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His parents do not sympathize ______ him in his point of view.





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If parents bring up a child with the sole aim of turning the child into a genius, they
will cause a big problem. According to several leading educational psychologists, this is one of the biggest mistakes which ambitious parents make. Generally, the child will be only too aware of what the parent expects, and will fail. Unrealistic parental expectations can cause great damage to children. However, if parents are not too unrealistic about what they expect their children to do, but are ambitious in a reasonable way, the child may succeed in doing very well—especially if the parents are very supportive of their child. Michael Lee Chao Tin is very lucky. He is crazy about music, and his parents help him a lot by taking him to concerts and arranging private piano and violin lessons for him. They even drive him 50 kilometers a week for violin lessons. Although Michael’s mother knows very little about music, Michael’s father is a good trumpet player. However, he never makes Michael enter music competitions if he is unwilling. Michael’s friend, Winston Chiu Fang Weng, however, is not so lucky. Although both his parents are successful musicians, they set too high a standard for Winston. They want their son to be as successful as they are and so they enter him for every piano competition held. They are very unhappy when he does not win. “When I was your age, I used to win every competition I entered,” Winston’s father tells him. Winston is always afraid that he will disappoint his parents and now he always seems quiet and unhappy.

61.Which of the following mistakes are parents likely to make according to the passage?

A.To neglect their child’s education.

B.To help their child to be a genius.

C.To expect too much of their child.

D.To make their child become a musician.

62.What should parents do in order to help their children succeed?A.They should push the children into achieving a lot.

B.They should try to have their own successful careers.

C.They should arrange private lessons for their children.

D.They should understand and help their children in difficult times.

63.Which of the following statements about Michael Lee’s parents is true?

A.His father is a very poor player of trumpet.

B.His parents are quite rich and have a car.

C.His parents help him in a proper way.

D.His mother knows much about music.

64.Winston’s parents push their son so much that __________.

A.he has succeeded in a lot of competitions

B.he is unhappy because he is not self-confident

C.he feels he cannot learn anything about music from them

D.he has already become a better musician than his father

65.The two examples illustrate the principle that __________.

A.successful parents often have unsuccessful children

B.it is important to let children develop in the way they want

C.parents who want their child to be musical should also be good musicians

D.the more money spent on a child’s education, the better the child will do

Parents have to do much less for their children than they used to do, and home has become
much less of a workshop. Clothes can be bought ready made; washing can be done at the laundry; food can be bought cooked, canned; bread is baked and delivered by the baker; milk arrives on the doorstep; meal can be had at the restaurant, the work's canteen, and the school dining room.

It's unusual now for father to pursue(追求)his trade of other employment at home, and his children rarely, if ever, see him at his place of work. Boys are therefore seldom trained to follow their father's business, and in many towns they have a fairly wide choice of employment and so do girls. The young wage-earner often earns good money, and soon gains a feeling Of economic independence (经济上的独立). In textile areas it has been customary for mothers to go out to work, but this practice has become so widespread that the working mother is now not an unusual factor in a child's home life, the number of married women in employment having more than doubled in the last twenty- five years. With mother earning and older children drawing wages, father is seldom the most important figure that he still was at the beginning of the century. When mother works, economic advantages increase, but children lose something of great value if mother's employment prevents her from being home to greet them when they return from school.

The words "work's canteen" is______.

A.a food shop

B.a cafe

C.a restaurant

D.a cafeteria(自助餐厅)

In the same way that a child must be able to move his arms and legs before he can learn to
walk, the child must physiologically be capable of producing and experiencing particular emotions before these emotions can be modified through learning. Psychologists have found that there are two basic processes by which learning takes place. One kind of learning is called "classical conditioning." This occurs when one event or stimulus is continuously followed by a reward or punishment. It is through classical conditioning that a child learns to associate his mother's face and voice with happiness and love, for he learns that this person provides food and comfort. Negative emotions are learned in a similar fashion. The second kind of learning is called "operant (动作的) conditioning. This occurs when an individual learns to do things that produce rewards in his environment and learns not to do things that produce punishments. For example, if a mother always attends to her baby when he cries and cuddles him until he is quiet, she may teach him that if he cries he will get attention from mother. Thus, the baby will learn to increase his crying in order to have his mother more.The main purpose of this passage is to ______.A.teach children how to learn to produce and experience certain emotionsB.give the common reader a general description of two basic kinds of learningC.give parents some advice on how to modify their children's emotions through learningD.discuss with psychologists how positive and negative feelings are produced

Parents have to do much less for their children than they used to do, and home has become
much less of a workshop. Clothes can be bought ready made; washing can be done at the laundry; food can be bought cooked, canned; bread is baked and delivered by the baker; milk arrives on the doorstep; meal can be had at the restaurant, the work's canteen, and the school dining room.

It's unusual now for father to persue(追求)his trade of other employment at home, and his children rarely, if ever, see him at his place of work. Boys are therefore seldom trained to follow their father's business, and in many towns they have a fairly wide choice of employment and so do girls. The young wage-earner often earns good money, and soon gains a feeling of economic independence (经济上的独立). In textile areas it has been customary for mothers to go out to work, but this practice has become so widespread that the working mother is now not an unusual factor in a child's home life, the number of married women in employment having more than doubled in the last twenty five years. With mother earning and older children drawing wages, father is seldom the most important figure that he still was at the beginning of the century. When mother works, economic advantages increase, but children lose something of great value if mother's employment prevents her from being home to greet them when they return from School.

The writer compares home to a workshop because ______.

A.fathers often persue employment at home

B.many families produce goods at home for sale

C.both fathers and mothers in most families are workers

D.parents have to make food and necessity themselves for their daily life

?Read the text about the importance of qualifications.?In most of the lines 34—45 there is

?Read the text about the importance of qualifications.

?In most of the lines 34—45 there is one extra word. One or two lines, however, are correct.

?If a line is correct, write CORRECT on your Answer Sheet.

?If there is an extra word in the line, write the extra word in CAPITAL LETTERS on your Answer Sheet.

The Importance of Qualifications

Young people and their parents are aware that it is increasingly necessary to

have good qualifications order to get a job nowadays. Going to university and

34. into further education is considered very important by both teenagers and their

35. parents. 63% of teenagers in full-time education want to go on to university or

36. further education, although this figure does decreases as young people

37. approach this big decision. Young women in particular wish to enter the higher

38. education with three times as many girls continuing to studying in preference

39. to going straight to work. Although family influence is still very important in

40. helping the young in make career choices. Today's careers information and

41. work experience play a mater part in decisions about his employment.

42. Over 80% of young people do not want to follow in their parents footsteps

43. by going into the same jobs and 74% of parents would rather prefer their children to

44. choose a different career to their own. Researchers were surprised by this result.

45. And young people who do the same jobs as their parents do not always live happily.


make the most of、wish、experience、acquire、desire、stand on one 's own two feet、means、challenge、in return、barber、in one's favor、arise、expect、David and Jack、process、count On、goose、Tom、hope、responsibility

1. A new difficulty has().

2. We weren't()it to rain.

3. If the wind is(), you will be down the river in no time.

4. I()I had a more confident personality.

5. There are lots of()in the lake.

6. He took fourteen hours for the journey which he had()making in six.

7. We should()the fine weather. Let's go for a picnic.

8. Young people often()to excel over others in work.

9. George()his Doctor's degree last year.

10. We had a lovely evening at().

11. In the nineteenth century a new()of communication was developed- the railway.

12. Ben,()the problem would be solved soon.

13. Now that you're growing up, you must learn to().

14. Ann prefers a job with enough().

15. I'll go to the()to have my hair cut.

16. Parents bear()for their children.

17. Do you know the difference between() plans?

18. He()great difficulty in getting a visa to leave the country.

19. We()you'll be very happy.

20. I bought him a drink()for his help.

Life really should be one long journey of joy for children born with a world of wealth at
their feet.

Internationally famous child doctor Robert Coles is the world's top expert on the influence of money on children. He has written a well-known book on the subject, "The Privileged Ones", and his research shows that too much money in the family can cause as many problems as too little. "Obviously there are certain advantages to being rich," says the 53-year-old doctor, "such as better health, education and future work prospects. (78) But most important is the quality of family life. Money can't buy love."

It can buy a lot of other thing, however, and that's where the trouble starts. Rich kids have so much to choose from that they often become confused. Overindulgence (娇美) by their parents can make them spoilt. They tent to travel more than other children, from home to home and country to country, which causes feelings of restlessness.

(79) "But privileged children do have a better sense of their positions in the world," adds Mr. Coles, "and they are more self-assured." The rich children inherit the property from their parents and enjoy a high income. So money will never be one of their problems. "However, they will have a sense of isolation," warns Dr. Coles, "and they could suffer from the hardship of not being able to deal with the everyday world because they will never really, be given the chance. Everything they have achieved is because of an accident of birth. There can be no tremendous inner satisfaction about that."

(80) Today's wealthy parents perhaps realize their riches can be more of a heavy load than a happiness to their children. So the first thing for them to consider is to ensure that their families are as rich in love as they are in money.

In his book "The Privileged Ones", Dr. Cotes implies that ______.

A.there are fewer problem in the rich family than the poor family

B.rich children live a life of separation from the world

C.rich children usually enjoy more love than poor children

D.the quality of rich children's family life may not be high

阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容进行判断,正确为“T”,错误为“F”。A 4 year Kid, who does


A 4 year Kid, who does not know what an Email or a Chat App is, prays to GodA、“Hey, Lord, Please make me a smartphone”. This young kid is asking such a wish from God, because he sees that his parents at home are completely glued to this magical device called smartphone and has no time to look up at him. The smartphone is getting more attention in the house than the child. His parents are present there physically, but their minds are somewhere else.

It’s so true that this device has become an inseparable part of our day to day life, and we are addicted to it. We will start feeling restless if we do not look to our phone after a few minutes. We react faster to a phone beep or a message compared to a call by a family member from a different room. We all need to come out of this head-down syndrome. We all need to connect and communicate in real world. We need to put this technology to good use and not become a slave.

So what shall we do? It’s simpleA、the solution is called “digital break”. This means, when you return home from work, you simply turn off or mute all your digital devices for a few hours every day, or at least once in a while. What do you do then? You can share your time with the family, chatting with your wife or husband, playing games with your kids, doing things with other family members, etc. in real life. You will soon realize the world outside the smartphone is much more enjoyable

1. The kid is 5 years old. {T、F}

2. The kid asked God for a smartphone. {T、F}

3. Smartphones have become an inseparable part of our daily life. {T、F}

4. We all need to connect and communicate in virtual world. {T、F}

5. The only solution to the head-down syndrome is called “digital break. {T、F}

I hear many parents complaining that their teenage children are rebelling. I wish it were
so. At young age you ought to be growing away from you parents. You should be learning to stand on your own two feet. But take a good look at the present rebellion. It seems that teenagers are a1l taking the same way of snowing that they disagree with their parents. Instead of striking out on their own,most of them are clutching at one another’s hands for reassurance.

They say they want to dress as they please,but all of them wear the same clothes. They set off in new directions in music,but all of them end up huddled round listening to the same record. Their reason for thinking or acting in this and that way is that the crowd is doing it.

It has become harder and harder for a teenager to stand up against the popularity wave and go his or her own way. These days every teenager can 1earn from the advertisements what a teenager should have and be. And many of today’s parents have come to award high marks for the popularity of their children.

All this adds up to a great barrier for the teenager who wants to find his or her own path. But the barrier is worth climbing over. The path is worth following. You may want to listen to classical music instead of going to a party. You may want to collect rocks when everyone else is collecting records.

You may have some thoughts that you don’t care to share at once with your classmates. Well,go to it. Find yourself. Be yourself. Popularity will come-will the people who respect you for who you are. That’s the only kind of popularity that really counts.

The author’s purpose in writing this passage is to tell _____.

A.readers how to be popular with people around

B.teenagers how to learn to decide things for themselves

C.parents how to control and guide their children

D.people how to understand and respect each other

According to the author, many teenagers think they are brave enough to act on their own, but, in fact, most of them _____.A.have much difficulty understanding each other

B.lack confidence

C.dare not cope with problems single-handed

D.are very much afraid of getting lost

Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage ?A.There is no popularity that really counts.

B.What many parents are doing is in fact hindering their children from finding their own paths.

C.It is not necessarily bad for a teenager to disagree with his or her classmates.

D.Most teenagers claim that they want to do what they like to, but they are actually doing the same.

The author thinks of advertisements as _____.A.convincing




During the teenage years, one should learn to _____.A.differ from others in as many ways as possible

B.get into the right season and become popular

C.find one’s real self

D.rebel against parents and the popularity wave


Josh was 12 when his parents bought him a computer for his room, thinking it would be
useful __(1)__ Josh was in junior high school. He immediately __(2)__ to the Internet and soon discovered email and chat rooms. His parents __(3)__ his shoulder for the first few weeks. As they became comfortable with Josh’s behavior. on the Internet, they no longer did so.

Problems soon __(4)__ , however. Josh began to spend most of his time in his bedroom with the computer, and he was moody when he was forced to spend time with his family. His __(5)__ parents quickly sought counseling for Internet addiction.

Internet addiction is a growing concern in the Information Age. __(6)__ the use of the Internet is likely to be an important skill for those entering the job markets of the future. In addition, it is a highly __(7)__ and informative medium. However, these __(8)__ qualities also make it an escape for many users.

Like addiction to drugs, alcohol, or cigarettes, Internet addiction is marked by symptoms of __(9)__ tolerance, withdrawal, mood changes, and interruption of social relationships. Children andadolescents who have become addicted to the Internet will require increasing amounts of time on line in order to feel satisfied. When they do not have access to the Internet, they may have symptoms of withdrawal, which include anxiety, depression, irritability, trembling hands, restlessness or obsessive thinking about the Internet. Relationships in the real world may be neglected as those in the __(10)__ world increase in importance. Academic performance is likely to suffer.


B、now that


D、so far





(3)A、stood by

B、watched by

C、stood over

D、watched over












D、Being mastered

















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