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We are living in one of those periods in human history which are marked by revolutionary c

hanges in all of man's ideas and values. It is a time when every one of us must look within himself to find what ideas, what beliefs, and what ideals each of us will live by. And unless we find these ideals, and unless we stand by them firmly, we have no power to overcome the crisis in which we in our world find ourselves.

I believe in people, in sheer, unadulterated humanity. I believe in listening to what people have to say, in helping them to achieve the things which they want and the things which they need. Naturally, there are people who behave like beasts, who kill, who cheat, who lie and who destroy. But without a belief in man and a faith in his possibilities for the future, there can be no hope for the future, but only bitterness that the past has gone. I believe we must, each of us, make a philosophy by which we can live. There are people who make a philosophy out of believing in nothing. They say there is no truth, that goodness is simply cleverness in disguising your own selfishness. They say that life is simply the short gap in between an unpleasant birth and an inevitable death. There are others who say that man is born into evil and sinfulness and that life is a process of purification through suffering and that death is the reward for having suffered.

I believe these philosophies are false. The most important thing in life is the way it is lived, and there is no such thing as an abstract happiness, an abstract goodness or morality, or an abstract anything, except in terms of the person who believes and who acts. There is only the single human being who lives and who, through every moment of his own personal living experience, is being happy or unhappy, noble or base, wise or unwise, or simply existing.

The question is: How can these individual moments of human experience be filled with the richness of a philosophy which can sustain the individual in his own life? Unless we give part of ourselves away, unless we can live with other people and understand them and help them, we are missing the most essential part of our own human lives.

There are as many roads to the attainment of wisdom and goodness as there are people who undertake to walk them. There are as many solid truths on which we can stand as there are people who can search them out and who will stand on them. There are as many ideas and ideals as there are men of good will who will hold them in their minds and act them in their lives.

A. listening to people's opinions

B. revolutionary changes

C. being happy or unhappy

D. the way it is lived

E. we give part of ourselves away

F. many roads to the attainment of wisdom

G. as a short gap between birth and death

We are living in a periods of

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更多“We are living in one of those …”相关的问题
Every country tends to accept its own way of life as being the normal one and to praise or
criticize others as they are similar to or different from it. And unfortunately, our picture of the people and the way of life of other countries is often a distorted(曲折) one.

Here is a great argument in favor of foreign travel and learning foreign languages. It is only by traveling in, or living in a country and getting to know its inhabitants and their language that one can find out what a country and its people are really like. And how different the knowledge one gains this way frequently turns out to be from the second-hand information gathered from other sources! How often we find that the foreigners whom we thought to be such different people from ourselves are not very different after all!

Differences between peoples do, of course, exist and, one hopes, will always continue to do so. The world will be a dull place indeed when all the different nationalities behave exactly alike, and some people might say that we are rapidly approaching this state of affairs. With the much greater rapidity and ease of travel, there might seem to be some truth in this at least as far as Europe is concerned. However this may be, at least the greater ease of travel today has revealed to more people than ever before that the Englishman or Frenchman or German is not some different kind of animal from themselves.

Every country criticizes ways of life in other countries because they are______.



C.similar to each other

D.different from its own

We spend our leisure hours efficiently for higher production, live by the clock even when
time does not matter, modernize our homes and speed the machinery of living in order that we can go to the most places and do the most things in the shortest period of time possible. We try to eat, sleep, and talk efficiently. Even on holidays and Sundays, the efficient man relaxes on timetable with one eye on the clock and the other on an appointment sheet.

To squeeze the most out of each shining hour we have shortened the opera, quickened the pace of the movie and put culture in pocket-sized packages. We make the busy bee look like a lazy creature, the ant like a sluggard. We live sixty-mile-minute and the great efficiency smiles.

We wish we could return to that pleasant day when we considered time a friend instead of an enemy; when we did things willingly and because we wanted to, rather than because our timetable called for it, But that of course would not be efficiency; and we Americans must be efficient.

The phrase that best expresses the main idea of this passage is ______. ()

A.the modern pace

B.our interest in shortened operas

C.how to make the best use of leisure time

D.planning our time scientifically

One of the questions that is coming into focus as we face growing scarcity of resources of
many kinds in the world is how to divide limited resources among countries. In the international development community, the conventional wisdom has been that the 2 billion people living in poor countries could never expect to reach the standard of living that most of us in North America enjoy, simply because the world does not contain enough iron ore, protein, petroleum, and so on. At the same time, we in the United States have continued to pursue super affluence as though there were no limits on how much we could consume. We make up 6 percent of the world's people; yet we consume one-third of the world's resources.

As long as the resources we consumed each year came primarily from within our own boundaries, this was largely an internal matter. But as our resources come more and more from the outside world, "outsiders" are going to have some stay over the rate at which and terms under which we consume. We will no longer be able to think in terms of "our" resources and "their" resources, but only of common resources.

As Americans consuming such a disproportionate share of the world's resources, we have to question whether or not we can continue our pursuit of super affluence in a world of scarcity. We are now reaching the point where we must carefully examine the presumed link between our level of well-being and the level of material goods consumed. If you have only one crust of bread, then an additional crust of bread doesn't make that much different. In the eyes of most of the world today, Americans have their loaf of bread and are asking for still more. People elsewhere are beginning to ask why. This is the question we're going to have to answer, whether we're trying to persuade countries to step up their exports of oil to us or trying to convince them that we ought to be permitted to maintain our share of the world fish catch.

The prospect of a scarcity of, and competition for, the world's resources require that we reexamine the way in which we relate to the rest of the world. It means we find ways of cutting back on resource consumption that is dependent on the resources and cooperation of other countries. We cannot expect people in these countries to concern themselves with our worsening energy and food shortages unless we demonstrate some concern for the hunger, illiteracy and disease that are diminishing life for them.

The writer warns Americans that ______.

A.their excessive consumption has caused world resource exhaustion

B.they are confronted with the problem of how to obtain more material goods

C.their unfair share of the world's resources should give way to proper division among countries

D.they have to discard their cars for lack of fossil fuel in the world

Humanity is a new experiment on planet Earth. For most of its history, life on Earth was r
estricted to the sea. Living things began to populate the land slightly over 400 million years ago. And humans have existed for no more than 3 million years.

One way to represent the evolution of life is to compress the 4. 6-billion-year history of Earth into a 1-year-long film. In such a film, Earth forms as the film begins on January 1, and through all of January and February it cools and is cratered(变成坑状) and the first oceans form. But those oceans remain lifeless until sometime in March or early April, when the first living things develop. The 4-billion-year history of Precambrian (前寒武纪) evolution lasts until the film reaches mid-November, when primitive ocean life begins to evolve into complex organisms such as trilobites(三叶虫).

If we examine the land instead of the oceans, we find a lifeless waste. But once our film shows plant and animal life on the land, about November 28, evolution proceeds rapidly. Dinosaurs, for example, appear on about December 12 and vanish by Christmas Eve, as mammals (哺乳动物) and birds flourish.

Throughout the 1 -year-run of our film there are no humans, and even during the last days of the year as the mammals rise and dominate the landscape, there are no people. On the early evening of December 31, vaguely human forms move through the grasslands, and by late evening they begin making stone tools. The Stone Age lasts until about 11:45 p. m. , and the first signs of civilization, towns and cities, do not appear until 11:54 p. m. The Christian era begins only 14 seconds before the New Year, and the Declaration of Independence is signed with one second to spare.

In comparing all of Earth's geological evolution to one calendar year, the author shows

A.just how recently humanity has arrived on the scene

B.just how simple it is to understand the history of Earth

C.just how early humanity appears on planet Earth

D.just how difficult it is to understand the history of Earth

We should also know that "greed" is little related to the environmental crisis. The two ma
in factors are population pressures, especially the pressures of large metropolitan populations, and the desire to bring a decent living with the lowest possible cost to the largest possible number of people.

The environmental crisis is the result of success in cutting down the morality of infants (which has given us the population explosion), success in increasing farm output sufficiently to prevent mass famine, success in getting people out of the tenements of the 19th century city and into the greenery anti privacy of single family home in the suburbs (which has given us urban sprawl and traffic jams). The environmental crisis, in other words, is the result of doing too much of the right sort of thing at large.

To overcome the problems that success always creates, one mast build on it. But where to start? Cleaning up the environment requires determined, sustained effort with clear targets and deadlines it needed, above all, concentration of effort. Up to now we have tried to do a little bit of everything, what we ought to do first is to draft a list of priorities.

This passage assumed the desirability of ______.

A.living in comfortable family life-style

B.setting disputes peacefully

C.combating cancer and heart disease with energetic research

D.having greater government involvement in people's daily life

At first sight, the fate of threatened species might seem a world apart from the economy
. Upon closer examination, however, we start to understand the connections between the two. The “good health” of natural systems is a precondition for the “good health” of our social and economic systems. Can one say that a society is thriving when it is exposed to air and water pollution and endures related health problems? Equally, can a society “function” if a large proportion of people are unemployed or cannot make ends meet?

Despite gaps and uncertainties in our understanding, we can see that our world is changing. After 10,000 years of relative stability, the average global temperature is increasing. Although the European Union’s (EU’s) greenhouse gas emissions are declining, fossil fuels release more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere than our land and oceans can absorb. Some regions are more vulnerable to the potential impacts of climate change – and t

1Though different understandings exist, one thing people all recognize is that __________.

A、more greenhouse gases are emitted than our land can absorb

B、the world we are living in is different from what it was before

C、some countries are too vulnerable to adapt to climate change

D、EU countries are producing less greenhouse gas emissions now

2Additional pressure on our natural systems can result from ___________.

A、the change of lifestyles of people in the developed countries

B、the accelerated extinction rates of plant and animal species

C、the improvement of living standards in developing countries

D、the risk of turning our home into an unlivable place for us

3What is a main cause of global biodiversity loss?

A、The disappearance of natural habitats caused by human activities.

B、The increase of the average temperature in the world.

C、The release of excessive greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.

D、The consumption and production patterns we follow today.

4Why are large areas of forests cut down every year according to the passage?

A、To provide wood for urban development.

B、To turn the land into other uses.

C、To grow grass for cattle to eat.

D、To grow crops to meet human demand.

5What point does the writer try to illustrate through the passage?

A、Our quality of life is declining due to environment change.

B、Damage to natural environment should be prevented.

C、Human beings should rethink their activities on earth.

D、Economy and natural systems are closely connected.

Although one might not think so from some of the criticism of it, advertising is essential
to the kind of society in which people in the United Kingdom, and a very considerable proportion of the world at large, live. Advertising is indispensable as a means of communicating with others, of telling them about the goods and services that are provided, and of which most of them would never get to hear at all if it were not for advertising. And advertising is extremely helpful to promote a rising standard of living.

In talking about advertising, one should not think only in terms of a commercial on television, or an advertisement in the newspapers or periodicals. In its widest sense, advertising includes a host of other activities such as packaging, shop displays and—in the sense of communication—even the spoken word of the salesman. After ail, the resources of advertising are to be found in the market place.

For many years it was considered that it was enough to produce goods and supply services. It is only more recently that it has become increasingly understood that the manufacture of goods is a waste of resources unless those goods can be sold at a fair price within a reasonable time span. In the competitive society in which we live, it is important that we go out and sell what we have, and advertising plays an important role in this aspect, whether selling at home or in export markets.

About two percent of the UK gross national product is relied on advertising. But it must not be thought that this advertising tries to sell goods to consumers who do not want them. Certainly, advertising does try to attract the interest of the potential consumer, but if the article when purchased dries not match up to the standards that the advertising suggests that it will, it is obviously exceedingly unlikely that the article will sell well.

According to the text advertising is important to ______.

A.every potential consumer in the world

B.large countries in the world

C.people with a high standard of living

D.a large number of people in the world

根据以下内容回答题:Let US take a look at the chief thing in the story—the human body itsel


Let US take a look at the chief thing in the story—the human body itself.A human body appears to be rather soft and delicate,compared with that of a wild animal,but it is actually surprisingly strong.Indeed,its very softness and looseness are an advantage;it makes man good at moving about and falling about in safety.Man is the most skillful in movement of all living things of his own size,because he can do so many different things with his limbs.Man’s games show how he can control his own body.No other land creature can swim as skillfully as man;none has such varied grace;very few live as long as he;none is so strong in its natural resistance to disease.Therefore man has a great advantage in his battle against the risks of damage and death that threaten him.It is difficult to kill him as long as he is fed and in good health.Yet every day thousands of people die needlessly,even though man is naturally strong,because of those two killers,disease and starvation,with the battle.

Old age?No one can live forever,so one might’suppose that quite a large number of oldpeople would come to the end of their days every year.There is,however,another thing to re-member.During the time it has taken you to read this page,a considerable number of babies have been born somewhere in the wodd—one is born every one and a quarter seconds!Of these babies,one group can be expected to have a good long life of about seventy years,because they were lucky enough to be born in countries where living standards are high.

The deadliest of all killers are starvation and disease.We cannot be content until we have mastered them.To do so is one of the most important tasks of our times.

The softness and looseness of man’s body are an advantage because it__________ . 查看材料

A.makes him strong

B.makes him resistant to diseases

C.helps him to avoid injury

D.keeps him in good health

No one knows how man learned to make words. Perhaps he began by making sounds like those m
ade by animals. Perhaps he grunted like a pig when he lifted something heavy. (78)Perhaps he made sounds like those he heard all round him—water splashing, bees humming, a stone falling to the ground. Somehow he learned to make words. As the centuries went by, he made more and more new words. This is what we mean by language.

People living in different countries made different kinds of words. Today there are about fifteen hundred different languages in the world. Each contains many thousands of words. A very large English dictionary, for example, contains four or five hundred thousand words. But we do not need all these. Only a few thousand words are used in everyday life.

The words you know are called your vocabulary. You should try to make your vocabulary bigger. Read as many books as you can. There are plenty of books written in easy English for you to read. You will enjoy them. When you meet a new word, find it in your dictionary. Your dictionary is your most useful book.

From this passage, we know that ______.

A.man never made sounds

B.man made animal sounds

C.man used to be like animals to make sounds

D.man learned from the animals to make sounds

As people continue to grow and age, our body systems continue to change. At a certain poin
t in your life your body systems will begin to weaken. Your joints may become stiff. It may become more difficult for you to see and hear. The slow change of aging causes our bodies to lose some of their ability to bounce back from disease and injury. In order to live longer, we have always tried to slow or stop this process that leads us toward the end of our lives. Many factors contribute to your health. A well-balanced diet plays an important role, The amount and type of exercise you get is another factor. Your living environment and the amount of stress you are under is yet another. But scientists studying senescence (衰老) want to know: Why do people grow old? They hope that by examining the aging process on a cellular level medical science may be able to extend the length of life.When people become aging, they will lose some of their ability to bounce back from disease and injury, "bounce back" here meansA.to improve in health after one's disease and injuryB.to recover from disease and injuryC.to jump after recoveringD.to run fast

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