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At what point in his or her career should a singer decide to ________ the stage and c

oncert platform?





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更多“At what point in his or her ca…”相关的问题
You have recently been appointed as an assistant management accountant in a large company,
PC Co. When you meet the production manager, you overhear him speaking to one of his staff, saying:

‘Budgeting is a waste of time. I don’t see the point of it. It tells us what we can’t afford but it doesn’t keep us from buying it. It simply makes us invent new ways of manipulating figures. If all levels of management aren’t involved in the setting of the budget, they might as well not bother preparing one.’


(a) Identify and explain SIX objectives of a budgetary control system. (9 marks)

(b) Discuss the concept of a participative style. of budgeting in terms of the six objectives identified in part (a). (11 marks)

We sometimes hear that essays are an old-fashioned form, that so-and-so is the "last essay
ist", but the facts of the marketplace argue quite otherwise. Essays of nearly any kind are so much easier than short stories for a writer to sell, so many more see print, it's strange that though two fine anthologies (collections) remain that publish the year's best stories, no comparable collection exists for essays. Such changes in the reading public's taste aren't always to the good, needless to say. The art of telling stories predated even cave painting, surely; and if we ever find ourselves living in caves again, it (with painting and drumming) will be the only art left, after movies, novels, photography, essays, biography, and all the rest have gone down the drain--the art to build from.

Essays, however, hang somewhere on a line between two sturdy poles: this is what I think, and this is what I am. Autobiographies which aren't novels are generally extended essays, indeed. A personal essay is like the human voice talking, its order being the mind's natural flow, instead of a systematized outline of ideas. Though more changeable or informal than an article or treatise, somewhere it contains a point which is its real center, even if the point couldn't be uttered in fewer words than the essayist has used. Essays don't usually boil down to a summary, as articles do, and the style. of the writer has a "nap" to it, a combination of personality and originality and energetic loose ends that stand up like the nap (绒毛) on a piece of wool and can't be brushed flat. Essays belong to the animal kingdom, with a surface that generates sparks, like a coat of fur, compared with the flat, conventional cotton of the magazine article writer, who works in the vegetable kingdom, instead. But, essays, on the other hand, may have fewer "levels" than fiction, because we are not supposed to argue much about their meaning. In the old distinction between teaching and storytelling, the essayist, however cleverly he tries to conceal his intentions, is a bit of a teacher or reformer, and an essay is intended to convey the same point to each of us.

An essayist doesn't have to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth, he can shape or shave his memories, as long as the purpose is served of explaining a truthful point. A personal essay frequently is not autobiographical at all, but what it does keep in common with autobiography is that, through its tone and tumbling progression, it conveys the quality of the author's mind. Nothing gets in the way. Because essays are directly concerned with the mind and the mind's peculiarity, the very freedom the mind possesses is conferred on this branch of literature that does honor to it, and the fascination of the mind is the fascination of the essay.

According to the passage the changes in readers' taste ______.

A.contribute to the incompatibility of essays with stories

B.often result in unfavorable effect, to say the least

C.sometimes come to something undesirable, of course

D.usually bring about beneficial outcome, so to say

His parents do not sympathize ______ him in his point of view.





His name was ______ of my tongue, but I just couldn't remember it.A.at the endB.at the edg

His name was ______ of my tongue, but I just couldn't remember it.

A.at the end

B.at the edge

C.on the tip

D.on the point

Passage Five When Frand Dale look over as publisher of Los Angeles Herrald-Examiner,the o

Passage Five

When Frand Dale look over as publisher of Los Angeles Herrald-Examiner,the organization had just ended a ten-year strike. There was much bitterness and as he told us.“Everybody that I found there had lost their curiosity,they’d lost their cutting edge,there was no interest,they just hung on ... I had a real problem.”His very first task was to introduce himself to everybody,to thank them for their loyalty to that point,and to allow them to express their concerns and frustrations. To questions like“What makes you think you can make this thing go?”he responded,“I don’t know yet,but in thirty days I’ll come back to you and let you know what I’ve found.”He recruited a task force of the best people from throughout the Hearst Corporation to do a crash study,and in thirty days he had a written report on what needed to be done,which he shared with the staff. He had taken the all-important first steps to establish mutual trust,without which leadership would not have been possible.

Trust is the emotional glue that binds followers and leaders together. The accumulation of trust is a measure of the legitimacy of leadership. It cannot be demanded or purchased;it must be earned. Trust is the basic ingredient of all organizations,the lubrication that maintains the organization and it is as mysterious and difficult a concept as leadership—and as important.

One thing we can say for sure about trust is that if trust is to be generated,there must be predictability,the capacity to predict another’s behavior. Another way of putting it is to say that organizations without trust would resemble the ambiguous nightmare of Kafka’s The Castle,where nothing can be certain and nobody can be relied on or be held responsible. The ability to predict outcomes with a high probability of success generates and maintains trust.

51. What was Frand Dale’s problem when he became the publisher of Los Angeles Herrald-Examiner?

A. He had lost interest in his publishing career.

B. He found it hard to introduce himself to everyone.

C. Los Angeles Herrald-Examiner was in extreme difficulty.

D. Los Angeles Herrald-Examiner was on a ten-year strike.

根据以下内容回答下列各题, The Mother Goose Stories, so well known to children all over the
word, are commonly said to have been written by a little old woman for her grandchildren. According to some people, she lived in Boston, and her real name was Elizabeth Vergoose. Her son-in-law, a printer named Thomas Fleet, was supposed to have published the famous stories and poems for small children in 1719. However, no copy of this book has ever been found, and most scholars doubt the truth of this story—and doubt, moreover, that Mother Goose was ever a real person. They point out that the name is a direct translation of the French “Mere I Oye.” In 1697 the Frenchman Charles Perrault published the first book in which this name was used. The collection contains eight tales, including “Sleeping Beauty,” “Cinderella,” and “Puss in Boots.” But Perrault did not originate these stories; they were already quite popular in his day, and he only collected them. What is suppssed to have happened in 1719?

A.Elizabeth Vergoose wrote the first Mother Goose Stories.

B.Thomas Fleet published the Mother Goose Stories.

C.The Mother Goose Stories were translated into French.

D.Charles Perrault published the first Mother Goose Stories.

At what point in the writing process should we brainstorm____?

A.at the beginning

B.at the end

C.in the middle


If one wants to work more efficiently at his low point in the morning, he should ______.A.

If one wants to work more efficiently at his low point in the morning, he should ______.

A.change his energy cycle

B.get up earlier than usual

C.overcome his laziness

D.go to bed earlier

完成下列各选项 A Countless times in my life I've heard
“ I have the worst memory in the world.I meet some—one and,a minute later,forget his name.’’ Well,I have news for you.That is not always so.Sometimes you do not forget the name.You do not even hear it in the first place. Try to recall(回忆)the last time You met a stranger.The introduction probably sounded something 1ike this:“Mr·Jones,say hello to Mr.Fuzafumer.”What you heard was a mumble (嗫嚅)·The thing to do at this point is to say,“I'm sorry,I didn’t catch your name.” Most people think it isn’t polite to ask to hear a name again.I don't know why.If you make the slightest fuss(大惊小怪)over it,he or she will love you. Here ale five simple rules to help you remember names: 1.Be sure to hear the name. 2·Ask how the name is spelled.This forces you to pay attention. 3·Make a remark about the name—any remark.For example,“0h,I just met a person with the same name.”0r,“What is that name a derivative(派生词)of?”Whatever. 4·Use the name where it is possible during the talk. 5·Use the name again when you say good.bye. Remember this:anything that is meaningful is already half-remembered.Names like Flag,Hunter,Rivers,Armstrong already have meaning.But how will you picture.names like Bartosevitch ? Think of“bought a savage”.If you meet someone named Bill,picture a dollar bill.For Richard,picture someone being rich. The writer thinks that people________ .

A.don’t always forget other's names

B.don’t hear others’names

C.never forget others’names

D.have the worst memory

Which of the following is TRUE of teacher’s correction of his student’s writing errors? (

Which of the following is TRUE of teacher’s correction of his student’s writing errors? ()

A.It is good to correct all the errors

B.A teacher should write something on the papers to encourage his students

C.A teacher’s handwriting must be tidy and clear

D.A teacher had better point out the way for each student to improve his writing

Text 3I am not one who golfs. The only time I tried it I was confident that a dozen balls
would be an adequate supply. This is the sport of retired people: how hard could it be? The confidence was misplaced, also, one by one, the balls, and I had to quit somewhere around the seventh hole. On the sixth, actually, I hit a car—there was absolutely no reason for a highway to be that close to a golf course—but that’s another story. The point is that the game did not yield up its mystery to me; I remain, in the golfing universe, a child of darkness. I do find that I am able to watch golf on television, however, where it is possible to experience a calmness that the game itself sadly lacks. Spread out on a couch and indifferent to the outcome (very important), you watch tiny white balls sail improbable distances over the biggest lawns in the world, interrupted occasionally by advertisements for expensive cars. One of the players is named Tiger. Another is named Love. If you have access to a bottle of Martinis (optional), the joy potential can be quite huge.

There is usually a price for pleasure so mindless. In the case of TV golf, it is listening to the commentators analyze the players’ swings. What looks to you like a single, continuous, and not difficult act is revealed, via slow motion and a sort of virtual-chalkboard graphics, to be a sequence of intricately measured adjustments of shoulder to hip, head to arm, elbow to wrist, and so on. Where you see fluidity, the experts see geometry; what to you is nature is machinery to them—parallel lines, extended planes, points of impact. They murder to examine. Yet, apparently, these minutes and individualized measurements make all the difference between being able reliably to land a golf ball in an area, three hundred yards away, the size of a bathmat and, say, randomly hitting a car, which, let’s face it, only a fool would drive right next to a golf course. There is a major disproportion, in other words, between the straightforwardness of the game and the fantastic precision required to play it, a disproportion mastered by a difficult but, to the ordinary observer, almost invisible technique.

Short stories are the same. A short story is not as restrictive as a sonnet, but, of all the literary forms, it is possibly the most single-minded. Its aim, as it was identified by the modern genre’s first theorist, Edgar Allan Poe, is to create “an effect”—by which Poe meant something almost physical, like a sensation or an extreme excitement.

第31题:The author quotes his own experience with golf to show that _____.

[A] things are often not so simple and easy as they seem

[B] his experience with golf has been a frustrating failure

[C] that experience of his offered much for his later life

[D] apparent truths are more often than not unreliable

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