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Milk has become a popular drink for modem Chinese, not only is its nutritional(营养的) val

Milk has become a popular drink for modem Chinese, not only is its nutritional(营养的) value appreciated, it seems even to have taken the role making the whole nation strong. Milk industry has only about 180 years of history among the Hah people. For a long time, milk was considered a luxury(奢侈的) drink by common people. A widespread saying in the country was that Japan used a cup of milk to strengthen the constitution(体格) of its people. That sounds reasonable because the rich "Ca" in milk definitely benefits the constitution.

The average annual consumption per capita in Japan has risen from less than 10 kilograms immediately after World War II to 68 kilograms today. The average height of Japanese has increased by 11 centimeters during this period. The Chinese Government also hopes to improve the constitution of local people, and since milk is the most obvious nutritious food, it has naturally been picked up. But due to tradition, Chinese people are not in the habit of drinking milk regularly. The annual output of milk in the country is about 10 million tons, compared with an output of alcohol reaching 8 million tons. The annual milk consumption per capita is about 7 kilograms in China while the world's average is about 100 kilograms. The government has noticed the huge gap and plans to raise consumption to 10 kilograms per capita by 2005 and 16 kilograms by 2010. The government has also started plans for "school milk" since the beginning of this century.

Chinese government encourage people to drink milk and hope that ______.

A.the whole nation will become stronger

B.the milk industry will have a faster development

C.milk will no longer be considered a luxury drink

D.its nutritional value will be more appreciated

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更多“Milk has become a popular drin…”相关的问题
Milk was one of the main foods for people long before history was written.Maybe【21】will re

Milk was one of the main foods for people long before history was written. Maybe【21】will remain an important food as long as there are【22】that give milk. The old word "milk"【23】Sanskrit(梵文), one of the oldest【24】known to man. A very old picture of milking,【25】was drawn five thousand years ago, has been found.

In the years long ago, people got their milk【26】their own animals. But【27】modern times new inventions made the milk industry(产业) a big business.【28】1851 Gall Borden found a way to【29】some of the water out from milk. This made milk keep longer. Four years later, Louis Pasteur【30】 a way to kill the bacteria(细菌) in milk. Then a special milk bottle was made. This was followed【31】 the invention of machines that could fill bottles with milk. The discoveries had a great effect(影响) on the milk industry. They meant that milk could be kept longer.

Some people believe that milk drinking will become less popular【32】 it has been. But remember how long milk has been an important food【33】 think of the many ways【34】 it is useful. It seems【35】 to say that the milk industry will always be important.






Parents have to do much less for their children than they used to do, and home has become
much less of a workshop. Clothes can be bought ready made; washing can be done at the laundry; food can be bought cooked, canned; bread is baked and delivered by the baker; milk arrives on the doorstep; meal can be had at the restaurant, the work's canteen, and the school dining room.

It's unusual now for father to pursue(追求)his trade of other employment at home, and his children rarely, if ever, see him at his place of work. Boys are therefore seldom trained to follow their father's business, and in many towns they have a fairly wide choice of employment and so do girls. The young wage-earner often earns good money, and soon gains a feeling Of economic independence (经济上的独立). In textile areas it has been customary for mothers to go out to work, but this practice has become so widespread that the working mother is now not an unusual factor in a child's home life, the number of married women in employment having more than doubled in the last twenty- five years. With mother earning and older children drawing wages, father is seldom the most important figure that he still was at the beginning of the century. When mother works, economic advantages increase, but children lose something of great value if mother's employment prevents her from being home to greet them when they return from school.

The words "work's canteen" is______.

A.a food shop

B.a cafe

C.a restaurant

D.a cafeteria(自助餐厅)

Will it matter if you don' t take your breakfast? Recently a test was given in the United
States. Those tests included people of different ages, from 12 to 83. During the experiment, these people were given all kinds of breakfasts, and sometimes they got no breakfast at all. Special tests were set up to see how well their bodies worked when they had eaten a certain kind of breakfast. The results show that if a person eats a proper breakfast, he or she will work with better effect than if he or she has no breakfast. This fact appears to be especially true if a person works with his brains. If a student eats fruit, eggs, bread and milk before going to school, he will learn more quickly and listen with more attention in class. Contrary to what many people believe, if you don't eat breakfast, you will not lose weight. This is because people become so hungry at noon that they eat too much for lunch, and end up gaining weight instead of losing. You will probably lose more weight if you reduce your other meals.

The results of the test show that______.

A.breakfast has great effect on work and studies

B.breakfast has much to do with people's health

C.a person will work better if he has simple breakfast

D.breakfast only affects those who work with their brains

Parents have to do much less for their children than they used to do, and home has become
much less of a workshop. Clothes can be bought ready made; washing can be done at the laundry; food can be bought cooked, canned; bread is baked and delivered by the baker; milk arrives on the doorstep; meal can be had at the restaurant, the work's canteen, and the school dining room.

It's unusual now for father to persue(追求)his trade of other employment at home, and his children rarely, if ever, see him at his place of work. Boys are therefore seldom trained to follow their father's business, and in many towns they have a fairly wide choice of employment and so do girls. The young wage-earner often earns good money, and soon gains a feeling of economic independence (经济上的独立). In textile areas it has been customary for mothers to go out to work, but this practice has become so widespread that the working mother is now not an unusual factor in a child's home life, the number of married women in employment having more than doubled in the last twenty five years. With mother earning and older children drawing wages, father is seldom the most important figure that he still was at the beginning of the century. When mother works, economic advantages increase, but children lose something of great value if mother's employment prevents her from being home to greet them when they return from School.

The writer compares home to a workshop because ______.

A.fathers often persue employment at home

B.many families produce goods at home for sale

C.both fathers and mothers in most families are workers

D.parents have to make food and necessity themselves for their daily life

Cheese is perhaps the first food to be manufactured that is currentlyconsumed by humans. T

Cheese is perhaps the first food to be manufactured that is currently

consumed by humans. The oldest written records have references to cheese S1.______

as a food. Today, cheese is available in an almost numerable variety of

kinds, flavors and consistencies. Cheese is made by many different races of S2.______

people under wide varying conditions all over tide face of the earth. And the S3.______

peoples who eat it like the various flavors and consistencies produced. S4.______

For the better understanding of the art and sciences of cheese-making S5.______

one needs to know what kind of product it is and how the manufacturer pro-

cedures developed over the years. Even though the varieties differ quite

widely in composition, cheese can be characterized as a product made from S6.______

milk in that the protein is coagulated and concentrated. S7.______

For centuries, cheese-making has been a farm and home industry with

the individual producers using surplus milk to make small batches of

cheese. Goat cheese making in the US still follows this general practice. It S8.______

was, and still is to a considerate degree, an art; since the middle of

the 19th century, however, more and more cheese has been made in specially

equipped factories with greater application of science in the manufacturing

procedure. Milk from all species has been used for cheese making. Be- S9.______

cause more attention has been given with increasing the productivity of the

bovine species, a large proportion of commercial cheese is now made from S10.______

cow milk; the milk from the buffalo, zebu, sheep and goats is also used extensively.


The kids are hanging out. I pass small bands of students, in my way to work these mornings
. They have become a familiar part of the summer landscape.

These kids are not old enough for jobs. Nor are they rich enough for camp. They are school children without school. The calendar called the school year ran out on them a few weeks ago. Once supervised by teachers and principals, they now appear to be "self care'.

Passing them is like passing through a time zone. For much of our history, after all, Americans arranged the school year around the needs of work and family. In 19th century cities, schools were open seven or eight hours a day, 11 months a year. In rural America, the year was arranged around the growing season. Now, only S percent of families follow the agricultural model, but nearly all schools are scheduled as if our children went home early to milk the cows and took months off to work the crops. Now, three-quarters of the mothers of school-age children work, but the calendar is written as if they were home waiting for the school bus.

The six-hour day, the 180-day school year is regarded as something holy. But when parents work an eight-hour day and a 240-day year, it means something different. It means that many kids go home to empty houses. It means that, in the summer, they hang out.

"We have a huge mismatch between the school calendar and realities of family life," says Dr. Ernest Boyer, head of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching.

Dr. Boyer is one of many who believe that a radical revision of the school calendar is inevitable. "School, whether we like it or not, is educational. It always has been."

His is not a popular idea. Schools are routinely burdened with the job of solving all our social problems. Can they be asked to meet the needs of our work and family lives?

It may be easier to promote a longer school year on its educational merits and, indeed, the educational case is compelling. Despite the complaints and studies about our kids' lack of learning, the United State still has a shorter school year than any industrial nation. In most of Europe, the school year is 220 days. In Japan, it is 240 days long. While classroom time alone doesn't produce a well-educated child, learning takes time and more learning takes more time. The long summers of forgetting take a toll.

The opposition to a longer school year comes from families that want to and can provide other experiences for their children. It comes from teachers. It comes from tradition. And surely from kids. But the most important part of the conflict has been over the money.

Which of the following is an opinion of the author's?

A.The kids are hanging out.

B.They are school children without school.

C.These kids are not old enough for jobs.

D.The calendar called the school year ran out on them a few weeks ago.

Part of a research study, by scientists at McMaster university, which is ongoing into
the influence of drinking milk after heavy weightlifting, has observed that milk helps exercisers burn more fat.

The scientists took three groups of young men 18 to 30 years of age,56 in total, and put them through a strict, five­day­per­week weightlifting program over a 12­week period. Following their workouts, study participants drank either two cups of skim milk (脱脂奶), or a soy beverage with equivalent amounts of protein and energy, or a carbohydrate beverage (碳酸饮料) with an equivalent amount of energy.

Upon the study’s conclusion, scientists observed that:the milk drinking group had lost nearly twice as much fat—two pounds—as those in the carbohydrate beverage group, who lost one pound of fat. Those drinking soy lost no fat. At the same time, the gain in muscle was much greater among the milk drinkers than either the soy or carbohydrate beverage participants.

As published in the first stage of the study, the milk drinking group came out on top in terms of muscle gain with an estimated 40 percent or 2.5 pounds more muscle mass than the soy beverage drinkers. In addition, this group gained 63 percent or 3.3 pounds more muscle mass than the carbohydrate beverage drinkers.

“I think the evidence is beginning to increase, ”says Stuart Phillips—the leader of the study.“Milk may be best known for its calcium (钙) content in supporting bone health, but our research, and later others’, can continually support milk’s ability to aid in muscle growth and also promote body fat loss. Milk is the ideal post­workout drink for recreational exercisers and athletes alike.”

46.According to the study, which is the best drink for exercisers to lose weight?()

A、Fruit juice

B、Soy beverage

C、Skim milk

D、Carbohydrate beverage

47.From the passage we can learn that milk has a good effect on all of the following EXCEPT________.

A、muscle gain

B、brain development

C、bone health

D、fat loss

48.According to the passage, we can know that_____.

A、the scientists chose people aged 18,30 and 56 as participants of the research

B、the weightlifting program which study participants attended was 84 days in total

C、people who drink milk every day are always healthier and thinner than others

D、soy beverages are better than carbohydrate beverages for exercisers to gain muscle

49.What does Philips want to tell us?()

A、More evidence is needed to strengthen their research

B、Milk has more calcium than soy or carbohydrate beverages

C、The calcium in milk can also help gain muscle and lose fat

D、Athletes should be forbidden to drink other beverages except milk

50.What does the passage mainly talk about?()

A、What exercisers should do to lose weight

B、How milk influences people’s health and figure

C、The differences between milk and soy or carbohydrate beverages

D、A research on the effect of drinking milk—gain muscle and lose fat

A scientist who does research in economic psychology and who wants to predict the way in w
hich consumers will spend their money must study consumer behavior. He must obtain data both on the resources of consumers and on the motives that tend to encourage or discourage money spending.

If an economist were asked which of three groups borrow must people with rising incomes, stable incomes, or declining incomes—he would probably answer: those with declining incomes. Actually, in the years 1947 -1950, the answer was: people with rising incomes. People with declining incomes were next and people with stable incomes borrowed the least. This shows us that traditional assumptions about earning and spending arc not always reliable. Another traditional assumption is that if people who have money expect prices to go up, they will hasten to buy. If they expect prices to go down, they will postpone buying. But research surveys have shown that this is not always true. The expectations of price increases may not stimulate buying. One typical attitude was expressed by the wife of a mechanic in an interview at a time of rising prices. "In a few months," she said, "we'll have to pay more for meat and milk; we'll have less to spend on other things." Her family had been planning to buy a new car but they postponed this purchase. Furthermore, the rise in prices that has already taken place may be resented and buyer's resistance may be evoked. This is shown by the following typical comment:" I just don't pay these prices; they are too high."

Traditional assumptions should be investigated carefully, and factors of time and place should be considered. The investigations mentioned above were carried out in America. Investigations conducted at the same time in Great Britain, however, yielded results that were more in agreement with traditional assumptions about saving and spending patterns. The condition most conducive to spending appears to be price stability. If prices have been stable and people have become accustomed to consider them "right" and expect them to remain stable, they are likely to buy. Thus, it appears that the common business policy of maintaining stable prices with occasional sales or discounts is based on a correct understanding of consumer psychology.

The best title of the passage is ______.

A.Consumer's Purchasing Power

B.Relationship between Income and Purchasing Power

C.Traditional Assumptions

D.Studies in Consumer Behavior

My brother has decided to become a policeman, ________ what may.A.cameB.comeC.comingD.havi

My brother has decided to become a policeman, ________ what may.




D.having come

With e-mails and telephones,()has become easier,and the world is getting smaller.





______ was once regarded as impossible has now become a reality.A.ThatB.WhichC.WhoD.What

______ was once regarded as impossible has now become a reality.





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