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You can hire a bicycle in many places. Usually you'll have to pay a______.A.fareB.fundC.de

You can hire a bicycle in many places. Usually you'll have to pay a______.





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更多“You can hire a bicycle in many…”相关的问题
You can hire a bicycle in many places. Usually you' 11 have to pay a______.A.fareB.fundC.d

You can hire a bicycle in many places. Usually you' 11 have to pay a______.





Many artists today are in what is called applied art. They usetheir ability in advertise,

Many artists today are in what is called applied art. They use

their ability in advertise, interior decoration, or some similar job.【1】______

But people in business which hire the artists for that kind of work 【2】______

say that simple artist ability is not enough. There are lots of young【3】______

people who have that. But not enough of them who know anything 【4】______

about physics, or mechanical things, or math.

To be a druggist you have to study chemistry. You can't learn

chemistry without knowing something about algebra.

How about a nurse? One of the requiring subjects in a course of 【5】______

nursing is known to material medica. In materia me dica you'll 【6】______

learn how to figure out doses and prepare for medicines. Algebra is 【7】______

important in doing the figuring. Too many student nurses flunk out

of the course because of their weak math.

It's the same for many trades. If you want to be a crafts-man, 【8】______

a machinist, a molder, and a patternmaker, you'll need algebra and 【9】______

geometry and even trigonometry.

Even you want to go into business for yourself, you'll need 【10】______

math. Business today, whether it is running a little gas station or a

big factory, takes good management. Good management takes mathematics


These tips may help you avoid()bad employees for your company.A. to hireB. hiringC. hir

These tips may help you avoid()bad employees for your company.

A. to hire

B. hiring

C. hire

Mrs Thomson:Where shall we go this weekend?Fang:having a drive to the country.You h.ave ne
ver been to a Chinese village,have you?Mrs Thomson:But we don’t have a car. Fang:Why not hire one?Mrs Thomson:Good idea!

A.What is

B.How is


D.What about

The biggest mistake a workplace leader can make with office culture is failing to devise one at all. How do you know if your office culture is helping, or hurting, your employees, and as a result

The biggest mistake a workplace leader can make with office culture is failing to devise one at all. How do you know if your office culture is helping, or hurting, your employees, and as a result your bottom line? Designing a thoughtful(周到的)office culture is so important for a new company. Here are some aspects where a leader should be careful not to make mistakes. A cohesive (和谐一致的) office culture starts at the top and is built with intention. Face book’s founder projects a laid -back vibe (氛围). That sets the tone for his $200 billion company, Where he visits weekly Q and A sessions from his staff, loads up the perks, and courts a young team that closely mirrors his target market, positioning Face book are especially designed for their wants and needs.

Strict dress code or early start time may seem like an easy way to build professionalism (职业化)in your workplace, but is there a good reason for it? Strict requirements that work in a law office may erode the work ethic at a hip tech startup. Make sure to back up your rules with reason. For example, at Culture Studio, a T -shirt design and printing company, you’d better believe there’s no place for ties. Employees are encouraged to dress down in their brand’s merchandise or their competitors’ Leadership shouldn’t abandon culture development there. Good employees tend to be goal­oriented over-achievers, so put your budget on that with team -building activities, contests, and incentives for the best. Think critically about the ideal employees for your team, what makes the tick, and how you can support them, within and outside of their role in the company’s goals.

Setting the tone for your workplace starts with each hire and at every level in the company. At digital marketing firm Mabbly, every hiring decision is made with the company’s vision in mind: a creative and young team of approachable(伸手可及的) guides that help clients to understand the seemingly mysterious world of PR public relations in this internet age.

26. What is the main topic of this article?

A. How to write business emails and memos.

B. How to design a thoughtful office culture.

C. How to set rules for employees to follow.

27. The example of Facebook is to show().

A. one should built a cohesive office culture on purpose

B. how you can use Q and A sessions from your staff

C. office culture must reflect your own wants and needs

28. It is suggested that one should()in the third paragraph.

A. set the tone for one’s company

B. drop strict dress code or early start time

C. back up office rules with reason

29. What does “put your budget on that” means in the fourth paragraph?() .

A. To withdraw the money.

B. To pay more attention to it.

C. To invest money and efforts.

30. Mabbly is targeted in().

A. helping clients to understand the PR world

B. attracting as many investments as possible

C. making a link between selling and buying

The rise of "temp" work has further magnified the decreasing fights and alienation of the
worker. It is common corporate practice to phase out full-time employees and hire temporary workers to take on more workload in less time. When facing a pressing deadline, a corporation may pay $15~$20 per hour for a temp worker, but the temp worker will only see $7 or $8 of that money. The rest goes to temp agency, which is usually a corporate chain, such as Kelly Services, that blatantly makes its profits off other people's labor. This increases profits of the corporations because they can increase a workload, get rid of the employee when they're finished, and not worry about paying benefits or unemployment for that employee. I have had to work with temps a few times in my current position, and the workers only want one thing - a full-time job with benefits. We really wanted to hire one temp I was working with, but we could not offer her a full-time job because it would have been a breach in our contract with the temp agency that employed her. To hire a temp full-time, we would have had to pay the agency over a thousand dollars. Through this practice and policy, the temp agency locks its temporary workers into a horrible new form. of servitude form. which the worker cannot break free.

Furthermore, corporate powers push workers to take on bigger workloads, work longer hours, and accept less benefits by instilling a paranoia in their workforce. The capitalist bosses assume dishonesty, disloyalty, and laziness amongst workers, and they breed a sense of guilt and fear through their assumptions. Where guilt doesn't seep in, bitterness, anger, and depression take over, the highest priorities of Big Business are to increase profits and limit liabilities. Personal relations and human needs are last on their list of priorities. So what we see is a huge mass of people who are alienated, disempowered, overworked, mentally and physically ill and who spend the vast majority of their time and energy on their basic survival. They are denied a chance to really "love", because they are forced to make profits for the capitalists in power.

Which of the following can NOT be listed as a reason for corporations' hiring temporary workers and phasing out full-time employees?

A.Corporations intend to leave more workload to temporary workers.

B.Temp workers are generally well-trained and can achieve high efficiency.

C.Corporations can reduce their production cost by employing temp workers.

D.Corporations can benefit a great deal from keeping a small full-time work force.

听力原文:AGENT: Good morning. Ace Accommodation; how can I help you?SYLVIA: Good morning.

听力原文:AGENT: Good morning. Ace Accommodation; how can I help you?

SYLVIA: Good morning. I'd like to organize some short stay accommodation on the Gold Coast, please.

AGENT: Certainly. Who am I speaking to?

SYLVIA: Miss Mackinlay. Sylvia Mackinlay.

AGENT: Could you spell your family name for me please?


Listen carefully and answer questions 1 to 5.

AGENT: Good morning. Ace Accommodation; how can I help you?

SYLVIA: Good morning. I'd like to organize some short stay accommodation on the Gold Coast, please.

AGENT: Certainly. Who am I speaking to?

SYLVIA: Miss Mackinlay. Sylvia Mackinlay.

AGENT: Could you spell your family name for me please?


AGENT: Thank you. And your first name is Sylvia?


AGENT: Is that with an ' i' or a ' y' ?

SYLVIA: A 'y'—the old fashioned way. That's S-Y-L-V-I-A.

AGENT: Thank you, Miss Mackinlay. Now, just for our records, can you tell me what country you live in?

SYLVIA: Of course—it's England actually.

AGENF: I thought so. Now, when are you coming?

SYLVIA: Well, at the moment we're planning on arriving on July 26th.

AGENT: Ooh, the 25th, that's the last day of the public holiday and it might be difficult to find something available on that date.

SYLVIA: No, we're coming on the 26th of July.

AGENT: Oh, well that's fine then. We'll have lots of good places vacant by then although you wouldn't be able to move in until late afternoon because our cleaning crew will need time to get everything ready for you.

SYLVIA: That suits us—our flight won't get in until early evening anyway.

AGENT: How many of you will there be?

SYLVIA: Just my sister and myself.

AGENT: And how long do you intend to stay for?

SYLVIA: Oh, only a couple of weeks, we'd like to stay longer but we'll have to get back to work.

AGENT: So, you're not coming on business then?

SYLVIA: No, it's just a holiday. Why? What difference does that make?

AGENT: Oh, you'd be surprised. Business people have different needs you know, wireless internet, even fax machines and photocopiers.

SYLVIA: No, we won't need any of that stuff—we'll be coming to relax, and get away from all that kind of thing.

Now listen and answer questions 6 to 10.

AGENT: Good. Now, what exactly are you looking for? A house, a duplex or an apartment?

SYLVIA: What's a duplex?

AGENT: Oh, that's what you might call a townhouse or a unit--you know, two houses semi-detached on the same property.

SYLVIA: Oh, I see. I think an apartment will suit us just fine.

AGENT: And how many bedrooms? Two?

SYLVIA: One or two—it depends on the size. My sister and I don't mind sharing if it's a decent size bedroom with two beds.

AGENT: Well, that makes it easier.

AGENT: And car parking? Will you require a lock-up garage? They're a little harder to find with an apartment.

SYLVIA: We'll have a hire car and as far as I know there are no regulations concerning car parking. I think as long as it's not parked on the street and it's secure there shouldn't be any problems.

AGENT: Okay. Now, I'm assuming you want something by the beach?

SYLVIA: Yes, that's the idea. We want to enjoy the surf, sand and sunshine.

AGENT: Okay, but before we settle on an area and discuss your price range, I'll need to know about other necessities.

SYLVIA: What do you mean?

AGENT: Well, for example, do you want to be close to a shopping mall or the casino or the fun parks? Or do you want to be in a complex with or near a swimming pool?

SYLVIA: No, none of that really matters to us but we'd like to have reasonable access to the motorway so that we can drive up to Brisbane to visit friends there.

AGENT: Well, there are quite a few lovely small towns to choose from. There's Main Beach which is north of Surfers' Paradise or Mermaid Waters which is a bit further south or Palm Beach which is quite a bit further south?

SYLVIA: Mermaid Waters sounds delightful. Is it close to the motorway?

AGENT: Well, not really, the M 1 is actually closest to Palm Beach and prices are likely to be more reasonable there too.

SYLVIA: That's settled then, Palm Beach it is.

AGENT: Now, if you'll just give me your email address, I can send you information about the town and lots of photos.

SYLVIA: Well, my email is S-M-A-C 13 at hotmail dot com.

AGENT: And, one final thing, how much are you looking to spend per week on accommodation? Do you want something at the luxury end of the market—you know, newly redecorated, great views, all the mod cons ...

SYLVIA: Not necessarily. Could we get something clean, comfortable and reasonable for $1200 a week?

AGENT: Could you stretch that to 1500 a week? I've got a property in mind that you'll absolutely love but you'd have to go to 1500—1200 wouldn't cover it.

SYLVIA: Alright, then. But that's our top limit.

AGENT: Good. I'll get on to this straight away and there should be something in your inbox shortly.


First Name: (1)

Country of Origin: (2)

Date of Arrival: (3)

Number of Tenants: (4)

Length of Stay: 2 week

Purpose of Visit: (5)

Type of Accommodation: (6)

Number of Bedrooms: one or two

Car Parking: off-street and (7)

General Area: near the beach

Other Requirements: near (8)

Name of Town: (9)

Client's Email smac13@hotmail.com

Price Range: up to $. (10) a week


An employer has several choices he can consider when he wants to hire a new employee. Firs
t, he may look within his own company. But if none of the present employees are suitable for the position, he will have to look outside the company. If his company has a personnel office, he can ask them to help find qualified applicants.

There are other valuable sources the employer can use, such as employment agencies, professional societies and so on. He can also advertise in the newspapers and magazines and ask prospective candidates to send in resumes.

The employer has two kinds of qualifications to consider when he wants to choose from among applicants. He must consider both professional qualifications and personal characteristics. A candidate's professional qualifications include his education, experience and skills. These can be listed on a resume. Personal characteristics must be evaluated through interviews.

This passage mainly tells us ______.

A.there are many applications looking for a job

B.how an employer hires his employees

C.employer hires a new employee within his company

D.employer can advertise in newspapers and magazines

It would be difficult to have a society like ours without public goods such as defense, tr
ansportation, and other services.

A public good is one that a person can use without reducing the use of it for another person. One of the best examples of a public good is national defense. One person can benefit from our national defense without reducing another person's benefits. In fact, it is difficult to keep any person in our society from enjoying the benefits of national defense.

The market system does not work well in producing public goods. This is because a person who refuses to pay for a public good can not be kept from using it. Suppose that the neighbors in a high crime area decide to hire a police force. Each neighbor, except Mrs. Smith, agrees to pay $100 a year for it. Mrs. Smith refuses to pay because she knows that if all the others pay the $100, the police will guard the area anyway. So Mrs. Smith can enjoy the services of the police force without paying $100. The market system has no way to deal with this type of problem. For this reason, we can not ask each person to make a direct payment in the form. of product price. Therefore, we collect money for public goods by using taxes.

According to the passage, public goods are______.

A.services enjoyed by all people

B.what we can buy and sell in public

C.products that we make for national defense

D.taxes paid by the people involved

It would be difficult to have a society like ours without public goods such as defense, tr
ansportation, and other services.

A public good is one that a person can use without reducing the use of it for another person. One of the best example of a public good is national defense. One person can benefit form. our national defense without reducing another person's benefits. In fact, it is difficult to keep any person in our society from enjoying the benefits of national defense.

The market system does not work well in producing public goods. This is because a person who refuses to pay for a public good cannot be kept from using it. Suppose that the neighbors in a high crime area decide to hire a police force. Each neighbor, except Mrs. Smith, agrees to pay $100 a year for it. Mrs. Smith refuses to pay because she knows that if all the others pay the $100, the police will guard the area anyway. So Mrs. Smith can enjoy the services of the police force without paying $100.

The market system has no way to deal with this type of problem. For this reason, we cannot ask each person to make a direct payment in the form. of product price. Therefore, we collect money for public goods by using taxes.

According to the passage, public goods are______.

A.services enjoyed by all people

B.what we can buy and sell in public

C.products that we make for national defense

D.taxes paid by the people involved

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