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阅读:According to the dictionary definition of “create”, ordinary people are creative every day

Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage:

According to the dictionary definition of “create”, ordinary people are creative every day. To create means “to bring into being, to cause to exist”—something each of us does daily.

We are creative whenever we look at or think about something in a new way. First this involves an awareness of our surroundings. It means using all of our sese to become aware of our world. This may be as simple as being aware of color and texture, as well as taste, when we plan a meal. Above all, it is the ability to notice things that others might miss.

A second part of creativity is an ability to see relationships among things. I f we believe the expression, “There is nothing new under the sun,” the creativ ity is remaking or recombining the old in new ways. For example, we might do this by finding a more effective way to study or a better way to arrange our furniture, or we might make a new combination of camera lenses and filters to cr eate an unusual photograph.

A third part of creativity is the courage and drive to make use of our new ide as, to apply them to achieve some new results. To think up a new concept is one thing; to put the idea to work is another.

These three parts of creativity are involved in all the great works of genius, but they are also involved in many of our day to day activities.

26.Which of the following activities is NOT a creative one according to t he passage?

A.To prepare a meal.

B.To arrange the furniture in a peculiar way.

C.To buy some books from a bookstore.

D.To “write” a letter with the computer.

27.The author holds that ____.

A.creativity is of highly demand

B.creativity is connected with a deep insight to some extent

C.creativity is to create something new and concrete

D.to practise and practise is the only way to cultivate one’s creativity

28.“There is nothing new under the sun.” (Par.3) really implies that ____.

A.we can seldom create new things

B.a new thing is only a tale

C.a new thing can only be created at the basis of original things

D.we can scarcely see really new things in the world

29.What does the author think about the relationship between a new though t and its being put into practice?

A.It’s more difficult to create a new thought than to apply it in practice.

B.To find a new thought will definitely lead to the production of a new thing.

C.One may come up with a new thought, but can not put it into practice.

D.A man with an excellent ability of practice can easily become an inventor.

30.The best title for this passage is ____.

A.How to Cultivate One’s Creativity B.What is Creativity

C.The Importance of Creativity D.Creativity—a Not Farway Thing

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更多“阅读:According to the dictionary…”相关的问题
阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。Successful and mem


Successful and memorable events don’t just happen. Organizing and holding an event takes planning. Whether it’s an anniversary, a sporting event or a retirement party, and no matter how much time you have, your event’s success is in the details.

There are some suggestions for you to hold a successful event.Decide upon your target audience.The first thing is you should know who your target audience is. From this all the other decisions will fall into place in terms of format, content, prices, location etc.

Make a list of details.When you hold an event, you need to consider everything, from program content, lighting, food serving, transportation to parking and safety. Making a list will ensure you don’t overlook things.

Have a clear purpose.When you plan an event, you should clearly define.its purpose, because the following decision should support it.

Do not clash.Check the calendar.Don’t clash with holidays or popular vacation times.

Know your limitations.You should be aware of your weakness such as budget or time. If you decide to hold an event in a week’s time, plan for a more familiar affair. If it’s a big event, prepare several months ahead. If the budget is small, you may have to a lot of do-it-yourself work.

1. Which of the following statement is NOT true according to the passage? {A、B、C}

A. To know your target audience first helps you plan your event better.

B. To check the calendar carefully will avoid time conflict.

C. Know the limitation means you should know the audience’s limitation.

2. Which is not the factor of holding a successful event? {A、B、C}

A. A clear purpose

B. A list of details

C. A invitation

3. According to the passage, what is the key factor to make your event successful? {A、B、C}

A. Leadership.

B. Details.

C. Plenty of planning time.

4. What is the best title for this passage? {A、B、C}

A. Details- the key to the success of an event.

B. Successful and memorable events don’t just happen.

C. How to plan successful events.

5. What is the purpose of making list of details? {A、B、C}

A. Make sure not overlook things

B. To follow decisions

C. To have a clear purpose

阅读理解阅读下面的文章,根据文章内容,完成相应的选择题。HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENTHuman Res




Human Resources Management (HRM) is the process of managing people and their relationships in an organization. These two processes are important in the success and growth of a business.

In managing people, staffing is the most important component of HRM. It needs to make guidelines and procedures for hiring and placement. Staffing also involves the management of employees on matters like monitoring of holidays, absences, health and safety, disciplinary action, and dismissal.

Another important element of HRM in managing people is keeping the employees in the company. The training of employees to enable them to improve their career development is very important. Good HRM policies ensure that there are clear regulations which show the pay levels for the different positions in an organization. It is important for the staff to know the career path, pay, training and other opportunities that are available to them. Performance management is another important component of HRM. The reason for this is that many employers use it to evaluate career improvement and to determine pay increases.

The secondary role of HRM is the management of the relationships among people in an organization. This includes staff within departments as well as across the whole organization. The relationship between staff and management is an important factor in the success of an organization. It decides how fast an organization will realize their goals.

The focus of HRM is the people within an organization. Regular planning, monitoring and evaluation are important for the success of HRM. Successful management ensures that all employees know their role, career development and also feel part of an organization.


1. ____________is / are important in the success of a business. {A; B; C}

A. Teamwork spirit and high salary

B. The process of managing people and their relationships

C. Talents and their goals

2. The most important component of HRM is____________. {A; B; C}

A. staffing

B. planning

C. monitoring

3. According to the passage, it is important for the employees to know the career path, pay, training and other opportunities through____________. {A; B; C}

A. notices

B. policies

C. advertisements

4. We can use____________ to evaluate career improvement and to determine pay increases. {A; B; C}

A. staffing

B. HRM policies

C. performance management

5. ____________ is NOT mentioned in the text about the success of HRM. {A; B; C}

A. Regular planning and monitoring

B. Evaluation

C. Training

阅读下列短文,然后根据短文的内容从 58~61 小题的四个选择项中选出最佳的一项。 C Have you

阅读下列短文,然后根据短文的内容从 58~61 小题的四个选择项中选出最佳的一项。


Have you ever argued with your loved ones over simple misunderstandings(误解)?Little wonder. We often believe we're more skillful in getting our point across than we actually are,according to Boza Keysar,a professor at the University of Chicago. In his recent study,speakers tried to express their meanings using unclear sentences. Speakers who thought listeners understood were wrong nearly half the time. Here‘s some good advice to reduce misunderstanding:

(1)Don't trust what you see from the listener. Listeners often nod,look at you or say“uhhuh”to be polite or move the conversation along. But it‘s easy to consider these as signs of understanding.

(2)Train the editor(编辑)in your head. If you say,“Beth discusses her problems with her husband,”it's not clear whether she‘s talking to her husband or about him. Try instead,“Beth talks to her husband about her problems.”or“Beth talks to others about the problems with her husband.”

(3)Ask listeners to repeat your message. Introduce your request by saying“I want to be sure I said that right.”Questions like“How does that sound?”or“Does that make sense?”may also work.

(4)Listen well. When on the receiving end,ask questions to be sure you're on the same page. After all,it isn‘t just the speaker's job to make his speech understood.

第 58 题 Why does the writer give us the advice?

A.We're not skillful enough to make clear sentences.

B.Misunderstanding is damaging our normal lives.

C.Misunderstanding occurs now and then.

D.It's impolite to say NO to others.

阅读下面的文章,根据文章内容判断文章后的句子是正确(T)还是错误(F)。There are eight traditional functions of marketing:

Buying:A marketer focuses on buyers'needs and desires in order to decide what products to make available.Understanding buyers'behavior is of great importance.

Selling:Marketers usually view selling as a persuasive activity that is completed through promotion.Selling includes personal selling, advertising, and other selling methods.It is probably the function of marketing that we most often see in our daily life.

Transporting:Transporting is physically moving the product from the seller to the buyer.Marketers focus on transporting costs and services.

Storing:Like transporting, storing is an aspect of the physical distribution of products.Storing includes warehousing activities.Warehouses hold products for long periods sometimes in order to create time utility.

Grading:Grading involves sorting products according to size and quality.This makes buying and selling easier because it reduces the need for inspection and sampling.

Financing:For many products, such as automobiles, fridges and new homes, the purchase is facilitated when the marketer provides credit that makes the purchasing of the product possible.

Marketing research:Through research, marketers may find out the need for new products and services.By gathering information on a regular basis, they can better plan, carry out and control marketing activities.

Risk taking:It involves bearing the uncertainties that are part of the marketing process.Most marketing decisions result in either success or failure that is associated with risk.

1.It is very important to understand buyers'behavior.

2.Marketers usually use different selling methods.

3.Marketers ignore transporting costs and services.

4.Both transporting and storing are the aspects of the physical distribution of products.

5.Marketers provide credit that makes the purchasing of automobiles, fridges and new homes possible.

阅读理解阅读下面的文章,根据文章内容,完成相应的选择题。FOOD SAFETYA question that often tr




A question that often troubles food companies is how to control problems like rats and insects without harming the food. Pest control experts say poisons should never be used where they may enter food. They say the first line of defense against pests is to clean the places where the food is handled or stored.

Floors, food preparation surfaces and tools can be disinfected with chemicals like chlorine, iodine or bromine. Food containers should be stored about half a meter off the ground and about half a meter away from any walls. Storage areas should be kept dry and clean.

Containers for raw materials such as rice, wheat, etc. should be kept closed and clean. Any foodstuff split during delivery or handling should be cleared up both inside and outside the building. Pests enter a building from the outside, so pay attention to outer walls. Small stones can be used to cover the ground and block the growth of plants and the grass should be kept short to deny pests a place to live.

Check that doors and windows are completely closed. Also any hole that might allow pests to enter a building should be filled. Rats can enter through a hole the size of a coin. A mouse can pass through a hole half that size.

Supervisors should make a list of pest control measures to be taken by employees. This will aid the efforts and also help prepare for any inspections. In most countries, there is a food and drug administration bureau, or some agency with a similar name, which enforces rules nationwide, responsible for rules about the use of pesticides, etc. However, businesses where food is stored, prepared or sold must also follow state and local health laws. Most of these governmental departments or bureaus have their websites with information about food safety policies and other issues. People can easily access the information.


1. According to pest control experts, why should poisons never be used in food companies? {A; B; C}

A. Because they may enter food.

B. Because they may kill rats.

C. Because they may be harmful to the plants.

2. What is the first line of defense against pests? {A; B; C}

A. To check that doors and windows are completely closed.

B. To clean the places where food is handled or stored.

C. To fill any hole that might allow pests to enter a building.

3. How can floors, food preparation surfaces and tools be disinfected? {A; B; C}

A. With smoke.

B. With water.

C. With chemicals.

4. Why should attention be paid to outer walls? {A; B; C}

A. To prevent pests from entering a building from outside.

B. To keep moist from entering a building from outside.

C. To stop sun rays from entering a building from outside.

5. What dose the passage mainly talk about? {A; B; C}

A. Why poisons should never be used where they may enter food.

B. Why the growth of plants should be blocked and grass be kept short.

C. How to control rats and insects without harming the food.

阅读:Byalmost any measure, there is a boom in Intemet-based instruction

Questions 56-60 are based on the followingpassage.

Byalmost any measure, there is a boom in Intemet-based instruction. In just a fewyears,34 percent ofAmerican universities have begun offering some form. ofdistance learning (DL), and among the larger schools,it's closer to 90 percent.If you doubt the popularity of the trend, you probably haven't heard of theUniversity ofPhoenix. It grants degrees entirely on the basis of onlineinstruction. It enrolls 90,000 students, a statistic used tosupport its claimto be the largest private university in the country.

Whilethe kinds of instruction offered in these programs will differ, DL usuallysignifies a course in which theinstructors post syllabi(课程大纲), reading assignments, and schedules on Websites, and students sendin theirassignments by e-mail. Generally speaking, face-to-face communicationwith an instructor is minimized oreliminated altogether.

Theattraction for students might at first seem obvious. Primarily, there's theconvenience promised by courseson the Net: you can do the work, as they say, inyour pajamas (睡衣). But figures indicate that the reducedeffortresults in a reduced commitment to the course. While dropout rates for allfreshmen at American universitiesis around 20 percent, the rate for onlinestudents is 35 percent. Students themselves seem to understand theweaknessesinherent in the setup. In a survey conducted for eComell, the DL division ofComell University, lessthan a third of the respondents expected the quality ofthe online course to be as good as the classroom course.

Clearly,from the schools' perspective, there's a lot of money to be saved. Althoughsome of the moreambitious programs require new investments in servers andnetworks to support collaborative software, most DLcourses can run on existingor minimally upgraded(升级)systems. The more students who enroll in acourse butdon't come to campus, the more the school saves on keeping the lightson in the classrooms, paying doorkeepers,and maintaining parking lots. Andthere's evidence that instructors must work harder to run a DL course foravariety of reasons, they won't be paid any more, and might well be paid less.

56、What is the most striking feature of theUniversity of Phoenix?

A.Allits courses are offered online.

B.Itsonline courses are of the best quality.

C.It boasts the largest number of studentson campus.

D.Anyone taking its online courses is sure to get a degree.

57、According to the passage, distance learning isbasically characterized by____

A.aconsiderable flexibility in its academic requirements

B.the great diversity ofstudents' academic backgrounds

C.a minimum or total absence of face-to'faceinstruction

D.the casual relationship between students and professors

58、Manystudents take Internet-based courses mainly because they can ____

A.earntheir academic degrees With much less effort

B.savea great deal on traveling and boarding expenses

C.select courses from variouscolleges and universities

D.work on the required courses whenever andwherever

59、What accounts for the high dropout rates for online students?

A.Thereis no strict control over the academic standards of the courses.

B.Theevaluation system used by online universities is inherently weak.

C.There is nomechanism to ensure that they make the required effort.

D.Lack of classroominteraction reduces the effectiveness of instruction.

60、According to the passage, universities showgreat enthusiasm for DL programs for the purpose of____

A.building up their reputation

B.cutting down on their expenses

C.upgrading their teaching facilities

D.providing convenience for students

阅读题:For some time past it has been widely accepted that babies-and other creatures-learn to do

Questions 36 to 40 are based on the following passage.

For some time past it has been widely accepted that babies-and other creatures-learn to do things because certain acts lead to "rewards"; and there is no reason to doubt that this is true. But it used also to be widely believed that effective rewards, at least in the early stages, had to be directly related to such basic physiological(生理的) "drives" as thirst or hunger. In other words, a baby would learn if he got food or drink or some sort of physical comfort, not otherwise.

It is now clear that this is not so. Babies will learn to behave in ways that produce results in the world with no reward except the successful outcome.

Papousek began his studies by using milk in the normal way to "reward" the babies and so teach them to carry out some simple movements, such as turning the head to one side or the other. Then he noticed that a baby who had had enough to drink would refuse the milk but would still go on making the learned response with clear signs of pleasure. So he began to study the children's responses in situations where no milk was provided. He quickly found that children as young as four months would learn to turn their heads to right or left if the movement "switched on" a display of lights-and indeed that they were capable of learning quite complex turns to bring about this result, for instance, two left or two right, or even to make as many as three turns to one side.

Papousek's light display was placed directly in front of the babies and he made the interesting observation that sometimes they would not turn back to watch the lights closely although they would "smile and bubble" when the display came on. Papousek concluded that it was not primarily the sight of the lights which pleased them, it was the success they were achieving in solving the problem, in mastering the skill, and that there exists a fundamental human urge to make sense of the world and bring it under intentional control.

36. According to the author, babies learn to do things which .

A) are directly related to pleasure

B) will meet their physical needs

C) will bring them a feeling of success

D) will satisfy their curiosity

37. Papousek noticed in his studies that a baby .

A) would make learned responses when it saw the milk

B) would carry out learned movements when it had enough to drink

C) would continue the simple movements without being given milk

D) would turn its head to right or left when it had enough to drink

38. In Papousek's experiment babies make learned movements of the head in order to .

A) have the lights turned on

B) be rewarded with milk

C) please their parents

D) be praised

39. The babies would "smile and bubble" at the lights because .

A) the lights were directly related to some basic "drives"

B) the sight of the lights was interesting

C) they need not turn back to watch the lights

D) they succeeded in "switching on" the lights

40. According to Papousek, the pleasure babies get in achieving something is a reflection of .

A) a basic human desire to understand and control the world

B) the satisfaction of certain physiological needs

C) their strong desire to solve complex problems

D) a fundamental human urge to display their learned skills

The meeting will begin at 9:00 according to the ______A.calendarB.columnC.scheduleD.diagra

The meeting will begin at 9:00 according to the ______





According to the weather forecast, which is usually ______ , it will snow this afternoon.A

According to the weather forecast, which is usually ______ , it will snow this afternoon.





According to the passage, words are ______.A.visual lettersB.represented by soundsC.repres

According to the passage, words are ______.

A.visual letters

B.represented by sounds

C.represented either by sounds or letters

D.signs called letters

According to theirfeedback sheets, the participants are all _____with the training.A、s

According to theirfeedback sheets, the participants are all _____with the training.




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