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make a difference()






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Whether you go or not does not () .A make a differenceB make differenceC make differen

Whether you go or not does not () .

A make a difference

B make difference

C make different

D make differences


A.make a difference

B.play a role in doing sth

C.make an influence

D.play a part in doing sth

The passage is mainly about______. A. how individuals can help make a difference B.

The passage is mainly about______.

A. how individuals can help make a difference

B. running a neighborhood meeting to solve its problems

C. citizens' reactions to the problems they face

D. solving problems through group action

Does his absence()to your work?A. make a differenceB. take all the creditC. bring abou

Does his absence()to your work?

A. make a difference

B. take all the credit

C. bring about

If “The life that I have” were written into “The life of mine” or “My life”, it would
make great difference in tone and in style. as well.()


Travelers flying across time zones often find themselves exhausted because human bodie
s can’t make an immediate ()to new time schedules.





Modem ideas are beginning to influence the Eskimos, but not enough to make much difference
to their way of life. They still spend the winter in igloos, the round huts that are built of snow frozen hard. They still travel on sleds that are pulled by dogs. The winter is too cold for hunting, so during that season they live on the stores of seal meat that they have killed in the summer. But seal meat is not the only kind of food that they eat. In summer they hunt bears and reindeer, a type of deer With long branching horns that is used for its milk, meat and skin. They also fish all the year round. The Eskimos who are hunters in summer are fishermen in winter. In winter they make holes in the ice and catch their fish through the holes that they have made. The Eskimos are adaptable. That is why they are able to live in Arctic regions.

Which is the main topic of this passage?

A.Modem ideas are beginning to influence the Eskimos.

B.Why are the Eskimos able to live in Arctic regions?

C.The Eskimos are adaptable.

D.Eskimos' way of life has not changed very much.

The difference between biological and physical science is not that one is inexact, the oth
er exact, but in degree of exactness, this being related to the number of variables which must be dealt with simultaneously and the extent to which they can be controlled. In general, the biological sciences must deal with larger errors than the physical sciences; but this is not uniformly true, as the student will realize when he considers the accuracy of meteorological prediction or if he comprehends the meaning of the fact that the structural engineer considers it necessary very often to use a safety factor of two or three hundred per cent. The statistical principles of dealing with error of measurement, or in prediction and generalization, are the same whether the errors are large or small. Statistics is not a means of confusing issues that would otherwise be clear, nor a substitute for obtaining clear answers, but a means of checking and controlling conclusions by providing an estimate of the error to which a conclusion is subject.

What do statistics do for science?

A.They get rid of intuition,

B.They make it more logical.

C.They reduce everything to numbers.

D.They give an idea of the amount of error involved.

What makes a person a scientist?Does he have ways or tools of learning that are different from those of others?The answer is "no".It is not the tools a scientist uses but how he uses these tools that make him a scientist.You will probably agree that knowing how to use a power is important to a carpenter.You will probably agree,too,that knowing how to investigate,how to discover information,is important to everyone.The scientist,however,goes one step further,he must be sure that he has a reasonable answer to his questions and that his answer can be confirmed by other persons.He also works to fit the answer he gets to many questions into a large set of ideas about how the world works.

The scientist's knowledge must be exact.There is no room for half right or right just half the time.He must be as nearly right as the conditions permit.What works under one set of conditions at one time must work under the same conditions at other times.If the conditions are different,any changes the scientist observes in a demonstration must be explained by the changes in the conditions.This is one reason that investigations are important in science.Albert Einstein,who developed the theory of relativity,arrived at this theory through mathematics.The accuracy of this mathematics was later tested through investigations,Einstein's ideas were shown to be correct.A scientist uses many tools for measurements.Then the measurements are used to make mathematical calculations that may test his investigations.

1.What makes a scientist according to the passage?()

A.The tools he uses.

B.The way he uses his tools.

C.His ways of learning.

D.The various tools he uses.

2.The underlined part in the passage shows().

A.the importance of information

B.the importance of thinking

C.the difference between scientists and ordinary people

D.the difference between carpenters and people with other jobs

3.A sound scientific theory should be one that ().

A.works not only under one set of conditions at one time,but also under the same conditions at other times

B.does not allow any changes even under different conditions

C.can be used for many purposes

D.leave no room for improvement

4.The author quotes the case of Albert Einstein to illustrate().

A.that measurements are keys to success m science

B.that accuracy of mathematics

C.that investigations are important science

D.that the mathematical calculations may test his investigations

5.What is the main idea of the passage?()

A.The theory of relativity.

B.Exactness is the core of science.

C.Scientists are different from ordinary people.

D.Exactness and ways of using tools are the keys to the making of a scientist.

Who talks more,women or men? The seemingly conflicting evidence is resolved

by the difference between what I call public and private speaking.More men feel comfortable doing "public speaking," while more women feel comfortable doing "private" speaking.Another way of capturing these differences is by using the terms report-talk and rapport-talk.For most women, the language of conversation is primarily a language of rapport: a way of establishing connections and negotiating relationships. Emphasis is placed on displaying similarities and matching experiences. From childhood, girls criticize their friends who try to stand out or appear better than others. People feel their closest connections at home, or in places where they feel at home -- with one or a few people they feel close to and comfortable with -- in other words, during private speaking. But even the most public situations can be approached like private speaking.

For most women,talk is primarily a means to preserve independence and negotiate and maintain status in a hierarchical(等级制度的) social order.This is done by exhibiting knowledge and skill,and by ho1ding center stage through verbal performance such as torytelling,joking,or conveying information.From childhood,men learn to use talking as a way to get and keep attention.Therefore,they are more comfortable speaking in 1arger groups made up of people they know 1ess well,in the broadest sense,"public speaking”. But even the most private situations can be approached like public speaking,more like giving a report than establishing rapport.

21.A similar term for "private talking" is ___________.



[C]persuasive talk

[D]women's talk

22.When women talk,they tend to________.

[A]admire their friends who stand out

[B]make others feel at home

[C]approach public situations like private talking

[D]seek close relationship with other speakers

23. Men talk in order to________.

[A]make new friends

[B]share experience

[C]argue with others

[D]attract attention

24. The purpose of this passage is to _______.

[A]contrast the male and female talking styles

[B]prove that men talk more effectively than women

[C]analyze why men and women are different

[D]draw people's attention to the difference between men and women

25. Which of the following is true?

[A]Men talk more than women.

[B]Men feel more comfortable making a public speech than women.

[C]Men are more knowledgeable than women.

[D]Men are more independent than women.

Advertising follows us everywhere. Whenever we turn on the television, listen to the radio
or open a newspaper or a magazine, we are bombarded with advertisements. They invite us to try a new type of orange juice, wear X-brand jeans or watch the latest film. They beg us to notice the difference and discover the advantages. They exist to make us want what they are selling.

Strangely, the more we are exposed to advertising, the less we notice it. We get so used to seeing advertisements everywhere that they become largely invisible, as if they were another part of our everyday lives. But does that mean that we are no longer affected by them?

One advertising expert believes that the special power of advertising lies in the fact that we do not pay much attention to it. Dr. Krugman, who was head of research for a major advertising company for many years, says that the less we notice ads, the more we are affected by them. Dr. Krugman believes that when we stop noticing advertisements, we lower our defenses, allowing the messages of the advertisements to be taken in and stored, ready to be triggered into action at the right moment. He says that the effects of advertising on the individual are small, but over a period of time they have a powerful effect on the masses.

A market analyst says that all advertising, no matter how innocent, is misleading in some way.

When asked about the power of advertising in research surveys, most people agree that it works, but not on them. Almost everyone believes that they have complete control over how thousands of ads they see every day affect them.

Ads exist to make people want______.

A.a new type of orange juice

B.X-brand jeans

C.to watch the latest film

D.what they advertise

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