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What percentage of the capital city among the three cities is?


B.33.3 %



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更多“What percentage of the capital…”相关的问题
What is the reserve requirement?A.The requirement for cash reserves.B.The requirement for

What is the reserve requirement?

A.The requirement for cash reserves.

B.The requirement for deposits in cash.

C.The percentage of a bank's deposits in the form. of cash reserves.

D.The requirement of a bank to deposit a percentage of money.

Recently, more than 2,000 high school teachers have been asked about the effect of the Int
erneton their students. Teachers say the Internet has had a good influence(影响and a not-so-good influence on this generation.

Three quarters of the teachers say the Internet and search tools have had a great effect on theirstudents&39;research habits and skills. But 87 percent agree that this young generation don&39; t knowabout hard work and can&39;t stay attentive(注意力集中的) for long. And 64 percent say the Internetdoes more to distract (使分心)students than to help them in their studies. Many students think "doingresearch"just means doing a quick search on Google.

According to the teachers, one problem is that students trust too much of the information on theInternet. These students have not developed skills to judge the quality of the information. It&39; s some-thing that really has to be taught and paid attention to. It&39; s like everything else. In a world wherethings can happen quickly, you really need to have a way to step back, think and make judgmentabout the information you have. And teachers can do a lot to teach that.

Another problem is that being able to quickly find information keeps the students from workinghard. They become dependent on search tools and do not make enough use of printed books. Manyteachers are also afraid that the Internet makes it easy for students to copy work done by others.

36. What does the text mainly discuss about the Internet?

A.Its success in high school teaching.

B.Its influence on school teachers.

C.Its achievements in school research.

D.Its effect on high school students.

What is the percentage of the teachers who think the students need hard work?A.75%.




What should be taught to students according to Paragraph 3 ?A.Ways to improve their research habits.

B.How to do research on the Internet.

C.Skills to judge the quality of information.

D.How to pay attention to their studies.

What will happen when students depend too much on search tools?A.Their studies will be greatly improved.

B.They won’ t make good use of books.

C.Their attention to things will last longer.

D.They won’ t copy work done by others.

A company must allocate annual after-tax profits to the statutory common reserve fund on d
istribution. What is the percentage to be allocated?




In America, older people rarely live with their adult children. But in many other cultures
children are expected to care 【C1】______ their aged parents. In some parts of Italy, the percentage of adult children who 【C2】______ with their parents 【C3】______ 65% to 70%. in Thailand, too, children are expected to look after their elderly parents; few Thai elderly live 【C4】______ . What explains these differences in living arrangements across cultures? Modernization theory 【C5】______ the extended family to low levels of economic development. In traditional societies, the elderly live with their children in large extended family units for economic reasons. 【C6】______ with modernization, children move to urban areas, 【C7】______ old people after in 【C8】______ rural areas. Yet modernization theory can't 'explain why such households were never common in America or England, or why families in fully modernized Italy 【C9】______ a strong tradition of intergenerational living. Clearly, economic development alone cannot explain 【C10】______ living arrangements.

Another theory associated intergenerational living arrangements with inheritance 【C11】______ . In some cultures, the stem family pattern of inheritance overtakes. 【C12】______ this system, parents live with a married child, usually the oldest son, who then 【C13】______ their property when they die. The stem family system was once common in Japan, but changes in inheritance laws, 【C14】______ broader social changes brought 【C15】______ by industrialization and urbanization, have 【C16】______ the usage. In 1960 about 80% of Japanese over 65 lived with their children; by 1990 only 60% 【C17】______ — a figure that is still high 【C18】______ American standards, but which has been 【C19】______ steadily. In Korea, too, traditional living arrangements are 【C20】______ : the percentage of aged Koreans who live with a son declined from 77% in 1984 to 50% just 10 years later.






The homeless make up a growing percentage of America’s population. __1__ homelessness has
reached such proportions that local government can’t possibly __2__. To help homeless people __3__ independence, the federal government must support job training programs, __4__ the minimum wage, and fund more low-cost housing.

__5__ everyone agrees on the numbers of Americans who are homeless. Estimates __6__ anywhere from 600,000 to 3 million. __7__ the figure may vary, analysts do agree on another matter: that the number of the homeless is __8__. One of the federal government’s studies __9__ that the number of the homeless will reach nearly 19 million by the end of this decade.

Finding ways to __10__ this growing homeless population has become increasingly difficult. __11__ when homeless individuals manage to find a __12__ that will give them three meals a day and a place to sleep at night, a good number still spend the bulk of each day __13__ the street. Part of the problem is that many homeless adults are addicted to alcohol or drugs. And a significant number of the homeless have serious mental disorders. Many others, __14__ not addicted or mentally ill, simply lack the everyday __15__ skills need to turn their lives __16__. Boston Globe reporter Chris Reidy notes that the situation will improve only when there are __17__ programs that address the many needs of the homeless. __18__ Edward Blotkowsk, director of community service at Bentley College in Massachusetts, __19__ it, “There has to be __20__ of programs. What we need is a package deal.”


[A] Indeed

[B] Likewise

[C] Therefore

[D] Furthermore

Though often viewed as a problem for western states, the growing frequency of wildfires is
anational concern because of its impact on federal tax dollars, says Professor Max Moritz, a specialistin fire ecology and management.

In 2015, the US Forest Service for the first time spent more than half of its $5.5 billion annualbudget fighting fires-nearly double the percentage it spent on such efforts 20 years ago. In effect,fewer federal funds today are going towards the agency&39;s other work-such as forest conservation,watershed and cultural resources management, and infrastructure upkeep -that affect the lives of all Americans. Another nationwide concern is whether public funds from other agencies are going into constructionin fire-prone districts. As Moritz puts it, how often are federal dollars building homes that are likelyto be lost to a wildfire?

“It’s already a huge problem from a public expenditure perspective for the whole country, We need to take a magnifying glass to that. Like, “Wait a minute, is this OK ?”“Do we want insteadto redirect those funds to concentrate on lower-hazard parts of the landscape? ” Such a view would require a corresponding shift in the way US society today views fire, researcherssay.

For one thing, conversations about wildfires need to be more inclusive. Over the past decade, thefocus has been on climate change-how the warming of the Earth from greenhouse gases is leadingto conditions that worsen fires. While climate is a key element, Moritz says, it shouldn’t come at the expense of the rest of theequation.

“The human systems and the landscapes we live on are linked, and the interactions go both ways,"he says. Failing to recognize that, he notes, leads to "an overly simplified view of what the solutionsmight be. Our perception of the problem and of what the solution is becomes very limited. At the same time, people continue to treat fire as an event that needs to be wholly controlled andunleashed only out of necessity, says Professor Balch at the University of Colorado. But macknowledging fire&39;s inevitable presence in human life is an attitude crucial to developing the laws,policies, and practices that make it as safe as possible, she says.

“We’ve disconnected ourselves from living with fire, ” Balch says. “It is really important tounderstand and try and tease out what is the human connection with fire today. ”

36.More frequent wildfires have become a national concern because in 2015 they_____.

A.exhausted unprecedented management efforts

B.consumed a record-high percentage of budget

C.severely damaged the ecology of western states

D.caused a huge rise of infrastructure expenditure

While admitting that climate is a key element, Moritz notes that _____.A.public debates have not settled yet

B.fire-fighting conditions are improving

C.other factors should not be overlooked

D.a shift in the view of fire has taken place

The overly simplified view Moritz mentions is a result of failing to _____.A.discover the fundamental makeup of nature

B.explore the mechanism of the human systems

C.maximize the role of landscape in human life

D.understand the interrelations of man and nature

Moritz calls for the use of "a magnifying glass" to _____.A.raise more funds for fire-prone areas

B.avoid the redirection of federal money

C.find wildfire-free parts of the landscape

D.guarantee safer spending of public funds

Professor Balch points out that fire is something man should _____.A.do away with

B.come to terms with

C.pay a price for

D.keep away from


1 Every year thousands of people are arrested and taken to court for shop-lifting.In Brit
ain alone, about HK $ 3,000,000's worth of goods are stolen from shops every week. This amounts to something like HK $150 million a year, and represents about 4 per cent of the shops' total stock. As a result of this "shrinkage" as the shops call it, the honest public has to pay higher prices.

2 Shop-lifters can be divided into three main categories: the professionals, the deliberate amateurs, and the people who just can't help themselves. The professionals do not pose much of a problem for the store detectives, who, assisted by closed circuit television, two way mirrors and various other technological devices, can usually cope with them. The professionals tend to go for high value goods in parts of the shops where security measures are tightest. And, in any case, they account for only a small percentage of the total losses due to shop-lifting.

3 The same applies to the deliberate amateur who is, so to speak, a professional in training. Most of them get caught sooner or later, and they are dealt with severely by the courts.

4 The real problem is the person who gives way to a sudden temptation and is in all other respects an honest and law-abiding citizen. Contrary to what one would expect, this kind of

shop-lifter is rarely poor. He does not steal because he needs the goods and cannot afford to pay for them. He steals because he simply cannot stop himself. And there are countless others who, because of age, sickness or plain absent-mindedness, simply forget to pay for what they take from the shops. When caught, all are liable to prosecution, and the decision whether to send for the police or not is in the hands of the store manager.

5 In order to prevent the quite incredible growth in shop-lifting offences, some stores, in fact, are doing their best to separate the thieves from the confused by prohibiting customers from taking bags into the store. However, what is most worrying about the whole problem is, perhaps, that it is yet another instance of the innocent majority being penalized and inconvenienced because of the actions of a small minority. It is the aircraft hijack situation in another form. Because of the possibility of one passenger in a million boarding an aircraft with a weapon, the other 999,999 passengers must subject themselves to searches and delays. Unless the situation in the shops improves, in ten years' time we may all have to subject ourselves to a body-search every time we go into a store to buy a tin of beans!

Why does the honest public have to pay higher prices when they go to the shops?

A.There is a "shrinkage" in market values.

B.Many goods are not available.

C.Goods in many shops lack variety.

D.There are many cases of shop-lifting.

1 Every year thousands of people are arrested and taken to court for shop-lifting.In Brit
ain alone, about HK $ 3,000,000's worth of goods are stolen from shops every week. This amounts to something like HK $150 million a year, and represents about 4 per cent of the shops' total stock. As a result of this "shrinkage" as the shops call it, the honest public has to pay higher prices.

2 Shop-lifters can be divided into three main categories: the professionals, the deliberate amateurs, and the people who just can't help themselves. The professionals do not pose much of a problem for the store detectives, who, assisted by closed circuit television, two way mirrors and various other technological devices, can usually cope with them. The professionals tend to go for high value goods in parts of the shops where security measures are tightest. And, in any case, they account for only a small percentage of the total losses due to shop-lifting.

3 The same applies to the deliberate amateur who is, so to speak, a professional in training. Most of them get caught sooner or later, and they are dealt with severely by the courts.

4 The real problem is the person who gives way to a sudden temptation and is in all other respects an honest and law-abiding citizen. Contrary to what one would expect, this kind of

shop-lifter is rarely poor. He does not steal because he needs the goods and cannot afford to pay for them. He steals because he simply cannot stop himself. And there are countless others who, because of age, sickness or plain absent-mindedness, simply forget to pay for what they take from the shops. When caught, all are liable to prosecution, and the decision whether to send for the police or not is in the hands of the store manager.

5 In order to prevent the quite incredible growth in shop-lifting offences, some stores, in fact, are doing their best to separate the thieves from the confused by prohibiting customers from taking bags into the store. However, what is most worrying about the whole problem is, perhaps, that it is yet another instance of the innocent majority being penalized and inconvenienced because of the actions of a small minority. It is the aircraft hijack situation in another form. Because of the possibility of one passenger in a million boarding an aircraft with a weapon, the other 999,999 passengers must subject themselves to searches and delays. Unless the situation in the shops improves, in ten years' time we may all have to subject ourselves to a body-search every time we go into a store to buy a tin of beans!

Why does the honest public have to pay higher prices when they go to the shops?

A.There is a "shrinkage" in market values.

B.Many goods are not available.

C.Goods in many shops lack variety.

D.There are many cases of shop-lifting.

Most men and women pass through life without ever considering or criticizing【1】their own c
onditions or those of the world at large. They find themselves born into a certain place in【2】, and they accept what each day【3】, without any thought beyond what the immediate present requires. They seek the【4】of the needs of the moment, without much forethought, and【5】thinking that by sufficient effort the conditions of their lives【6】be changed. A certain percentage, guided by personal ambition,【7】the effort of thought and will which is necessary to place themselves among the more fortunate members of the community; but very【8】among these are seriously concerned to secure for all the advantages which they seek for【9】. Only a few rare and exceptional men have that kind of love toward【10】at large that makes them unable to endure patiently the general mass of evil and suffering,【11】of any relation it may have to their own lives. These【12】, driven by sympathetic pain, will seek for some new system of society by which life may become richer, more full of【13】and less full of preventable evils【14】it is at present. But in the past such men have, as a rule, failed to interest the very victims of the injustices【15】they wished to remedy.






Both the number and the percentage of people in the United States involved in nonagricultu
ral pursuit expanded rapidly during the half century following the Civil War, with some of the most dramatic increases occurring in the domains of transportation, manufacturing and trade and distribution. The development of the railroad and telegraph systems during the middle of the nineteenth century led to significant improvements in the speed, volume, and regularity of shipments and communications, making possible a fundamental transformation in the production and distribution of goods.

In agriculture, the transformation was marked by the emergence of the grain elevators, the cotton presses, the warehouses, and the commodity exchanges that seemed to so many of the nation's farmers the visible sign of a vast conspiracy against them. In manufacturing, the transformation was marked by the emergence of a "new factory system" in which plants became larger, more complex, and more systematically organized and managed. And in distribution, the transformation was marked by the emergence of the jobber(中间商), the wholesaler, and 'the mass retailer(零售商). These changes radically altered the nature of work during the half century between 1870 and 1920.

To be sure, there were still small workshops, where skilled craftspeople manufactured products ranging from newspapers to cabinets to plumbing fixtures. There were the sweatshops in city tenements, where groups of men and women in household settings manufactured clothing or cigars on a piecework basis. And there were factories in occupations such as metalwork where individual contractors presided over what were essentially handicraft proprietorships that coexisted within a single building. But as the number of wage earners in manufacturing rose from 2.7 million in 1888 to 4.5 million in 1900 to 8.4 million in 1920, the number of huge plants like the Baldwin Locomotive Works in Philadelphia burgeoned (迅速成长), as did the size of average plant. (The Baldwin Works had 600 employees in 1855, 3,000 in 1875, and 8,000 in 1900.) By 1920, at least in the northeastern United States where most of the nation's manufacturing wage earners were concentrated, three-quarters of those worked in factories with more than 100 employees and 30 percent worked in factories with more than 100 employees.

What can be inferred from the passage about the agricultural sector of the economy after the Civil War?______

A.New technological developments had little effect on farmers

B.The percentage of the total population working in agriculture declined

C.Many farms destroyed in the war were rebuilt after the war

D.Farmers achieved new, prosperity because of better rural transportation

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