very special beloved and cared for frying-pan, upset her so much that she locked herself in the store room with all the food and we had to make our Sunday dinner of bananas. If the family weren&39;t going to be helpful I would look for a job all by myself and not tell them about it until I&39;d got one. I had seen an agency in a local paper, so as soon as there was no one about to say "Where are you going?" I rushed out of the house in search of it. I sat on the edge of a chair and could see my nose shining out of the corner of my eye.I thought perhaps it was a good thing; it might look more earnest. The woman at the desk examined me through her glasses. Having asked me a few questions, she told me that it would be difficult to get a job without experience. "But," she said, "I&39; ve got someone who needs a cook badly. " She wrote down a number, and my spirits went up as I took the slip of paper she held out to me, saying:“Ring up this lady. She wants a cook. You wouldhave to start tomorrow by cooking dinner for ten people. Could you manage that?" “Oh yes," said I, never having cooked for more than four in my life.

Of the following, which would best characterize the response of the author’s family to her plan of taking a cooking job?





One reason for the author’s: lack of practice in cooking was that___.A.no one in her family would like her to practise cooking

B.everything in the kitchen was property belonging to the cook

C.the cook would never allow her to do any cooking

D.she was not yet born when the cook came to the house

The cook felt uncomfortable when____.A.She heard a shout of horror

B.she heard the sound of a pair of slippered feet moving round the door

C.she saw the author creep down to the kitchen

D.she saw the author break an egg on the floor

When there was no one about, the author rushed out of the house because_____.A.she was afraid of seeing the cook again

B.she couldn’t answer the question her family would ask

C.that was the only chance for her to leave the house

D.didn’t want to reveal what she was going to do

If you are writing or studying,it makes very much difference where the light comes from. P
eople who use books and pens every day have to be especially careful about the way the light shines on their work.

Every house gets its light either from daylight through the windows—which is the best to use—or from lamps or electricity;but whichever kind of light it is, the way it shines toward our book or work is a matter of great importance to the eyes.

Take a book,sit with your back toward the window,and try to read. Your shadow(影子)falls all over the page and makes it almost as bad for your eyes as if you were in a dark room.

Now turn around and face the window. The page is in the shadow again,while the bright light is in your eyes.

Try sitting with your right side toward the window. This is very well for reading, but if you were writing,the shadow of your hand would fall across the page and bother(打撹)you a little.

There is just one other way:sit with your left side to the window. Now everything is perfect for reading and for writing,too.

Whatever kind of light is in the room,the rule about the right to sit is always the same.

Which of the following is true?

A.How the light shines on our work is of much importance

B.The way the light shines on your work makes no difference

C.We needn’t care about where the light comes from

D.People can write or study under a light that comes from any direction

When you sit with your face towards the window,____.A.your shadow falls on your book

B.your book is in a shadow

C.the light is still dark

D.the light is on your page

The best way both for reading and for writing is to_____.A.sit facing the light

B.let the light shine from your back

C.sit with your right side towards the light

D.have the light come ffrom your left


Our new house is very ______ for me as I can get to the office in five minutes.A.adaptable

Our new house is very ______ for me as I can get to the office in five minutes.





Would you like to try our house specials?英译中

Our new house is very ________ for me as I can get to the office in five minutes.A)

Our new house is very ________ for me as I can get to the office in five minutes.

A) adaptable

B) comfortable

C) convenient

D) available

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